Occasionally he fell into the error of trying to embody in music purely intellectual processes, which are quite beyond the scope of musical expression.
The dominance of romanticism, or free emotional impulse, could only come when composers had arrived at the intellectual conviction that this impulse ought to be permitted to make its own forms according to its needs.
It is in this well ordered discussion of musical ideas which have been laid down as primary propositions, that we find the immense advance of the fugue as an intellectual form over the polyphonic works of Lasso or Palestrina.
Thus they produced, in a series of developments occupying nearly 700 years, the most closely knit and purely intellectualgroup of musical forms, those classed as canonic or fugal.
Church counterpoint survives to-day only in church music and in the German fugue, a form of music which is conspicuous for its intellectual rather than its emotional qualities.
The Polyphonic, because of its labors in developing the most rigid of forms, is chiefly notable for its intellectual characteristics.
Music-lovers have usually, with the exception of the few, preferred the purely sensuous beauty of music to its intellectual qualities.
In the first movements the working out is usually short, and not at all involved, as if Haydn were timid about presenting too much for intellectual consideration at one time.
This saying is significant for the understanding of the early stages of Hoffmann's intellectual development.
During these same months he cultivated his mind by the perusal of the works of such writers as Jean Paul, Schiller, and Goethe, the intellectual giants upon whom the eyes of Germany were at that time fixed in wonder.
Curiously enough, he used to labour under the odd delusion that she was gifted with keen critical taste and was an intellectual woman, though this was far from being the truth, according to the express evidence of his bosom-friend Kunz.
But--what seemed of more importance--along with this pleasing grace of physical form the boy soon displayed such eminent intellectual faculties as astonished both his foster-father and his teachers.
All the factors of the physical and intellectual organism are united into a whole by the most perfect harmony, so that the contact with the superior soul is like a pure strain of music; it suffers no discord.
Nature has neglected your body, but richly endowed you with splendidintellectual gifts, and these you are intending to abuse in a shameless way, like a bad crafty knave, and so putting your knife at your own mother's throat?
Some one once had the hardihood to maintain that the stomach is equivalent to all the other physical and intellectual parts of man put together.
Even when suffering from the dysentery which raged in the place, his intellectualactivity went on without being impaired.
The hunting season and shooting parties bring life and activity for a time, but "twice-told tales of foxes killed" do not carry any fertilising intellectual ideas into the byways of upper-class life.
This custom is, like many others, as undesirably mediaeval, gradually breaking down owing to the strongly intellectual training now given to the jeune fille at state lycees.
The moral and social sides of the English system would seem to have crowded out to a great extent the intellectual side, which, with the essentially practical people of France, forms the whole structure.
She was accustomed from her infancy to intellectual society; kept up to listen, when she should have been in bed; she counted the spots on the carpet, heard nothing that was said, and prided herself on being one of such company.
What a pity it is that the thousandth chance of a gentleman's becoming your lover should deprive you of the pleasure of a free, unembarrassed, intellectual intercourse with all the single men of your acquaintance!
And as intoxication enfeebles the body, and engenders indolent habits, so this unnatural stimulus enfeebles the intellectual powers, induces mental indolence, and unfits the mind for vigorous efforts.
Do we not often discover some home-chiseled grooves in our minds, into which the intellectual machinery seems to slide, as by a sort of necessity?
This tendency is not confined to the young or to the beautiful, to the intellectual or to the refined.
She impressed me continually with a sense of the high intellectual and moral qualities by which she was distinguished, but still left me as unconstrained as if I had been conversing with a beloved child.
With her it was always promotive of intellectual and moral life.
Special attention is given to the ecclesiastical, social, and intellectual problems of contemporary France and their influence upon the works of French novelists of to-day.
We must now study his intellectual character, as embodying the sceptical aspect which belonged to nominalism.
Such was the intellectual state of France in reference to the standard of appeal contemporaneously with the political and ecclesiastical condition before described.
The evil nevertheless was temporary, and belongs to the past; the good was eternal: and the elements of real intellectual improvement contained in the struggle have been taken up into the constitution of modern thought and society.
Wit is simply a form of thought, and is as intellectual as scientific study.
Her mind was a perfect laboratory of tests and reagents; every syllable you put into breath went into her intellectual eudiometer, and all your thoughts were recorded on litmus-paper.
And this intellectual and moral beauty are so blended, that we see how impossible it would be for the one to exist without the other.
It is true that there is a division between the intellectual and moral powers of man, as there is between one moral power and another.
We have seen that the Perceptive faculties are the first of the intellectual powers which act: and that there is plenty of material for their exercise everywhere, and all day long.
It requires some little consideration to feel sufficiently that it is as necessary to be explicit and earnest about the personal habits of children as about their principles, temper, and intellectual state.
These are its intellectual beauties: but look what moral beauties are inseparable from these.
Those born deaf are dumb; and they are rendered incapable of any high degree of intellectual and moral cultivation, by being cut off from all adequate knowledge of the meaning of language, and from the full reception of most abstract ideas.
It will be said that we have here, in treating of the training of the Intellectual faculties, recurred to the department of morals.
