Though but a shaggy colt in those days, I acknowledged a keen longing to join in the parties and dances of the grown-up boys and girls.
My regard for her was no longer that of the lover desiring and hoping, and though I acknowledged defeat I had been too broadly engaged in my ambitious literary plans to permit her deflection to permanently cloud my life.
All that day I had studied the land, musing upon its distinctive qualities, and while I acknowledged the natural beauty of it, I revolted from the gracelessness of its human habitations.
Men like William Gillette and Clyde Fitch quite frankly acknowledged their indebtedness to him.
Unrestricted individual ownership of the earth I acknowledged to be wrong and I caught some glimpse of the radiant plenty of George's ideal Commonwealth.
I acknowledged once again that my education had in a sense been bought at his expense.
Of such pain and futility are the lives of the average man and woman of both city and country composed," I acknowledged to myself with savage candor, "Why lie about it?
No one acknowledged the transient quality of this life, although it was only a novel sort of picnic on the prairie, soon to end.
I acknowledged Edwin's superior claim,--Marsh did not.
I felt the value, I acknowledged the peace of the old, the settled.
Furthermore I acknowledged a certain responsibility for the conditions of the settlers.
Every attempt to make the Scriptures more read, and better understood, must be acknowledged laudable.
So spake his parents, because they were afraid of the Jews: for the Jews had already come to a resolution, that if any person acknowledged him Messiah, he should be excluded the synagogue.
As also ye have acknowledged us in part, that we are your glory, as also ye are ours in the day of the Lord Jesus.
But this country rigour in town she could dispense withal; and, like other ladies of virtue, she there visited and received into her house the acknowledged mistresses of any man in elevated life.
They hardly acknowledged Mr. Wyeth's salute, and seated themselves at a table, thumping loudly with their fists, and calling for the waiter.
The whole civilized world was then one state; the banks of the Nile and the plains of Lybia acknowledged the sway of the emperors, as much as the shores of the Tiber or the fields of the Campagna.
In no case can it be explained of the visible world of matter; for the passages beingacknowledged to be figurative, it must, as in the other instances, bear the figurative meaning.
The sealing of the tribes is almost universally acknowledged to signify the preservation of the church, under those heavy and forthcoming calamities represented by the effects of the seven trumpets.
This passage in its mere outward application, refers to a temporal overthrow in the land of Idumea; it has also, however, an acknowledged relation to the triumphs of the Gospel, and the overthrow of its enemies.
Since cow's milk is acknowledged to be less easy of digestion than is human milk, it will occur to someone that there is danger of upsetting the baby by giving it a bottle.
A number of causes are at hand to explain habitual miscarriage, but, in fairness, it must be acknowledged that physicians are not able to interpret all cases.
They praised the Creator for His gifts, and acknowledged they were unworthy of the least of His blessings.
I have seen my master's son acknowledged for the heir of Lovel!
Lord Clifford acknowledged the confidence placed in him; and besought Sir Philip to let him be the arbitrator between them.
Am I not acknowledged the most brilliant hero of the most brilliant society in Europe?
Few who did not know too much of Sir Lucius Grafton could refrain from yielding him their regard when he chose to challenge it, and with the Dacres he was soon an acknowledged favourite.
Who had not paid homage to his all-acknowledged empire?
Men and things should be our study; and it is universallyacknowledged that a dinner is the most important of affairs, and a dandy the most important of individuals.
In the first they acknowledged nothing but the mere human nature, to the entire exclusion of everything supernatural; while the sudden accruing of supernatural aid at the baptism marked the moment when he became the Messiah.
This they repeatedly acknowledged in their addresses to the King.
Boston and Massachusetts--Three Acts of Parliament against, all infringing and extinguishing the heretofore acknowledged constitutional rights of the people.
Calling the Court together, a form of proclamation was agreed to, and Charles was acknowledged to be their sovereign Lord, and proclaimed to be the lawful King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, and all other territories thereto belonging.
The several provinces gratefully acknowledged the compensation granted them; of which Massachusetts received the largest share.
