Nor are the babes but of use in the church of God; for he commands that they may be brought to cry with the congregation before the Lord for mercy for the land (Joel 2:16).
A certain quantity of water flows through a chink, and so far the motion of greatercongregation predominates over that of continuity; but if the chink be smaller, it yields.
The waves lapping on the beach could alone be heard, and each man in that mighty congregation held his breath.
Strictly speaking, the flock of Padre Ignatius was limited to the congregation of a little adobe church on the outskirts of the town, but his large heart included the whole population of Tlatonac in that ecclesiastical appellation.
Vengeance is mine and I will repay;" such was the text of Padre Arguello's discourse that hot October day, before his little congregation in Bolinas.
The Congregation of the Index (Congregatio indicis librorum prohibitorum), founded by St Pius V.
One of the cardinals acts as president, or prefect, as he is called; the congregation is assisted by a secretary and a certain number of inferior officials, for secretarial and office work.
Congregation of the Council matters concerning the precepts of the Church such as fasting, abstinence and festivals.
The Congregationof the Council (Sacra Congregatio Cardinalium Concilii Tridentini interpretum), i.
Through this Congregation the pope, as bishop of Rome, made the inspection of his diocese; it is for this reason that he was president of this commission, the most important member of which was the cardinal vicar.
The Congregation of the Fabric of St Peter's (Sacra Congregatio reverendae Fabricae S.
To this congregation is also subject the administration of the common property of the college of cardinals.
He further entrusted to this Congregation everything relating to the supervision of bishops and of the condition of the dioceses, and business connected with the seminaries.
Congregation two others having a similar object: that on the discipline of the regular clergy (Congregatio super Disciplina Regularium), founded by Innocent XII.
The Congregation of Loretto (Congregatio Lauretana) discharged the same functions for the sanctuary of that name; its temporal administration was latterly very much reduced, and in 1908 it was united by Pius X.
The Congregationof Immunity (Sacra Congregatio Jurisdictionis et Immunitatis ecclesiasticae) was created by Urban VIII.
The Congregation of Rites (Congregatio sacrorum Rituum), founded by Sixtus V.
A few small candles gave light to a small tenement, used as a lodging place for the hop-gatherers, where the congregation was accommodated.
The arrangement of my congregationwas much the same as the preceding evening.
Mr Johnson kindly attended, and assisted in the devotional part of the service; and some of his congregation obligingly assisted in the singing.
Politics now bore the double imprint of two rival powers: the Congregation and Carbonarism.
The Freres de la Doctrine Chretienne were also recognized, not, however, as a religiouscongregation under the jurisdiction of the minister of public worship, but as a teaching body under that of the minister of education.
Represent yourself as a member of the primitive Christian congregation assembled in Corinth.
St. Paul calls the Church of Corinth a congregation of Saints,(53) though he reproves some scandalous members among them.
They asked the prayers of the congregation for the souls of the deceased in the public services of Sunday.
Hence, to their minds, the primary duty of a congregation is to listen to a discourse from the pulpit.
Others derive it from the word Missa, which the Priest uses when he announces to the congregationthat Divine Service is over.
The Rabbi reads the prayers in Hebrew, a language with which many of the congregation are not familiar.
Beecher’s silver wedding several wealthy members of his congregation adorned the walls of Plymouth church with their private paintings.
Among other things, he had maintained that sermons should be always preached by two people, one taking one side and another the opposite, while a third summed up and the congregation decided by a show of hands.
And then turning towards the great congregation he gave the plenary absolution, for which the Pope's Bull had been read from the pulpit steps.
The pastor has given him, in the name of the congregation, the right hand of fellowship, and also publicly authorized him to join with the congregation in the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
And for this there is no time so appropriate as when he desires to be numbered among the communicants of the congregation and participate with them in the celebration of the Lord's Supper.
But the point which I would specially insist upon in this paper is, the vast importance of developing, combining, and directing the gifts of all the members of the congregation for accomplishing both its inner and outer work.
The inner and outer work of the congregation as a body may be briefly indicated in a few sentences, though volumes might be profitably filled with its details.
The sphere of this mission must necessarily be a district in which the members of the congregation can labour.
This will express itself and be strengthened by meetings for social prayer and Christian intercourse, and by those works and labours of love for which the congregation itself has the first claim.
