In the fledgling male who just begins to feel the spirit of his kind, and who goes through his performance in the adolescent way, it is a cheap and often pitiful call.
I had hardly lost sight of the ship when my boat glided into an assemblage of eider ducks, where the mothers, with their fledgling young, were lazily swimming to and fro, as if to practise the ducklings in the art of swimming.
Late the next evening, the hedgehog discovered a fledgling thrush hidden in the grass beyond the alders.
And all the while there will be the ever-present danger of the natural boy himself discovering suddenly, in a dumb sort of way, that his fledgling has been making (as he will most certainly put it) a little fool of itself.
For into the warm nest of the boy's soul this holy blunderer has thrust his easy, ignorant fingers, pulling out, as it were, the fledgling spiritual secrets.
It was gone in a moment, however, and the candidate again was looking at the fledgling with a kindly, smiling, and tolerant gaze.
The missing Wymond was still missing, and the luckless Barr was still ill, but the fledgling sat alone in the box, his face bent over the key, oblivious of the world around him, and sent it all.
The fledgling proudly produced several printed programmes with his name next to that of the candidate, and talked to the correspondents of the main points that he would make, until they fled into the next car.
I looked at the fledgling bird, lying innocently in her palm, as she pushed aside the feathers, exposing a tiny crystal.
On August 22 a fledgling was seen following an adult in flight, and was also seen to eat while it was flying.
One nest that was under observation on July 22 had nestlings approximately two-thirds grown on that date, but on August 4 only a few sticks remained, and the carcass of a fledgling dangled from a limb ten feet below the nest.
The call of the fledgling is soft, with a lisping quality; that of the adult is much like it but is sharper and more piercing.
One fledgling was seen to be fed ten times in a 11/2 hour period.
A day or two later our fledglingbegan to sow wild oats.
One day we saw a fledgling fly straight out over the lake.
When its fledgling steel industry began, they set up a high tariff to protect it against British competition.
There was the feeling, even stronger here in space than back on Earth, of man’s destiny being fulfilled, that humanity had finally emerged from its infancy, that the fledgling had finally found its wings and got off the ground.
The fledgling seemed already much at home on its wings.
The old Redhead found the lost fledgling about the time that I did and flew over to it with what looked like a big grub.
The memory banks flooded open at the touch of wonder, poured out their contents, and the fledgling ego went down before the surge, overwhelmed forever.
The fledgling identity of "me" and "not me" sank forever into submergence, never to rise again.
One day an interesting brood was out in the brush, and I took notes on their proceedings: "A family of young were abroad this morning filling the leaves with their little moving forms, and the air with their fledgling cry of schrit.
Though thefledgling called, the mother left without going to it.
Jethniah was a kindly man, and easily hurt; and in this matter he had all of the fledgling author's fear of ridicule.
And now that it was gone it seemed almost as though a little fledgling boy of theirs had been driven out into a cold, blustering world to make his way alone.
For another the attractions of the fledgling city were peculiarly suited to idle folk, or folk who had money to spend.
In spite of his fledgling twenty-two years, Seth was an experienced Indian fighter, and Dan Somers knew it; no one better.
You crow loud as a fledgling cock with your weighty subjects!
It is a pity, my fledgling cock, that Mademoiselle de la Notte did not inform me--ah!
So the wedding was performed as simply as if Miss Lovel had been uniting her fortunes with those of some fledgling of the curate species.
Paolo nodded, and, after putting the boy down on the floor, gently lifted Maria so that she, too, might put her fingers into the nest he had made for the fledgling he had found on the pavement the evening before.
With that the old caretaker held out a piece of cracked wheat to the fledgling who devoured it greedily and opened his beak for more.
But his learning was traditional and his personality that of a timorous fledgling monk.
A solution of the problem seemed so imminent after she parted from the fledgling lawyer and his sister, that Helen determined to hasten to their conclusion certain plans she had made, before she returned to the West.
We'll prove that by Grimes," said the fledgling lawyer who, in time, was likely to prove himself a successful one indeed.
The veriest fledgling in psychical science will now sit and discourse finically to you about the reporting powers of the mind in its trance state--just as though it was something quite new!
He is the author of two volumes of verses, Songs of Life and The Fledgling Bard and the Poetry Society and, in addition, a large number of uncollected poems.
A huge black-snake suspended his weight along the branches of the shrubbery with entire confidence and ease, and was in the act of swallowing a fledgling that, even as Amy looked, sent out its last despairing peep.
I once took a fledgling from a nest, and he became very fond of me, and quite gentle, but he would not let any one else handle him.