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Example sentences for "learn"

Lexicographically close words:
leapes; leapeth; leaping; leaps; leapt; learnd; learne; learned; learnedest; learnedly
  1. Already she has taught me more than I could ever learn in any other way about the French people, their gentleness, their infinite industry and patience and above all their beautiful manners.

  2. The women of the future must also acquire something of the new international spirit, must also learn to work and play together.

  3. At this moment Miss Patricia was intending to pay a call to offer her congratulations to Elise and her grandmother and also to learn if Elise had seen Mrs. Burton or heard any definite information concerning her.

  4. I was so dazed and miserable he believed I would be happier there and would sooner learn to forget.

  5. As she wound the bandage, wishing she had taken the trouble to learn the art more skilfully, Sally announced: "You must see a physician about your arm as soon as possible.

  6. For learn there is no steadfastness of purpose upon the roads, but only under roofs and between four walls.

  7. I try causes enough myself; his philosophical works seem to me better, but when I found that he doubted of everything, I concluded that I knew as much as he, and that I had no need of a guide to learn ignorance.

  8. It was necessary for me to have been banished from the presence of Miss Cunegonde, to have afterwards run the gauntlet, and now it is necessary I should beg my bread until I learn to earn it; all this cannot be otherwise.

  9. If a thing did not come to her instinctively, she could not learn it.

  10. How should they learn the entry into the finer, more vivid circle of life?

  11. Her task was now to learn the week-day life.

  12. Only he had to learn to avoid his parishioners.

  13. If he had to write a formal composition on the Army, he did at last learn to repeat the few facts he knew: "You can join the army at eighteen.

  14. You will learn that mankind is a great body of which you are one useful member, you will take your own place at the great task which humanity is trying to fulfil.

  15. He had to learn to contain himself again, and he hated it.

  16. She too must learn to subdue them to her will: she must.

  17. Ursula made beautiful and wonderful drawings of the sections under the microscope, and Dorothy always came to learn the manner of the drawing.

  18. If only you could learn patience and self-discipline, I do not see why you should not make a good teacher.

  19. She wanted to learn Latin and Greek and French and mathematics.

  20. There they grow up, and acquire the passions, and learn the vices of men, while they have the intellect only of boys.

  21. Thus they learn to make speeches, which, like inflated bladders, are of a considerable size, and smooth withal on the surface, but have neither solidity nor weight.

  22. To pay due honour to the decorum, the sagacity, and the harmony of such a city, it is worth while to pause and learn a little, before speaking of the equipage.

  23. Remember, we have your Indian guide in our hands, and if you do not speak the truth, we shall be able to learn what we want from him.

  24. The sun at length rose, when Mr Tidey insisted on going out to learn whether they had actually taken their departure.

  25. Before we set you free, we intend to learn whether your story is true; so submit quietly, or we shall be obliged to resort to more violence than we wish.

  26. We now thought that we could with prudence take the gag out of his mouth, to try and learn from him what object he and his companion had in view, though we had little doubt about the matter.

  27. Dis poor niggar break him heart leave Missy Kathleen, him no more learn read!

  28. When Dio heard that the Bible contained God's loving message to man, he became doubly anxious to learn to read it.

  29. If not with us, then with some other School, for with them you can learn something about this mammoth rapid-growing, health-giving business.

  30. Since you have decided to take up the automobile business, the question naturally arises, "Where can I learn it the best?

  31. Mr. Coey's system is different from the rest, as he believes that a student can learn the foundation principles in the quiet of his home, and then after he has mastered the principles he is given a practical road course.

  32. It is one thing to learn the automobile business, but quite another to get profitable employment.

  33. But his thirst for knowledge knew no bounds, and he continued his researches till he found he'd reached absolute nullity; and in despair that he couldn't learn the final secret he took his own life with a pistol shot.

  34. So you wanted to learn what no man's permitted to know.

  35. You learn nothing from the chastisement of Providence.

  36. I had come back to learn more of the mountains and their ways, if only the weather would allow me to climb.

  37. You learn to walk cautiously on such rocks, as their sharp edges hurt even through strong boots, and not infrequently one treads on a loose stone, and gets an unexpected tumble and a few bruises.

  38. If he is to gratify his communicative instinct, he must learn to read and write.

  39. The letter of the Law is divine; and obedience to it is within the power of every man who will take the trouble to learn its commandments.

  40. If he is to gratify his inquisitive and constructive instincts, he must learn to count, measure, and calculate.

  41. It is not because the Gospel stories are full of beauty and spiritual meaning that the child has to learn them, but because he will be questioned on them by the Diocesan Inspector.

  42. The truth of things has therefore been formulated for him, and he has been required to learn it by rote and profess his belief in it, clause by clause.

  43. And the better we serve God, the more truly and fully do we learn to know him.

  44. So would the teacher who should try to train the scientific sense of his pupils by no other method than that of making them learn scientific formulæ by heart.

  45. He would learn for the first time that, far from being innately stupid, the average English child has it in him to reach a very high level of keenness, acuteness, and intellectual activity.

  46. And the outcome of all this elaborate training would be that the child would never learn to talk his mother tongue.

  47. Jane was not surprised, therefore, remembering the doctor's almost prophetic words, to learn of the arrival of a letter from Lucy begging Martha to come to her at once for a day or two.