If we take any great intellectual work and examine it, we shall see what a variety of faculties, moral as well as intellectual, have gone to the making of it.
There are houses, many houses, and not always very poor ones, where the parents think they cannot provide for the intellectual improvement of their children, and mourn daily over the thought.
I was much struck by a day's intellectual education of a little boy of seven who was thrown out of his usual course of study and play.
It was a mild, distinctly inoffensive face--an intellectual face, although that is not the term Mr. Pulcifer would have used in describing it.
Mr. Fletcher was a simple soul, decidedly not one of East Wellmouth's intellectual aristocracy, but he was persistent.
The difficulty of getting news and the want of intellectual society were the great drawbacks--"the latter increasing until it became almost insupportable.
The desire, however, of seeing again my parents and enjoying once more the rich pleasures of intellectual society, had succeeded in overcoming the attractions of a region which may be fittingly called a Naturalist's Paradise.
The want of intellectual society, and of the varied excitement of European life, was also felt most acutely, and this, instead of becoming deadened by time, increased until it became almost insupportable.
It shows rather an intellectual piety among a people where freedom of thought and conscience had been achieved without a violent political upheaval.
One might fancy that the dignity of the common noun substantive, expressing as it does the universal or generic, has bred anintellectual deference.
Scientific or intellectual warrant for it is impossible or self-contradictory, for science works by the law of causal necessity with respect to what is, ignorant of any law of freedom referring to what should be.
I must choose some particular period of intellectual history for more concrete illustration of the mutual relationship of philosophy and practical social affairs--which latter, for the sake of brevity, I term Politics.
Hegel and Heine agree that in Germany the French Revolution and the Napoleonic career were paralleled by a philosophic revolution and an intellectual empire.
He sees movements which might have passed away with change of circumstance as casually as they arose, acquire persistence and dignity because thought has taken cognizance of them and given them intellectual names.
External revolutions which are not the natural expression of an inner or intellectual revolution are of little significance.
A large part of the intellectual machinery by which Hegel overcame the remnants of individualism found in prior philosophy came from the idea of organic development which had been active in German thought since the time of Herder.
It is this quality which especially fits us for leadership in the intellectual domain and imposes upon us the obligation to maintain that position.
Mr. Stephens said it was the most intellectual body of men he had ever seen.
He loved the companionship of intellectual women, and the conversation during these days was full of brilliant interest.
The better sort of newspaper humorists have had a strong influence on the undergraduate mind; they have shown the way to writing things that are funny but have an intellectual appeal.
I believe that literature is the expression of the mind, the sentiment, the intellectual attitude of the people who live at the time it is written.
It may be that the pageant and masque movement represents the full flowering of the renascence of poetry which all observers of intellectual events have recognized.
It afforded them a sort of spiritual and intellectual meeting-place, it gave them a common interest.
And, therefore, their imagination and other great intellectual and spiritual gifts find expression in their great novels and plays.
Of course, the Civil War, because of its peculiar nature, was followed by an expansion, intellectual as well as social and economic.
But Supermanism is heresy, and it rapidly spread over the world, most perniciously influencing all intellectual life.
Most of them have no particular religious convictions, but all have an intellectual turn and are hungering for something to satisfy it.
Hoping for larger privileges for the growing family of children, they brought them to the New World, the world of manyintellectual as well as material advantages.
Courage, inventiveness and greater strength of intellectual perception have been fostered in civilized woman.
Strive rather to elevate and develop the intellectual side of the woman, and if her mind is kept occupied upon helpful, entertaining subjects, a good result will show later on.
Many a child of inferior physical and intellectual capacity has been defrauded of its larger endowment because the father who begot it was addicted to the use of tobacco.
Teach them to govern their appetites; regulate their lives so as to secure the best health and the best physical and intellectual powers.
Marriage was instituted for the highest good of the parents; it was instituted for the attainment of their best health and the largest intellectual and moral equipment.
But this relation of interdependence is not only for the well-being of the offspring, but for the highest physical, intellectual and moral development and well-being of both parents.
The sexes are not sharply distinguished from each other in the intellectualand emotional realms.
Indeed, the Countess of Pembroke was not far behind her brother in intellectual gifts.
Intellectual power was seen in the wide, straight brow, and the light of that inner fire we call genius shone in the eyes.
Islam was a rising force, a faith rather of experience than of theory or dogma, when it raised its claims against Christianity, which represented all pre-existing intellectual culture.
Christianity and Islam then stand upon an equal footing in respect both of intellectual progress and material wealth.
The intellectual and religious outlook was so similar in both religions and the problem requiring solution so far identical that nothing existed to impede the adoption of ideas originally Christian which had been developed in the East.
Higher forms of religion--a fact as sad as it is true--require a certain degree not only of moral but of intellectual capacity.
A settlement of these claims was necessary and the military triumphs are but the prelude to a great accommodation of intellectual interests.
Thus, too, a Renaissance is possible in the East, not merely by the importation and imitation of European progress, but primarily by intellectual advancement at home even within the sphere of religion.
