The Tartaro-Thibetian element is manifestly predominant amongst them; and it displays itself with especial emphasis in the character, manners, and language of the country people.
In the middle ages, the spirit of pilgrimage held predominant sway in Europe, and the Christians of that epoch were full of fervour for this species of devotion.
In more recent times the Protestants have been admitted to all the rights of the Catholics; although the Roman Catholic is still the predominant religion of the kingdom of Poland.
With all his amusing absurdities, and amongst them not the least, a predominant desire to be thought well of by the fair sex, he has an abundant share of good-nature, and is a man of honor.
The cavalry was throughout the predominant arm; alongside of which among the Belgae, and still more in the British islands, the old national war-chariots appear in remarkable perfection.
As indeed occasionally men of predominant sagacity betake themselves to a pure game of hazard, so there was in Caesar's rationalism a point at which it came in some measure into contact with mysticism.
He who would know himself, therefore, cannot do better than to examine what are his habits, and which is the predominant one among them.
When opposite intentions are simultaneous, if one of them is predominant in the minister's will and not insociable with the Sacrament, that one prevails and the Sacrament is valid; otherwise the Sacrament is null.
His versification is of an early type; the principle of tripartition, which became predominant in troubadour poetry at a later date, is hardly perceptible in his poems.
It was the Limousin dialect which became, so to speak, the backbone of this literary language, now generally known as Provençal, just as the Tuscan became predominant for literary purposes among the Italian dialects.
It merely means a polity, in which the predominant idea is the "public things," or common weal, instead of the hereditary and inalienable rights of one.
Confucianism overflowed from China into Korea, where to this day it is predominant even over Buddhism.
Down to about 1890 the influence of France had been even more predominantin America than in England.
Heine is still a child of the eighteenth century, by whose most predominant thoughts his work too is influenced, and with whose European coryphaeus, Voltaire, he has an undeniable relationship.
In other quarters thepredominant tendencies were towards unbelief, skepticism, or indifference.
At that instant the past seemed predominant over the present--and the grief more his own than another's.
In consequence, we see that the study of languages, and a freer communication between nations, tends to bring about and render predominant a stronger feeling against this species of spoliation.
We consider it a further corroboration if this is substantiated by a striking stunting in the sexual life of mature years, as if a part of the sexual activity had now been replaced by the activity of the predominant impulse.
Enterprise and benevolence were predominant traits in her character.
Destitute of the high power of which we are speaking--if no predominant passion has yet gained the ascendancy--you will yield to the pressure of the multitude, and be fashioned by your companions.
In reality, were the typical feature most insisted on as universal as it was assumed to be, it would furnish the strongest argument for classifying the predominant Asiatic and American types as one.
But the Micmacs of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick reveal the same evidence of inevitable amalgamation with the predominant race as elsewhere.
The predominant impression suggested by the great military earthworks of the Mound-Builders is that of a people co-operating under the guidance of approved leaders, with a view to the defence of large communities.
Has the mixed breed proved infertile, and so disappeared; has it perpetuated a new and permanent type of intermediate characteristics; or has it been absorbed into the predominant European race without leaving traces of this foreign element?
If any portion of the aboriginal owners of the soil linger in the neighbourhood, they are no less affected by the predominant intruding race.
These factions were now become finally predominantat Westminster.
Ambition was less predominant in his mind than pride, and impatience of opposition.
No candid reader, I think, can doubt that a serious sense of obligation waspredominant in Charles's persevering fidelity to the English church.
Besides their extreme bigotry, which was the predominant motive, they had a better apology for interfering with church-government in England, with which the archbishop had furnished them: it was the only sure means of preserving their own.
Such a wide application of the term is not approved by current usage, according to which the presence of the twisted threads is the predominant fact.
The diseases which are called specific fevers, because of its being a predominant factor in them, are discussed separately under their ordinary names.
Daub he was led to an interest in the then predominant philosophy of Hegel and, in spite of his father's opposition, went to Berlin to study under the master himself.
Besides accusations of actual misdeeds, charges of opposing a predominant or favouring a fallen faction could be used for purposes of extortion.
For one thing, they restore to London for a brief period the predominant feature of mediaeval life--colour.
In celebrating this fĂȘte, all can join in pride in the element predominantamongst us to-day, as it is to your race we owe the liberties of Runnymede and the practices that mark the free discussions of our Parliament.
It echoes the loyal sentiments which remain predominant among those, who, wherever their business may cause them to reside, remember that they have been born under our British freedom.
The predominant element in the Church of Antioch was now Gentile, but still the ancient customs prevailed.
Ephesus was a town where the spiritual and moral atmosphere simply reeked with the fumes, ideas, and practices of Oriental paganism, of which magical incantations formed the predominant feature.
Even where the names are less definitely Slavonic, the compound sibilant tsh, so predominant in Slavonic, so exceptional in German, is of frequent occurrence.
It had grown out of a degeneracy of Imagination; it will soon be sobered into Sense; Sense the predominant characteristic of the writers under Queen Anne.
The doctrine is as follows--that in Lancashire particularly, and in England in general, the predominant language for the first five centuries of our era was not Latin but British.
The predominant cause of the Glacial period was probably a late Tertiary or post-Tertiary elevation of the northern part of the continents, accompanied with a subsidence in the central portion.
The predominant material in them is of local origin.
The qualities which are beautiful whenpredominant in one are not beautiful when predominant in the other.
To turn to another branch of our subject, it appears to me possible that sexual love may cease to be the predominant theme in the lyrical poetry of the future.