  48. But don't you think, Walt, you might learn what you want to know without any interpreter?

  49. Ignorant of the cause, Hamersley is all the more eager to learn it.

  50. I know you will be impatient to learn how," resumes the refugee, after rolling and igniting a fresh cigarrito.

  51. But the young Kentuckian is curious to learn the details, about which, for some reason, the Mexican has hitherto preserved silence.

  52. I am not, however, to learn much of the piano; Mrs. A.

  53. Mention the name of an absent lady, and it is ten to one but you learn something of her gown and petticoat.

  54. England may learn why," was the answer of the alarmed councillors, and after them of the disturbed country.

  55. To the countrymen, who had but begun to learn the trade of soldiers, the certainty of a dry skin was better than the forlorn chance of a flying prince.

  56. Ayr, and sent out spies to learn the state of affairs.

  57. He shall learn yet that Alfred is his match.

  58. The boy was quick to learn his lesson, the hope of becoming king of England inciting his naturally keen wit.

  59. SIR: While the Mississippi River continues to be blockaded at Vicksburg, and until you learn from Commander D.

  60. Hold out the hand of fellowship to the liberated masses and learn from them the true purpose of life.

  61. I was surprised to learn that crime of any kind was very unfrequent, and that no thefts or robberies had been committed in the gold district.

  62. Early in the morning we left it, having first written a brief account of what had happened, and put it in the cleft of a pole planted at the spring, that the approaching caravan might learn the fate of their friends.

  63. And there Eochaid came to learn of his brother's state, and he came near to his brother, and laid his hand upon his chest; and Ailill heaved a sigh.

  64. Let Laeg go with thee," said Cuchulain, "that he may learn of the land from which thou hast come.

  65. They brought the heralds before Mac Datho as he sat upon his throne, that he might learn of their requests before they made their meal, and in this manner they made known their message.

  66. Once for all shall he learn that, although his accursed family has beaten ours in war and politics, he can never hope to rival our pomp and state.

  67. I always felt, when with Diego Estenega, that I was in the presence of a man who had little left to learn of life's phases and sensations.

  68. But they shall learn of my power in the South.

  69. What these dues and taxes were we may learn from the Great Survey called Domesday Book, which was made by King William's orders, and completed about the year 1087.

  70. You may learn even to distinguish different varieties of these forest trees, just as you are able to distinguish the oak and the beech and the elm of to-day.

  71. The municipalities have built their own municipal schools in the chief towns of Cheshire, and technical schools where you may learn a trade.

  72. From an examination of these Fitton monuments you can learn what the costume at the end of the sixteenth century was like.

  73. From his writings we learn that Agricola first turned his attention to the fierce tribe of the Brigantes who inhabited the hilly districts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, and North-East Cheshire.

  74. From Domesday we can learn the names of the Saxon freemen who were allowed to keep their lands.

  75. Some Saxon villages had little left to record after the Conqueror's visit, so that you may learn from Domesday something of the severity with which William's conquest had been accomplished.

  76. Lord de Tabley's example is one which all Cheshire boys and girls should learn to copy.

  77. Illustration: Sedilia at Mobberley] All Cheshire boys and girls should learn to read and understand the stories of the Cheshire churches, for in them is bound up the story of Cheshire men and women of many ages.

  78. I must learn it now the feuilleton is finishing.

  79. Well, let each babble in his turn About that spouse of his; Not knowing you, how could they learn What true perfection is?

  80. How should a bird with so little mother-love ever learn to build a firm-walled, safe, and love-lined nest?

  81. Why, just this: that you ought to learn how to taste the woods as well as to see them.

  82. Nor did my young bees learn from us their game of "prisoners' base" which they play almost every summer noontime in front of the hives.

  83. The object is to learn how to follow up your study, how to watch one life long enough, and under circumstances different enough, to discover its many-sidedness, its fascination and romance.

  84. Yes, you must look out for that, and you must take the pains this summer to learn the poisonous things of our woods and fields.

  85. VIII You ought to learn how to browse and nibble in the woods.

  86. To learn to obey and reason and feel--these are the triple ends of education, and the greatest of these is to learn to feel.

  87. FOR THE PUPIL PAGE 1 Learn first of all the joy of walking.

  88. But as we ought to presume nothing of ourselves, so we should presume every thing of God; nor are we divested of vain glory for any other reason than that we may learn to glory in the Lord.

  89. I'd like to know," said McMurdo, "how you ever came to learn that I had spoken with Morris at all?

  90. Within an hour I learn that this danger has actually materialized and that the person is dead.

  91. Wait, young man, and you will learn for yourself.

  92. I reckon the lodge will learn to be proud of you.

  93. You are developing a certain unexpected vein of pawky humour, Watson, against which I must learn to guard myself.

  94. However, all this they would learn from his own lips.

  95. And we'll learn from Birdy Edwards himself where he got his news if we have to cut his heart out first.

  96. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "learn" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    absorb; appreciate; apprehend; ascertain; assimilate; awaken; catch; comprehend; conceive; determine; dig; digest; discover; fathom; find; follow; gather; get; glean; grasp; have; hear; ken; know; learn; master; memorize; pick; read; realize; receive; savvy; seize; sense; soak; take; understand; unearth

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    learn anything; learn from; learn something; learn that; learn the; learn what; learn whether; learned afterwards; learned brother; learned friend; learned from; learned later; learned societies; learned that; learning and; learnt from