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Example sentences for "proprietor"

Lexicographically close words:
proprietate; proprietatibus; propriete; proprietes; proprieties; proprietorial; proprietors; proprietorship; proprietory; proprietress
  1. Proprietor of hotel in Keokuk, answering call from room: "Hello!

  2. Proprietor sends bellboy to Room 30 to escort newly-wedded couple to terra firma.

  3. The Museum gladly gave me the sum which its former proprietor had justly deemed it worth without finding anybody to agree with him.

  4. Coins are speculative goods; and if a lot or so misses certain expected channels, it is sometimes a lodger with the proprietor long enough to make him tired of looking at it.

  5. At a corner shop in Bournemouth, the Hebrew proprietor was from home; but his consort waited on me.

  6. Stokes; I looked at it; and I saw that the name was Stopes, and I concluded that the old proprietor was the same Leonard Stopes who printed an Ave Maria to the Queen in or about 1555.

  7. The proprietor or his family once belonged to Chelsea, and had taken these pieces with them as part of their trade fittings or decorations; and he willingly exchanged them for others on payment of a reasonable difference.

  8. The late proprietor coveted more than one volume which he saw in my possession; but I always gave Mr Huth the preference, and as a rule that gentleman never let a good thing go begging.

  9. There was a pair of modern French decorative vases at this establishment, said by the proprietor to have been obtained by him at the sale of the effects of a great lady in Hyde Park, a chere amie of His Majesty Napoleon III.

  10. He occupies a parallel position to the master of a grand library, and is a curator with the power of sale rather than a proprietor and an intimate.

  11. Commonplace Book, 1647, in which the original proprietor had written a list of his old plays bound up together in six volumes.

  12. At other times the proprietor sends statements to his customers, with a request for payment.

  13. Name one good reason why withdrawals of the proprietor should be charged to a personal account.

  14. The business is owned by a single proprietor who opens a retail grocery store.

  15. When the proprietor withdraws money or goods from the business for his personal use, the amount may be charged to his investment or proprietorship account, or to a personal account (Wm.

  16. When the business is started, this account is opened in the name of the proprietor (Wm.

  17. More space is required for an account, but the saving in time in making statements is a distinct advantage, especially when the proprietor is his own bookkeeper.

  18. The proprietor wishes to know whether the business has made or lost money, and what the gross and net profits (or the losses) have been.

  19. No bookkeeper being employed, it would be inconvenient for the proprietor or his clerk to go to the desk and make a detailed entry every time a sale is made, and so the transaction is entered in pencil in the blotter.

  20. This being granted, Mr. Wigley, the Proprietor of the Rooms, presented him with an elegant locket to enclose the same.

  21. He styled himself the inspector of the waters, and the pulpero* (* Proprietor of a pulperia, or little shop where refreshments are sold.

  22. We passed the night as usual, in the open air, though in a plantation, the proprietor of which employed himself in hunting tigers.

  23. The proprietor of a plantation of fifty thousand trees often loses the value of more than four or five thousand piastres in cacao in one hour.

  24. At the end of the seventeenth century, the proprietor of a neighbouring plantation dug at the back of the hill a new bed for the Rio Pao.

  25. The proprietor of the estate had chosen the site and designed the plan of this his residence with the double purpose of indulging a fancy for architectural novelty and of providing against disaster by lightning and earthquake.

  26. The proprietor had found difficulty in providing refreshment for the swarm of hungry mechanics, farmers and boatmen who elbowed their way to a seat at his famed dining-table.

  27. The only information drawn from the slave was that the proprietor of the island had bought him in Virginia.

  28. Before this degrading transmutation was begun, the original proprietor of the now abandoned craft removed to the commodious cabin of an elegant barge, provided by the courtesy of Wilkinson.

  29. It was no other than Shultberger, the proprietor of the café and its cabaret annex.

  30. Mount Pleasant is in America, and produces the sassafras, from which the proprietor of the above coffee-house made the saloop.

