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Example sentences for "raiser"

Lexicographically close words:
rair; raire; raisd; raise; raised; raisers; raises; raiseth; raisin; raising
  1. I also know that hens fed through the winter on corn alone will not lay enough to pay for the corn, but in our climate the poultry-raiser may feed corn profitably fully one-half the time.

  2. Hens need something besides egg material; they must have food to keep up the body heat, and the poultry-raiser who feeds no corn in winter blunders just as badly as the one who feeds all corn.

  3. A lugubrious bell sounded, and the mournful voice of the call-boy was heard in the corridors: "The curtain-raiser is over!

  4. The actors in the curtain-raiser were returning to their dressing-rooms.

  5. If the bobbin is well taken up each sing lasts for about five minutes, and the raiser of the tune prides himself on the number of "turnings" or slight variations he can give it.

  6. Plant coco" is the bobbin, but a gang who were inspired not to leave too much to the raiser of the tune, would take upon themselves to add "Fuppence a quart fe flour.

  7. If you are a hen raiser put Mico-Spar Cubical Grit on the hen yard menu and you will prove that Mico Spar Cubical Grit is worth crowing over.

  8. Mico-Spar Cubical Grit is a hard mineral product containing sodium, aluminum, magnesium, lime and iron, natural chemical properties which every poultry raiser knows are necessary to produce paying hens.

  9. A man that is no tattler, nor raiser of false reports, and that talks nothing of news, but by very solid arguments.

  10. The best the raiser can hope for is to escape before the crime is discovered.

  11. The check-raiser simply knows how well certain characters lend themselves to changes that cannot be detected.

  12. There are greater possibilities in the busy world that lies before you now, but presently habit and the force of associations will bind you to the soil, and you must remain a raiser of cattle and sower of grain.

  13. The sheep raiser told them that all the members of the exploring party were in excellent health.

  14. When Granbury Lapham added that the two had not met since Dave was a little fellow, the sheep raiser opened his eyes wide in astonishment.

  15. In answer would say, I am the original cauliflower raiser in the Puget Sound country.

  16. The debt-raiser seems to me about the lowest-down thing we produce.

  17. A debt-raiser in the town was bad enough!

  18. The debt-raiser shook her head--again the prompt, decisive movement, so like a busy man of affairs.

  19. A debt-raiser quartered in the very parsonage!

  20. But the raiser of pines, who has only given a pleasant taste in the mouth to some one, may see with tolerable clearness to the end of the taste in the mouth, and of all conceivable results therefrom.

  21. When the raiser learns this and furnishes an enclosure with dens and food similar to that which they get when in their wild state, they will be on the road to success.

  22. The raiser starting on a small scale and increasing as their knowledge increases.

  23. Looks like a great future for the raiser of these animals.

  24. That Ethel Barrymore took "The Twelve Pound Look" into vaudeville does not prove, however, that the curtain-raiser and the vaudeville playlet are like forms.

  25. As in the past, the curtain-raiser of today usually is more kin to the long play than to the playlet.

  26. Historically, however, the curtain-raiser stands in much the same position in the genealogy of the playlet that the forms discussed in the preceding section occupy.

  27. The sheep raiser and his father-in-law had both been reported to be wallowing in money.

  28. The sheep raiser married an Australian girl and gave her the pearls.

  29. The pearls went to his younger brother Roderick a sheep raiser in Australia who had amassed a fortune and discarded the title.

  30. If I were a stock-raiser I shouldn't feel very hospitably inclined toward a class of men who are always on the watch for a chance to jump down on me and steal my cattle.

  31. Where there was one farmer or stock-raiser who would give a squad like Bob's any information that could be relied on, there were a dozen who would conceal the deserter in their houses and send his pursuers off on the wrong trail.

  32. The folly of this enterprise was apparent to every fowl-raiser in New England, from the outset.

  33. Everybody had now got fairly under weigh in the hen-trade; and in every town, at every corner, the pedestrian tumbled over either a fowl-raiser or some huge specimen of unnameable monster in chicken shape.

  34. The club-raiser may elect one of the following fine Plants or Bulbs for =every subscriber= sent us, and same will be mailed free.

  35. As usual, we offer a good premium, (one that is well worth working for,) to the club raiser for every subscriber he or she sends us.

  36. We give the club-raiser a fine premium for every subscriber sent in.

  37. If a tariff on wool calls into profitable use a large amount of farm capital in sheep raising, every wheat raiser is at the same time benefited by reduction of competition in the wheat market.

  38. Both the raiser of wheat and the user will consider the lowest use as the probable basis for sale.

  39. A famous sheep raiser in New York, when asked to give a maxim for success in the business, answered, "Buy when your neighbors sell, and sell when your neighbors buy.

  40. If any brings more than cost, the difference goes either to the energetic raiser using improved methods, or to the fortunate receiver of timely showers, or to the possessor of the fruitful field.

  41. In the Province of Camaguey, a well-known stock raiser from Texas secured seed from his native state that had been inoculated, and planted it in drills three feet apart.

  42. Raiser pressed ahead, to meditate by himself, as was his wont.

  43. He saw Raiser on the benches, and marked him to speak for him.

  44. Serum treatment is very expensive and, as it requires a strictly septic operation of injecting the serum, the average hog raiser or grower is not qualified to administer the treatment properly.

  45. The term panel raiser means that the edges of the work may be dressed down so as to leave a raised panel.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "raiser" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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