Bedstemor strode masterfully into the room, and sat down near the little pocket edition of herself.
She insisted that she was perfectly comfortable, but masterfully declaring that she needed better protection for her shoulders than a silken blouse and a light jacket he got up.
Most illustrious of all were the Sinclairs, that held the now dwindled Earldom of Caithness, one of those Norman families settling themselves so masterfully all over Scotland.
He approached the house of Maam by a rough sheep-path along the side of the burn, leaped from boulder to boulder to keep the lights of the house in view, brushed eagerly through the bracken, ran masterfully in the flats.
His glance swept masterfully across the chapel and round the gallery.
What imagination does, and what the personal vision of the individual artist does, is to deal successfully and masterfully with this "given," this basic element.
There is always present in his work a certain free sweep of imagination which deals masterfully and suggestively with all manner of sordid material.
So masterfully ranged he through the ranks of warriors.
So masterfullyranged he the host; and they hasted back to the assembly from ships and huts, with noise as when a wave of loud-sounding sea roareth on the long beach and the main resoundeth.
Slowly I thought over many things, till the resolve to bring the matter to a head camemasterfully upon me.
I tried to withdraw my hand from hers, but being weak she masterfully kept it, so that the tears sprang to my eyes for very helplessness and anger.
He has treated masterfully the Talmudical legend, has composed in the style of the Romancero, and has carried allegory to the highest degree of perfection.
In maturer years Ecclesiastes (casually opened during a week of solitude in the Fens) masterfully affected a temperament in key with its basic melancholy.
Well, here there are such deflections--that is all which can be said; and we feel them in exact proportion to our love of the Henley who took us masterfully by the throat of old.
Peter, on the contrary, sat in the great white light of a front seat on the stage, where he had masterfully intruded himself in the galaxy of "other prominent citizens.
He tucked the old man's hand masterfullyunder his arm, and drew him to the door.
Lift then your hands to Jove and send an arrow at this fellow who is going so masterfully about, and has done such deadly work among the Trojans.
Thus masterfully did he go about among the host, and the people hurried back to the council from their tents and ships with a sound as the thunder of surf when it comes crashing down upon the shore, and all the sea is in an uproar.
Don't dare to budge, any one of you," he breathed masterfully to his cowed regiment.
Ben Sansome, remarkable among them for his social ease and the unobtrusive correctness of his appointments, responsible head of the reception committee, masterfully seized a blushing, protesting damsel and whirled her away.
Sansome masterfully worked her out through the press.