  31. Lockyer was the name of the first proprietor of the house.

  32. But Monsieur Gilibert, the proprietor of this inn, on the whole, maintains good order among his customers.

  33. The identity of the body as that of Jacques Colis, a small but substantial proprietor of the country of Vaud, was quickly established.

  34. He, poor man, was grievously perplexed between his fear of the Consul on the one hand, and his fear of his proprietor on the other.

  35. If this method of barter was not relished, he would hit the proprietor of the toffee and confiscate the goods to his own use.

  36. Doubtless by this time Bull is a prosperous and wealthy citizen somewhere, the proprietor of a curved waistcoat and a gold watch.

  37. The poisoner was sold in the market, as the proprietor could not afford to lose his human property by the law taking its course.

  38. Not many days after an express arrived to inform the proprietor that there was an insurrection on his estate.

  39. The proprietor of the carriage and master of the driver had by some means heard who it was that had been his customer.

  40. I was shown a house on a plantation where, twelve days before the battle, the son of the proprietor was quietly dining at one o'clock, when a slave ran in and told him that some men in red coats were in the yard.

  41. This paper was originally entitled “The Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences, and Pennsylvania Gazette,” and had reached its thirty-ninth number when its proprietor sold out to Franklin and Meredith.

  42. He was succeeded in his office by Colonel Maberly, the son of a gentleman who, having amassed a considerable fortune by trade, entered Parliament, and ultimately succeeded Perry as the proprietor of the “Morning Chronicle.

  43. On opening the door, which was situated within a sort of blind alley on one side, the proprietor of the domicile signed to his guest to follow, and entered the one apartment, which indeed constituted the entire dwelling.

  44. And hast thou," continued the earl after a pause, "still the name purpose of becoming a part proprietor in the theatre here?

  45. The hotel in which I lodged at St. Paul was a very favourable specimen of the American hostelry; its proprietor was, of course, a colonel, so it may be presumed that he kept his company in excellent order.

  46. The proprietor of the tofuya had a different experience.

  47. The aged proprietor of the cottage protests in vain, says harsh things; the crowd only thickens.

  48. They match the new cottages for which the proprietor took a prize.

  49. The lady proprietor of the Imperial Hotel has been across the Atlantic and has a warm feeling toward the inhabitants of the great republic; she shares the benefit of this feeling with the wandering Canadian and takes us out to see Sligo.

  50. If he were only in as good condition as the beautiful dogs of superior breed which we saw in the castle yard; but the dogs are fed at the expense of the proprietor of this fair domain, the thin laborer at his own.

  51. This was before the railway from Oruro was built, and he was proprietor of the coaches that ran, once a week, from La Paz to the south; and I understood had quite a remunerative business.

  52. I went to a first-class hotel, whose proprietor I had met in England.

  53. If you kicked, the proprietor would tell you a long tale about what he had to pay for rent and labour and supplies; and you could not deny that he was probably right.

  54. They got up, and paid each their ten cents to the proprietor of the "Buffeteria.

  55. This would seem to imply a previous connection of this parish with that monastery, to attract the Thimbleby proprietor to it.

  56. In such brandy," the proprietor declared hoarsely, "I would drink to the devil himself!

  57. I make my suit to the daughter of the proprietor in order to have a safe rendezvous when necessary.

  58. The proprietor himself thrust in his head, bullet-shaped, with black moustache and unshaven chin.

  59. No proprietor likes to sell to another proprietor, in the same shire, as largely acred as hinmself: it spoils the balance of power.

  60. No one great proprietor was a candidate for the unpromising investment; it was sold in lots among small freeholders and retired traders.

  61. The proprietor had years ago lived in California; and of this he seemed unreasonably proud, as something that everybody could not accomplish.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proprietor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    beneficiary; boss; employer; hold; host; householder; laird; landlady; landlord; manager; master; mistress; owner; principal; proprietary; proprietor; squire