Somewhere southeast of the lake, Hearne spoke of a long narrow lake “entirely surrounded with high land which produces a vast quantity of fir trees, but none of them grow to a great height in those parts.
The free gold he spoke of as coming from Repulse bay was noticed by Professor James Tennant, of King’s College, London, England.
Simpson spoke of the food resources of Fort Confidence as being abundant.
He spoke generally of the vast country west of Athabaska river to Peace river country, and said there is certainly a large tract of agricultural land there.
And then she spoke to me of God, who alone can determinate man's trials, either by the end He ordains, or the resignation He inspires.
Her motherly heart alone spoke within her; a ray of light had come to brighten the incurable gloom which was killing her; she rushed toward me and fell into my arms, and I felt against my heart her poor aged body shaking with sobs.
The illusions you spoke of anyhow, it's all over now?
But--but I do want to be the sort of girl Mrs Burton spoke about.
And there was that odious Robina, not looking at her at all, but calmly taking her seat, and making others laugh whenever she spoke to them.
He spoke in a very courteous tone, and, raising his hat, exhibited a noble brow and features which at once puzzled Miss Felicia and caused her heart to beat.
The eyes were good, but of a nondescript colour; so that one moment youspoke of them as brown, at another as blue, at another as grey.
She had a pipe in her mouth, and as shespoke she puffed out a volume of smoke.
Yes, I believe it would do me a lot of good," said Robina, and as she spoke she took off her hat and twisting up her thick hair, knotted it firmly at the back of her head.
We took charge of him," said the man, sulkily; but a frightened look crossed his face when Harriet spoke of the police.
Now, however, Mrs Burton spoke of something which would help her even after that had taken place.
The following night I spoke to another in the works, concerning his soul, and asked him if he had fully surrendered, because I knew he was in trouble.
They came up and I spoke to them, quoting the texts John iii.
I was waiting one day outside the office of the Governor of one the Western States, and while I waited, the Lieutenant-Governor spoke to me.
They spoke of salvation for the drunkard, but that did not appeal to me; they spoke of salvation for the unbeliever, but that did not appeal to me; and when they spoke of salvation for the thief, neither did that appeal to me.
I spoketo a dear Christian brother last night at the works.
I spoke to her about Jesus, and she told me she would accept Him as her Saviour.
It laid so hold of my heart that I went home and spoke to my little girl.
On the following night I went up and spoke to him again.
A prominent business man in a Welsh city began to do this work and one morning spoke to eighteen people before breakfast.
When I spoke to her she said, 'I know I am a sinner.
She came to my office and said, 'Since you spoke to me a few days ago I have had no peace.
About one o'clock I spoketo him and said, 'Will you give yourself to the Lord now?
I roomed with a man when I was a student for the ministry, and never spoke to him about his soul.
Some two years ago in our city I spoke to one who was an inspector in the Police Force, but who is to-day the Chief Inspector of our Police, about the claims of Christ.
Something about the way shespoke made Bessie pity her.
He spoke just as well as we do, as if he'd been to school, and he must know more about our customs.
Lolla gave no answer, but looked up into Eleanor's face with eyes that spoke plainly enough.
I couldn't very well tell him to go away, or not answer him when he spoke to me, could I?
If he does--" He patted his rifle with a gesture that spoke more plainly than words could have done.
He spoke with such sincerity that her lingering distrust faded away, while his abundant physical vigor, manifest alike in his appearance and his manner, made a strong appeal to her feminine nature.
The significant tone in which he spoke the last words brought surprise into her face.
While the doctor spoke Brand had been moving about with quick steps and sharp turns, scowling and muttering.
In his voice as he spoke the next words there was a significant ring: "And I don't think he'll do otherwise.
He spoke slowly and his companion, looking up, wondered at the extremely serious expression that had come into his face.
He spoke rapidly, in a direct, almost blunt manner.
There was a touch of impatience, almost of roughness, in his tone as he spoke the last words that made her turn wondering eyes upon him for an instant.
She spoke interestedly, the color rising in her cheeks, and Brand watched her narrowly.
Gordon's intent gaze and the solemn, eager earnestness with which he spoke appalled his listener ever so little.
Even as he spoke his feet once more refused to move.
At dinner she spoke of her caller to her mother and sister.
He spoke English--he must be a guard or a stationmaster with a cap like that.
As he spoke she lifted her head as though she drank something; the strange beast in her bosom began to purr.
Of course, they were still perfectly charming, and asked him to their shows, and spoke to him in the cafe, but that was all.
The last words of which I spoke were: "Said I not unto thee, that, if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?
I spoke again at the meeting, having been by all the elders requested at my arrival here to expound the Scriptures at all their meetings, or to communicate to them any thing that might be profitable.
This evening I spoke on the above-mentioned passage, and after the meeting a sister gave to my wife 12l.
Every word she spoke gave me the impression, that all she now needed was to have the work of Christ pointed out to her, i.
