In the usage of ancient Israel the householder shared with his family, kinsmen, neighbours, and guests, in the sacred feast "before Yahweh.
But he is a householderand ought to save, for without saving a man cannot support his kinsmen.
Then arrived a Vaishnav, of the Rajput race, named Krishna-das, a householder living in a village on the other side of the Jamuna.
That disciple of Madhav Puri invited every householder in Mathura.
The Burgundian householder of mediæval times sat with his family huddled around a great brazier upon which burned wood or charcoal.
A simple hard-pounded clay floor served the humble householderfor his rez-de-chaussee.
It is not only the householder who dislikes the watch-dog.
The result is that the tired householder paddles about the house in carpet slippers, grumbling about this folly of thinking that anyone could be so unjust or unfair as to attack a well-meaning man like him.
Plainly the eye of the householder was not confirmed by the instinctive love that makes one observant.
Mark Twain's vast energy had flowed into this channel of the opulent householder because it had not been able to find free expression in his work, and the happier he was in that role the more irksome his work became.
Shakspeare the householder of Stratford could not have known so many as one thousand words.
Stratford Householder was a mean Rustic who was totally unable to read or to write, and was not even an actor of repute, but was a mere hanger-on at the Theatre.
The Church has a place for everybody; five times did the householder go out to hire laborers.
In a much higher sense, the heavenly Householder has placed us into this world.
The divine Householder still has occasion to ask, "Is thine eye evil?
The laborers had been called into the vineyard, the householder was under no obligation to hire them; that he did so was by his own free choice.
They assist each other by information as to the charitably disposed, and should any householder display any degree of liberality toward them, he is sure to be overrun by a host of seedy and hungry Bummers.
Punch is seen in all its glory on this day, and each householder strives to have the best of this article.
For the safety of the community—a safety which was the recognized charge of every member of these simple democratic states—each householder was bound to take his turn in keeping nightly watch and ward in the streets.
I am Baron Siegfried von Brunfels, a resident and a householder in Treves, as noble as the Archbishop himself, which his Lordship would be the first to allow.
How is it that you, a noble and a householder in Treves, enter the gates as a silk merchant unchallenged?
The demands which now-a-days are made on a householder exceed all imagination.
Even this kind of householder becomes domestic," said Mr. Hummel, "that is at least a beginning.
Every householder on the coast will buy himself a gun and wait for a chance to shoot some misguided stranger he finds collecting bric-a-brac in the dark watches of the night.
There was a roar that shook the air, followed by a crash of glass and the clatter of a dozen bullets upon the brick wall of the house, and a shriek of terror from the householder and the bicycle lamp instantly vanished.
The police could now be heard down the street and the householder was making the welkin ring with vociferous shouts.
The Nambutiri householder is said to be allowed by the Sastras, which rule his life in every detail, to eat but one meal of rice a day--at midday.
Towns in which almost every householder was an English Protestant were placed under the government of Irish Roman Catholics.
The franchises of the forty shilling freeholder, of the householder paying scot and lot, of the burgage tenant, of the liveryman of London, of the Master of Arts of Oxford, were respected.
At the present time the averagehouseholder does not give much attention to lighting until he purchases fixtures.
The cost of each commodity is taken as one hundred units for the year 1894 but, of course, the actual cost of living for the householder is perhaps a hundred times greater than the cost of electric lighting.
It is seen from the foregoing that in a century the candle-equivalent obtainable for the same cost to the householder increased at least thirty times, while the hours during which this light is used have nearly doubled.
One authority in computing the expense of lighting to the householder in a large city of this country has stated that coincident with an increase of 1700 per cent.
In dealing with lighting in the home the householder should concentrate his attention upon lighting effects.
Until recently artificial light was costly and the householder in common with other users of light did not concern himself with the question of adequate and artistic lighting.
The importance of artificial light is emphatically impressed upon the householder when he is forced temporarily to depend upon the primitive candle through the failure of the modern system of lighting.
If the architect and the householderwill realize that light is a medium comparable with the decorator's media, better lighting will result.
There is nothing intricate about locating switches and outlets, so the householder may do this himself, or he may view critically the plans as submitted.
And then unfortunately the fixture-dealer does not light his home; he does not sell the householder lighting-effects designed to meet the requirements of the particular home; he sells merely fixtures.
At this point the householder should attempt to form an opinion as to the relative values.
The average householder pays less than twenty dollars per year for ever-ready light throughout his home.
These lamps are available in many shapes and sizes and the householder should make a record of voltage, wattage, and shape of the lamps which he finds satisfactory in the various fixtures.
Householder Hall, in the kingdom of Great Britain, when my sensations were nipped in the bud by the arrival of the officers of registration and circulation.
All I ask is, that you will have the book fairly printed, and that you will send one copy to my address, Householder Hall, Dorsetshire, Eng.
Householder Hall, in the kingdom of Great Britain, and No.
I drew on my bankers for three hundred and twenty-five thousand pounds, and arose from table virtually the owner of the estate of Householder and of the political consciences of its tenantry.
Letter fourth was from the steward of the Householder estate.
Conceive now the position of the householder besieged by harpies, and all defence denied him by the laws of honour.
The moon shone in her face, and he knew her for a householder near by, and a partisan of Mataafa's.
Now this is exactly what we saw to be the case with reference to the use of the common of the vill by the householder cultivating the arable fields.
But so far back as accurate information extends the arable land is found to be parcelled out, each householder owning strips in each field.
The householderwho thus compounds with the owner of the premises he occupies is known as a "compound householder.
In Tewkesbury, for instance, there was only one woman householderto twenty-three men householders, while in Bath the proportion had risen as high as one to three.
Whose is the great mind who set these fashions, before whom every householder bows?
See a householder breaking up and you will be sure of it.
And without another word this excellent but ill-balanced householder shot out of the studio into the passage, locking the door behind him.
I wasn't always a dull British householder with an expanding waistcoat.
Then your father did not tell you that I have become a householder too?
He has become a householder and a market-gardener, and, above all, a married man.