As to what Patronage can do in Science, discoveries in Physics, mechanic arts, &c.
They forbid that their noble aim should be frustrated by measuring against each other things which are incommensurate--mechanic against moral power--body against soul.
Is it not to be feared that the increase ofmechanic power has done away with many of these blessings, and substituted many evils?
When the batteries were renewed, the carburetor adjusted and the gas and oil tanks filled, the mechanic gave the fly wheel a sharp turn.
The mechanic was landed on the pier, and under the hands of her new crew, the Black Duck, for that was the name of the craft, shot once more into the sparkling waters of the bay.
He isn't enough mechanic to find out why can't run.
When I bring a mechanic back don't ye try makin' no racket or it'll be the worse for ye.
At the siege of Fontenay (1570) his left arm was shattered by a bullet; but a mechanic of Rochelle made him an iron arm (hence his sobriquet) with a hook for holding his reins.
Tam lived with the men--he had the rank of sergeant, but he was as much Tam to the private mechanic as he was to the officers.
He was a clever mechanic and he had mastered the intricacies of the engine which he was to repair, in less than a day.
Then he turned to the mechanic who followed at his heels.
They were either degraded by the industry of mechanic trades, or enervated by the luxury of baths and theatres.
It is thus that our exports are increased; our foreign commerce advanced; the home markets of the mechanic and farmer extended, and the wealth of the nation promoted.
The great bugbear staring the amateur mechanic in the face when he contemplates making a small steam engine is the matter of boring the cylinder.
A practical mechanic communicates to the Scientific American the following: In hardening and tempering a cold chisel care should be taken to have a gradual shading of temper.
Is any such process known here, or any process within the capabilities of an amateur mechanic by which the planing machine can be dispensed with?
But I have no doubt it will be in good marching order by the time it is wanted, as my chauffeur was to rise at four, knock up a mechanic at some shop in the village, and make the new change-speed lever which was broken yesterday.
Terry intends to work all night on the car, if he can get the mechanic to keep his shop going, and we may hope to start as early in the morning as you like.
Polhem was employed in various works of mechanic improvements in the interest of agriculture, industry and manufactures.
The mechanic did not like it a bit, and he had our sympathy.
He and an undergraduate of some 9 stone sat in the front seats, the mechanicon the step.
The mechanic had our sympathy on another ground too.
The day before owner and mechanic were hustings-worn, the car looked battered and dissipated as well as fog-dimmed.
Personally, I sat alongside the driver, a place of honour, if cold, and the mechanic sat at my feet.
If thatmechanic had read the Greek tragedians he would have known that Nemesis must needs come soon.
There was all the difference in the world between the motion as it was and the motion as it had been, and the chagrin of the mechanic yielded to time and to the proud feeling that all was right with "his car" through his handiwork.
Pity is wasted on a mechanic so placed at any time, for he likes the position, and it is not so comfortless as it looks by a long way, experto crede.
But, however, I have wired for a mechanic to meet us at Aylesbury, with more inner tubes and covers, and with luck we may last till then.
My friend and his mechanic wore a lot, precisely in what detail I cannot say.
He was not slothful in his apostolic business; and the fervor of his spirit would have been a good example to the ancient mechanic or merchant.
This immortal mechanic is said to have had a reverence for his labor.
I glanced at it and recognized Yank Hubbard's appointment to the post of master-mechanic at Effingham.
The Superintendent of Motive Power had selected him for the post of master-mechanic at Effingham, but I had held him up on account of his bad reputation as a wild rider.
While Henry was out on his last trip his wife waited upon the master-mechanic and asked him to bring his wife over and spend Christmas Eve with Henry and help her to cheer him up; and the "old man" promised to call that evening.
Turning to his desk, the master-mechanic wrote a pass to the junction and a telegram requesting transportation over the Iowa Central from the junction to the town of E.
From their columns he gathers materials for his own, and thus makes the same business use of them that the merchant does of his goods, or the mechanic of the raw material which he proposes to manufacture into fabrics.
If one of you is clearly more of a mechanic than the others, choose him foreman; otherwise it will be a good plan to have the office filled by each in turn for perhaps one day apiece.
Not less scornfully does the mechanic look down on the clumsy, labor-wasting contrivances of the negro or negro-stupified white man, and agree with his mate that 'these people will never be of much account until we take them in hand.
It was plain that the Master Mechanic hated to do it; it was simply sheer necessity.
A duty would tend to depress many mechanic arts in the proportion that it protected this; he thought it best to reserve this article to the non-enumerated ones, where it would be subject to a five per cent.
Mr. BLAND considered a tax of sixty-six cents a very heavy duty on agriculture and the mechanic arts, and was averse to granting it.
It was astonishing, he said, and perhaps somewhat humiliating, to see the meremechanic trenching so decidedly on the province of the artist.
But what else could be expected by an ungainly, dust-besprinkled mechanic in his shirt sleeves, and with a leathern apron before him?
There was a certain head-mechanic knocking about who drew a salary of fifteen hundred roubles a year, but he occupied himself more with factory scandals than with his own work.
But Goslawski was made of too dangerous a material to be given a place as independent manager, and the head-mechanic was a good scandal-monger; so he was kept in the foreground, and the other did the work.
Those Barbarians were unskilled in the methods of conducting a regular siege, which, even among the ancients, required some knowledge, or at least some practice, of the mechanic arts.
The mechanic arts were encouraged and esteemed, as they tended to satisfy the wants of the Huns.
Not a mechanic or laboring man can be obtained in town, and most of our male citizens have "gone up" to the Sierra Nevada, and are now enjoying "golden moments.
A carpenter or mechanic would not listen to an offer of less than fifteen or twenty dollars a day.