Are not all the difficulties, for example, connected with the proper organisation of the congregation those only that pertain to the existence of a living Christianity among its members?
No doubt, much wisdom is required upon the part of office-bearers to whom the government of the congregation is intrusted, to discern gifts, and to apply them.
The first is within itself, and includes whatever is done by the members of the congregation for their mutual good; the second is beyond itself, and includes the good done by the whole body to the world "without.
The congregation of scholastics begun this year has made the best of progress.
They are believed to have taken their manner of procedure, in all respects, from the congregation at Rome.
Cistercians The congregation of Citeaux was at one time the most flourishing of the offshoots of the great Benedictine body.
When the benediction had been pronounced, and the congregation were going out, Ishmael was about to leave his pew when he saw that the minister had come down from the pulpit and was advancing straight towards him to speak to him.
The congregation were already assembled, and soon after Judge Merlin and his guest took their seats the minister entered and took his place at the reading-desk and the services commenced.
At the conclusion of the services, while the congregationwere leaving the church, the minister descended from his pulpit and advanced towards Judge Merlin, who was also hastening to meet his pastor.
At Kensington parish church one of the curates asked for the prayers of the congregation for "a family crossing the Atlantic, and other sick persons.
I should then go on to speak of the heirs of salvation to whom we minister, and I should conclude with an earnest appeal to the congregation to provide funds for the sending forth of more such ministering spirits.
After reading out the four names he paused, turned very red, and astounded the congregation by adding, "The first are last and the last first.
We could not possibly pass on the stairs, and the eyes of the whole congregation were upon me.
Tall and straight as the pines of the Norseland, with clear, flashing blue eyes and honest, winning smile, the congregation began to love him before he was half through his first sermon.
The afternoon's congregation was, in fact, even larger than the morning's.
I learnt from some, that Father Phelan addressed his congregation a second time concerning me, and expressly forbade them to speak to me if they should have an opportunity, on pain of excommunication.
I was soon informed that Father Phelan had just addressed hiscongregation with much apparent excitement about myself; and thus the carpenter had received his information.
Esson, one of the clergymen of the Church of Scotland, to whosecongregation she said her parents belonged.
Some of the priests of the Seminary often visited the Congregation Nunnery, and both catechised and talked with us on religion.
The principle of freedom of interpretation he now proclaims rather more cautiously, and no longer appeals in so unqualified a manner to the universal priesthood and the sovereignty of the Congregation in matters of religion.
As for his favourite comparison of his theory of the congregation with that in vogue in Apostolic times, it was one which could not stand examination.
As Luther recognised no universal Church visible, a call emanating from a congregation of believers had to suffice; Carlstadt, for instance, could appeal to his having been chosen by Orlamünde as its pastor.
Just as his belief in the spontaneous formation of a new state of things testified to his abnormal idealism, so this new idea of an assembly within the congregation displays his utter lack of any practical spirit of organisation.
Twenty-four members of the Moravian congregation there responded.
At Karonga two services are held every Sabbath, and the congregation numbers 600 natives.
He then proceeded to inform his attentive congregation of a fact which one would have thought was painfully obvious to them—that punishment did not fall only on the wrong doer, but also upon those who were near and dear to him.
Joseph Thorns, Chaplain of Marston Castle, and was familiarly alluded to by his congregation as “Holy Jo.
In order therefore, to correct all misapprehension, the General, Father Aquaviva, issued an Instruction for the confessors of princes, which was formally approved by the General Congregation of 16o8.
At the second General Congregation held in 1565, the question arose whether Cardinal Otto of Augsburg might have a member of the Society attached to his court, as theologian.
The first effect of this outrage was to strike the clergy and congregation dumb with amazement, horror, and consternation.
For more than a century the column apparently lay where it fell, on the site of what had once been the altar of the church, and was made to serve as a bench for members of the congregation to sit upon.
Dowbiggin's beadle within an hour, and received a cordial welcome from a congregation of grooms, to whom he related his experiences at the Manse with much detail and agreeable humour.
As Manley, however, insisted that it was nothing but a sore throat, the minister felt bound to get better, and the whole congregation would have thanked Manley in a body had it not been that he would have laughed aloud.