Massachusetts never acknowledged the Act of Parliament changing its constitution without its consent.
Considering the spirit of the times, it must be acknowledged that, on the whole, the Charter contains a liberal grant of authority to the province and a reasonable reservation of royal prerogative.
The prayers, however, have the same spirit and grandeur of piety which characterise those which are the acknowledged compositions of Bishop Taylor.
Having thus far acknowledged the design he had in view, could he still venture on answering his companion without reserve?
His admiration of Mrs. Farnaby's energy and resolution, expressed in these strong terms, acknowledged but one limit.
As an act of justice towards Regina, she enclosed to her the letter in which Amelius had acknowledgedthat Sally had passed the night under his roof.
Brother Bawkwell acknowledgedthe enthusiastic reception offered to him by a stare of grim surprise.
Whatever may have been the divinities reigning over local streams and woods, they acknowledged the idea of one overruling Providence whom they could only image to their minds as the over-spreading sky.
However that may be, it is acknowledged that Chinese has never passed beyond a very primitive condition, and that its having rested so long in this state is due more than anything else to the early invention of writing in that country.
He neither claimed any property in the land himself, nor acknowledged any title thereto in another.
At this time the tribes seem to have acknowledged no common bond, nothing corresponding to the word Hellenic had sprung up to unite their interests: existence was as yet to the strongest only.
Lord Byron subsequentlyacknowledged that he had mistaken Mr. Bowles's meaning: too late, however, to remove the injurious impression which his hasty reading had occasioned.
The general degeneracy of the times was acknowledged even by those who shared in it.
There was something demoniacal in the exultation with which the mob witnessed the fate of those whom, but a few weeks back, they had acknowledged as their guides and teachers.
A cheer of welcome acknowledged this speech, to which the dwarf responded by a mock benediction, which he bestowed with all the ceremonious observance of an archbishop.
He was followed by Cardinals Asquini and Dupont in more modest garb, and each as he passed received and gracefully acknowledged the homage of the crowd.
And even if consciousness were identified with the conscious subject and acknowledged as permanent, this would no better account for the fact of recognition.
Although all the entities (acknowledged by the Bauddhas) have a merely momentary existence, yet all that is accounted for by avidyâ.
For the term 'swoon' may be explained as denoting either deep sleep or some other acknowledged state, and there is no authority for assuming an altogether different new state.
In the first place the Yoga holds the Pradhâna, which is independent of Brahman, to be the general material cause, and hence the Lord acknowledged by it is a mere operative cause.
For it is an acknowledged principle that Scripture has meaning only with regard to what is not established by other sources of knowledge.
As thus there are no acknowledged means of knowledge to prove your view, you must give it up.
And Scripture, which is more loving than even a thousand parents, cannot possibly teach such union with the Non-sentient, which is acknowledged to be the cause of all the assaults of suffering in its threefold form.
Nor may we assume, as a 'less complicated hypothesis,' that the guiding principle in the construction of the world is the individual souls, whose existence is acknowledged by both parties.
Because the great Devotees of olden timesacknowledged this to be the true nature of meditation; compare the text 'Then I am indeed thou, holy divinity, and thou art me.
It is just on the ground of this dependence on the Lord not being acknowledged by the Sânkhyas that their system is disproved by us.
His services were acknowledged by his being promoted to the rank of assistant-apothecary.
His lordship gave me an indulgent look, and acknowledged my courtesy very graciously.
The city of London acknowledged Richard Cromwell as lord high protector on his father's death.
The paper was acknowledged as a power in the state; my relations with contemporary journals were friendly, and all seemed well.
The books and minerals were handed over in due time, and acknowledged in the Canadian Journal, vol.
She looked at me scrutinizingly when I was presented to her, neither rising nor offering me her hand, and acknowledged the presentation only by a little conventional smile.
This time Lydia acknowledged it by turning to the corner whence it came.
Mr. Rossitur's young gentleman acknowledged his relationship and begged the favour of being set in the right way home.
He acknowledged that in all these lines of action there was much talent, much good intention, much admirable diligence and acuteness brought out--but to what great general end?