Pont de l'Arche is the birthplace of Hyacinthe Langlois, architect and antiquary.
Co-operation between the architect selected for the municipal building and the United States Supervising Architect should be urged, so that this building and the Post Office will be harmonious in architectural character.
On the opposite side of the Medina a broad carriageway leads to East Cowes Castle, a handsome edifice built by John Nash, the favourite architect of George IV.
The cemetery, laid out by Sir Joseph Paxton, the architect and landscape gardener, and enlarged in 1887, is particularly beautiful.
He showed especial aptitude as a naval architect and designer, and after becoming his father's partner in 1849 it was to that branch of the work that he devoted himself.
Illustration 1] Because the Greek architect was at liberty to improve upon the work of his predecessors if he could, no temple was just like any other, and they form an ascending scale of excellence, culminating in the Acropolis group.
The study of proportion is to the architect what the study of harmony is to a musician--it helps his genius adequately to express itself.
The architect should occupy himself with identities, not differences.
That very day Zobeide sent for the architect of the palace, and, according to orders, the mausoleum was finished in a short time.
Parker's reasonable, perhaps fanciful, suggestion that "the architect desired to emphasise by this variation of style the religious and secular uses of the several structures.
I wonder more women don't do the same thing," the architect continued in a vein of philosophical speculation; "get married to other women.
In 1520 the work of another architectwas noticeable--that of Guglielmo Bergamasco.
This is a Byzantine architect who was sent to Pietro Orseolo from Constantinople, as the cleverest Eastern builder of his time, to construct St. Mark's Church.
One day the Doge overheard the architect say that he could not execute the work in the way he had intended.
Bonnat at his house, which had been built by Bernier, the architect of the Opera Comique.
He went frequently with Winfield and his architect in his auto to see how Blue Sea was getting on and to visit monied men, who might be interested.
You're drawing this figure as a bricklayer who isn't an architect might start to build a house.
One sees that the architect has done the utmost he could with the means at his disposal, and that just at the point of reaching what was right, he has been stopped for want of funds.
There is, I repeat, no chance of serious failure in this external decoration, because your architect has at his command the aid of men, such as worked with the architects of past times.
Meduna was the architect who carried out the “restoration” of the South façade of the Cathedral.
How long will they allow the search for strata of stone and fragments of fossil and decaying skeletons that are strewn around the house to absorb their thoughts to the exclusion of the architect who planned it all?
If we see houses of different size, from one room to one hundred, we do not say that the large houses grew out of small ones, but that the architect that could plan one could plan all.
Solomon De Caus was engineer and architect to Louis XIII.
Spiritual quality in the architect himself finds clear expression in his work.
This church was raised in the last years of the fifteenth century by Gian Battista Battagli, an architect of Lodi, who followed the pure rules of taste, bequeathed to North Italian builders by Bramante.
But the geometrical proportions which the architect observes, contain the element of beauty and powerfully influence the soul.
Not so, I was sure, could the young architectand landscape-gardener here creating.
I knew now that he was not merely the architect and builder of the cottage, but also, by courtesy of imagination, its tenant; but I was tactful enough not to let him see that I had guessed this deep and delicate secret.
He finds that some architect has built the thing like a Greek temple.
Whenever we citizens engage a new architect to put up a building, let it be stipulated in the contract that the Board of Aldermen shall break his legs first.
Everywhere there are thousands of men and women who must work for a living where some nonchalant architect has needlessly made their work harder.
There's one possible remedy: No architect who had trouble with his own legs would be so inconsiderate.
The architect was Mr. Leonard Terry, of Melbourne, and the builder was Mr. R.
Herepath was the architectand Mr. John Taylor the contractor.
Griffiths, who were respectively architect and engineer to the exhibition.
Colonel Mould, of the Royal Engineers, was the architect of this church, which was a pleasing structure, both externally and internally, but the commercial expansion of the city spelt its doom.
The architectand contractor were respectively Mr. Edward Bartley and Mr. J.
The architect was Mr. Leonard Terry, and the contractor Mr. Charles Brown, both of Melbourne.
Clad in black, on her white palfrey, Her old architect beside-- There they found her in the mountains, Morn and noon and eventide.
The princess chose for her architect Loys van Boghen, a Flamand of great ability, under whose direction the whole fabric of the church was constructed.
Whatever architect and sculptor may have lacked, one thing they did not lack--patience.
The architect was Mansard, for whom the Mansard roof, known in America, is named.
The architect of that church, Richardson, our greatest American architect, was a great lover of Arles.
We gaze into the Middle Ages and hear of Stephen the Great, as well as the Legend of Manole, the architect of the Cathedral of Curtea de Arges, which is told with such marvellous simplicity, and others.
They have knelt in prayer round the altar's shade, And implored what man never asks in vain, That creation's Grand Architect will aid, The builders to build till calm rest they gain.
His forehead, like Menzel's, is rather that of an architect than of a poet; and his pictures correspond to his outward appearance.