I am not surprised about it, for from the time that I spoke to you on the subject, I have been constantly asking the Lord to bring it about.
The following Lords day I spoke twice at their meetings, and in the evening I broke bread in my room with a few saints, as the Baptist church break bread only once a month.
And as they spoke words of love, they neared the tree, and lo!
From the pages of the book in after years the father's loving voice still spoke to his child.
To my surprise he spoke English, and turned out to be none other than Rachmim Joseph Franco, who, as long ago as 1851, when the earthquake devastated the Jewish quarter, had been sent from Rhodes to collect relief funds.
Next night the same scene was repeated, and as the officer spoke his gentle soothings to her, a love for him was born in her heart, and her dead husband was forgotten.
Christine laid her head upon her mother's shoulder, put one of her little hands in hers, sighed deeply, as though her heart were too oppressed for words, and spoke at last with effort and fatigue.
Barrés spoke Spanish and Basque; he was familiar with the country and its usages, and able to give his companion an immense store of valuable information, the essence of which is concentrated in the book before us.
She spoke as if she could not understand how Jimmie could be so much more clever.
Seems if it was the one who spoke first who gets the mos' attention.
I spoke a piece and I had to wear these ugly clothes.
He spoke as if he were very proud of his clear conscience.
Mr. Wells spoke with cold, almost ominous, curtesy and he would have shut the door in their faces if he had not caught the pitying look in a girl's eyes.
He colored and his eyes seemed to darken as he spoke to the two girls.
When she spoke her voice was strange even to herself: "Really, Mr. Wells, this is all very unnecessary.
Recruited from the North, South, East, and West, he brings with him the dialect he spoke in childhood.
He spoke very simply, adorning his periods with no flowery phrase or ornate quotation, suiting the manner of his delivery to the least intelligent of his hearers.
Number 32, you are, sir," said the Petty Officer; and as he spoke she knew the time had come when her boy was no longer hers alone.
This was about his only hobby--and yet, oddly enough, he rarely spokeof it to me.
They formed his creed and recreation: the flag-lockers were tarpaulin-covered shrines; the semaphores spoke oracles by day as did the flashing lamps by night.
Even the Admiral, who spokeso little and saw so much, was in danger of becoming a mere puppet in the boy's sight.
His first visitor was the Chaplain, the most well-meaning of men, whose voice quavered with pity as he spoke at some length of resignation and the beauty of cheerfulness in affliction.
As he spoke the notes of a bugle drifted down the hatchway.
The Chaplain visited him and spoke words of reproof in a kindly and mechanical tone.
Ere he was out of earshot, however, the Commander spoke again.
He spoke bitterly, yet his quarrel was not with the marmalade, which, in its way, was all that marmalade should have been.
She spoke slowly, and flung each word like a whip-lash at the soul of Ivor Jenkins.
While the child spoke they could all see that she wore the magic belt, and a great cheer went up from all her friends, which was led by the voices of the Scarecrow and the private.
So Tiktok touched a yellow glass vase that had daisies painted on one side, and he spoke at the same time the word "Ev.
She still kept her face turned from him, and she spoke almost in a whisper.
When he reached the second verse he stopped humming the words, though none of them noticed it; and when he came to the end no one spokefor some seconds.
Then she pulled away her hand almost roughly, andspoke quickly.
Then she spoke through her dry lips with a little forced laugh.
She spoke rapidly and vehemently, and the musician framed her face in his hands and coughed a little to steady his voice.
Charley had been carried along by the rush to gather the baggage; and now this voice spoke at his elbow.
We wish to pay for their use, sir," spoke Mr. Adams, quickly.
Here, you white boy," spoke Charley's neighbor, at the rail.
He looked to be German (though really he was Swiss), and he spoke with a German accent.
The door to our room has no lock," spoke Mr. Adams, to the hotel man, when they had tramped below.
The man and woman bowed grandly, and Maria spoke in Spanish.
He spoke to Maria in Spanish, and Maria and Francisco began to chatter with the other boatmen.
We can't control the tides, stranger, even in California," spoke the other boatman.
Well, we can do the best we're able," spoke Mr. Grigsby.
Mr. Adams; and hespoke shortly to Pablo, directing him.
Mr. Adams spoke Spanish, because he had been a soldier in Mexico; and right speedily he bought bread and bananas and eggs and some dried meat.
The kid says our friend has passed over," rather roughly spoke the long-nosed man.
Matho commanded his own companions, together with the Iberians, Lusitanians, and the men of the West, and of the islands; all those who spoke Greek had asked for Spendius on account of his cleverness.
They spoke no more of Salammbo,--one not thinking about her, and the other being prevented by a feeling of shame.
Some said that the treasure of the Republic had been seized in the temple of Moloch; others spoke of the assassination of a priest.
He spoke in his dreams, his back leaning against a scarlet cushion; his head was thrown back somewhat, and his little arm, outstretched from his body, lay quite straight in an attitude of command.
For he spoke as if the war were finished, and joyful laughs broke from him.
