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Example sentences for "mover"

Lexicographically close words:
moved; moveless; movement; movements; movens; movere; moveri; movers; moves; movest
  1. We need not suppose that he did what he did without obtaining the consent of his Chapter in some shape or other; but it is plain that the Bishop was still, to say the least, the chief mover in everything.

  2. Jocelin was doubtless the great mover in the work, the life and soul of the whole undertaking.

  3. Where there is motion there must be a mover, and where there is a mover there must be something to move.

  4. He now thought it necessary to tell her of the real nature of the Springroves' obligation to Miss Aldclyffe--and their nearly certain knowledge that Manston was the prime mover in effecting their embarrassment.

  5. The only person who ever knocked at their door in that way was the new vicar, the prime mover in the church-building.

  6. The mover as mover is either the source or the object of motion or both.

  7. The prime mover again is eternal and immaterial.

  8. In any case the mover must be either movable or immovable.

  9. Price was aware that such a course had been previously established, and it was as original with him as it was with the first mover in it.

  10. Leigh, the prime mover in the College enterprise, and Howell Taylor, a very influential Methodist of the county, together with Hon.

  11. The prime mover in that disastrous adventure was Stephen A.

  12. The mechanical philosopher, as such, will never place a state of consciousness and a group of molecules in the relation of mover and moved.

  13. If it can, then it is a prime mover which requires only healthy regulation to render it reasonably self-acting, and there is no apparent need of your immortal reason at all.

  14. The lamps of truth and purity, of loyalty and honor, have been put out: Where are the signs of Thine avenging wrath, O Mover of the worlds?

  15. On his second release, goaded by his fancied wrongs, he began to plot a dark and dreadful revenge, and thus the conspiracy in which he was the prime mover took shape, and came to a head.

  16. The elder brother, Edward Gibbon Wakefield, the prime mover in the abduction, was a barrister not exactly briefless, but without a large practice.

  17. Such was the plan, the disgraceful action, devised by the prime mover of mischief and his lieutenant.

  18. The mover of this system[53] founded his opposition to the plan framed by the committee of the whole chiefly upon the want of power in the Convention to propose a change in the principle of the existing government.

  19. Hippocrates and himself had had overtures made to them by certain men in the cities in Boeotia, who wished to change the constitution and introduce a democracy as at Athens; Ptoeodorus, a Theban exile, being the chief mover in this intrigue.

  20. It will be remembered that Jules Jeanjean was the prime mover in the terrible outrage near Lyons, where three motorists were shot dead and two wounded.

  21. Then he is not the prime mover of all these ingenious thefts?

  22. The speech of the mover could not fully surmount these disadvantages.

  23. But now that steam reigns supreme as the mover of the world's floating forts, the problem of "keeping the sea" has become in one way very much more complicated.

  24. The first class is so well known as the mover of motor vehicles and boats that we need not linger here on it.

  25. Putting one thing with another, experts agree that the explosion engine is the prime mover of the future.

  26. Sidenote: God conceived as prime mover a superfluity according to modern physics.

  27. Repose is an illusion of the human mind, and the conception of a divine first mover is a second illusion based on the first.

  28. The prime mover in the Hessian plan was the preacher, Lambert of Avignon, an apostate Friar Minor; his draft was submitted to Landgrave Philip by a Synod held at Homberg at the end of 1526.

  29. That, on the contrary, it was Luther’s religious excitement which was the prime psychological mover is plain from many of the effusions contained in both these writings.

  30. As little could be gained in expedition by this plan, the idea soon suggested itself of moving the press by machinery, or to reduce the several operations to one rotary motion, to which the first mover might be applied.

  31. It was evident to him that the first mover must be changed from a weight and pendulum to a spring wound up and a compensating balance.

  32. This is not all, my Lords; the great agitator, the prime mover of the whole machinery, escaped the execution of the sentence of the law in consequence of the expiration of the Act of Parliament to which I have referred.

  33. I sincerely wish, with the noble mover and seconder of the address, that this event may tend to the happiness and comfort of the Queen.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mover" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abettor; actor; agent; agitator; architect; author; beginner; catalyst; creator; drifter; executor; father; floater; gadfly; generator; incitement; inspirer; instigator; itinerant; maker; medium; migrant; mother; mover; operant; operative; operator; originator; parent; performer; peripatetic; pleader; practitioner; producer; prompter; rambler; runabout; sire; spark; stroller; subject; tempter; troubadour; wanderer