Western nations become convinced that the fetters which bind them were forged in the East, and when they have shaken off their chains, they discover their own physical and intellectual power.
The course of this development was greatly influenced by Christianity, but Christian ideas had been operative upon Muhammed's eager intellectual life at an even earlier date.
It is not necessary to sketch the growth of scholasticism, with its barrenness of results in spite of its keen intellectual power, upon ground already fertilised by ecclesiastical pioneers.
In any case the spirit of Judaism is present, either directly or working through Christianity, as an influence wherever Islam accommodated itself to the new intellectual and spiritual life which it had encountered.
This procedure may seem entirely natural in the department of economic life, but by no means inevitable where intellectual progress is concerned.
The same facts hold good with regard to the diffusion of intellectualculture from Persia.
The ready association of thoughts with definite words connotes a relatively high degree of intellectual advancement.
By means of the Binet tests we can judge the intelligence of a given individual by comparison with standards of intellectual performance for normal children of different ages.
Intellectual ability consists in the elaboration of a whole into its worth and meaning by means of many-sided combination, correction, and completion of numerous kindred associations.
There are few more reliable indications of a subject's stage of intellectual maturity than his mastery of language.
That our schoolroom methods will in turn become much more intelligent, and that all classes of children, but especially the gifted and the slow, will profit by such intellectual diagnosis, there can be but little question.
It is also possible that the emotional traits of women are such as to favor the development of the sentiments at the expense of innate intellectual endowment.
It is mainly the children of deficient intellectualcuriosity who do not take the trouble to learn these things at somewhere near the expected age.
The large majority of these were found located below the school grade warranted by their intellectual level.
This is readily understandable when we consider the nature of abstract meanings and the intellectual processes by which we arrive at them.
It is true that many of Binet's earlier assumptions proved untenable, and in this event he was always ready, with exceptional candor and intellectual plasticity, to acknowledge his error and to plan a new line of attack.
Certainly no one could have known in advance of experience that intellectual retardation would reveal itself in weakness of the æsthetic sense about as unmistakably as in memory, practical judgment, or the comprehension of language.
Indeed, it would be desirable to make all promotions on the basis chiefly of intellectual ability.
Adhere to the purpose of the test, which is to ascertain the child's intellectual level, not to instruct him.
In fact, whatever be the taste of a man, whether sensual or intellectual or both, he can gratify himself here without moving out of the precincts of the Palais Royal.
It seemed, in fact, the safety-valve of his high-pressure intellectual engine.
No circumstance, however dismal, will ever be considered a sufficient excuse for the admission of that last and saddest evidence of intellectual poverty, the pun.
John Hay did as great work after forty as ever before, so did Mark Twain, and both of them gained in intellectual strength and public honor to the very end.
And once, in an interview with the writer of these chapters, Howells declared: "She was not only a beautiful soul, but a woman of singular intellectual power.
I wish to furnish a deal of pleasant information, somewhat highly spiced, but still palatable, digestible, and eminently fitted for the intellectual stomach.
Nothing of the natural man is left in these people; their intellectual equipment is made up of ignorant vanity and eager desire for novelty, and a yearning to be in the fashion.
They are peculiarly and conspicuously the world's intellectual aristocracy.
In this article was developed the idea that the voting privilege should be estimated not by the individuals, but by their intellectual qualifications.
Yet he did not retreat from his moral and intellectual standards, or lose the respect of that shiftless community.
The mass of human minds, and much more of the minds of young persons, have no great appetite for intellectual exercise; but they have some, which by careful treatment may be strengthened and increased.
I could fully relish the excellence of each; for I have ever delighted in that intellectual chemistry, which can separate good qualities from evil in the same person.
We know that he engaged in a journalistic venture in Dunedin, but how long it continued or how he fed his intellectual life during the years which intervened, until he published his first novel in London, we know little or nothing.
It was the sublimity of egoism, contemptible when allied with intellectual inferiority and weakness of character, but justifiable in his case because it was in association with a force of mental gifts little short of marvellous.
He discovers that his intellectual processes are more scientific than hers, therefore he concludes they are superior.
It does prevent things becoming settled in the way that the woman, as a rule, loves to have them, but this disturbance prevents the rigid intellectual and spiritual atmosphere which often drives the young from home.
The young do not have enough of the stimulating intellectual influence of their elders.
But that there was opposition to giving women the same educational facilities as men was not saying that there was or ever had been a conspiracy on foot to keep her in intellectual limbo because she was a woman.
With every year it should become necessarily more complicated, broader in interests, more demanding on her intellectual and spiritual qualities.
To make a place in which the various members can live freely and draw to themselves those with whom they are sympathetic--a place in which there is spiritual and intellectual room for all to grow and be happy each in his own way?
I suppose that it is because there is so little in the village to appeal to the intellectual side of her, and her mind must be occupied.
I wonder if this means that I am egotistical or queer, or only that my life has been so much more among books and intellectualthings than the life of most of them.
He is wearing out his youth with that old frump of a housekeeper, who makes him uncomfortable with an ingenuity that seems to show intellectual force not to be suspected from anything else.