Spendius spoke to him of his travels, and of the peoples and temples that he had visited.
To the Greeks she spoke Greek; then she turned to the Ligurians, the Campanians, the Negroes, and listening to her each one found again in her voice the sweetness of his native land.
He kissed both thumbs in token of alliance, showing nothing of the anger which he had experienced at the drunkenness of the feast; then he spoke at length against Carthage, but did not say what brought him among the Barbarians.
The aqueduct of which he spoke crossed the entire isthmus obliquely,--a considerable work, afterwards enlarged by the Romans.
I made up my mind," she said, "after I spoke to Dr.
And wespoke together in whispers, and my agitation died away.
And you never went out to the bowling green and spoke to him?
But when it was all arranged and the lease signed, she refused to go in, because the man who met us there with a selection of wallpapers was, she averred, the same man whom she always spoke of as her murderer.
Mrs. Barrington spoke of one, that the confession, ought to be signed before witnesses.
Mrs. Barrington called Lilian in her room and spoke of the party, giving her a special invitation.
I think shespoke of having it written out somewhere.
No, mother," and Lilian spoke in a dignified but not unkindly manner.
Your mother spoke of a beautiful woman they thought dying or dead--do you remember?
The deep, outlooking eyes spoke of strength of character with a vein of tenderness, and the smiling mouth of affability.
Mother spoke to the oldest one that morning and she said her brothers were very ill and that her mother thought she would have a doctor, but it was too late when he came.
As before, on emerging at the top of the house, he spoke the word "Nunja!
He spoke severely to his daughter about the excitement she was trying to raise, and threatened to call in the aid of the French Chief of Police.
Their leader was the last; he spoke a cabalistic word, pressed his foot on the threshold, as the two sides of the door folded together, and it was closed.
So Ogula went out, andspoke the word that closed the door, leaving Nkombe in the house.
The first one who had climbed to the roof spoke a few words to the door as he stood before it, and the two parts of the door flew open of themselves.
He spoke English well, could read and write, had quite a display of manner, and made himself very useful by his apparent devotion, faithfulness, and honesty.
His trade interests were large; he spoke the native language well, was practically acquainted with native customs and native mode of thought.
So at evening she spokeof the matter to her visitor, who at once assented.
What I have written in the above I have obtained piecemeal at various times from different men and women, Christian and heathen; but all of them spoke with hesitation, and under promise that I should mention no names.
After they had eaten, he spoke to the ozazi to cause the tent and its contents to disappear.
Lord Vincent listened to me with much apparent interest, and spoke very unaffectedly of his readiness to serve me, and his regret at the occasion.
Not iron," said Lois; she spokeslowly and faintly, but now she smiled.
Mrs. Lenox said nothing more, but her face spoke as plainly as possible, And you call this fun!
Nestled among cushions in her corner, she watched everything and took the effect of every detail; tasted every flavour of the situation; but all with a thoughtful, wordless gravity; she hardly spoke at all.
Lois and her six scholars took their places at the other end of the room, which was too small to prevent every word they spoke from being distinctly heard by the one idle spectator.
She sat still and silent, and perhaps even so spoke her sympathy better than any words could have done it.
You spoke of hymn-writers having a different standpoint, and of their words as more cheerful than the utterances of other poets.
She saw through Julia and mother as well as I did; and she spoke as any friend of Lois would, who had a little pride about her.
I am afraid I was thinking more of pleasure, myself; and shall experience myself the reaction I spoke of.
The old ladyspoke with a certain serious doubtfulness, looking at the girl by her side.
She was almost hurt at his silence, before he spoke again.
Lois spokewith a kind of inner fire, which sparkled in her eyes and gave accent to her words.
The box of which Mr. Hardy spoke was a long case, which had never been opened since their arrival.
She at once led the captive away to her lodge, where she bade her sit down, offered her food, andspoke kindly to her in her low, soft, Indian tongue.
In the first place, I think, I began with wondering what I should make of the boys; and that led to such a train of thoughts about ourselves and our circumstances that I hardly knew where I was when you spoke to me.
Mr. Hardy spoke more cheerfully, and the boys soon, too, felt their spirits rising a little.
As Mr. Hardy spoke the boys were ready to dance with delight, and this was increased when they turned into the gunsmith's shop, and were shown the arms which their father had bought for this expedition.
Mr. Hardy spoke cheerfully, but his wife saw at once that it was with an effort that he did so.
Those who had before espoused the cause of the Raven again spoke out loudly, while many of the others hesitated as to the course to be pursued.
As he spoke the dogs halted in front of a patch of bush, barking loudly.
She made no remark at the time, but spoke to Mr. Hardy about it at night.
He was a man of ready wit, and spoke fluently in the vernacular tongue; powerful in speech, powerful in bringing over the people to whatever he desired.
In his thirteenth year, which was the last of his life, there were many adverse events; but the most dreadful circumstance was that the devil visibly appeared to men in woods and secret places, and spoke to them as they passed by.