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Example sentences for "suburban"

Lexicographically close words:
subtribes; subtropical; subtus; subulate; suburb; suburbanites; suburbes; suburbs; subvention; subventions
  1. The Geological Section along the West Suburban Railway from Birmingham to King’s Norton.

  2. On this irregular plateau stand the town of Birmingham and its suburban villages of Harborne, Edgbaston, Moseley, Aston, Handsworth, and Sutton Coldfield.

  3. Certainly it shall be my life work to prevent it; and maybe when in the years to come I am passing the plate in some far suburban tabernacle of worship, all will be forgotten.

  4. Meanwhile we sit as tight as a couple of dynamite conspirators--and at present the Guardian appoints no Boston representative and accepts no Boston business except from a few suburban agents.

  5. You haven't any one to suggest, have you, that would give us exclusively a suburban business so that he wouldn't interfere with your congested district lines when we appointed you?

  6. One evening we drove to the suburban village of Posilipo and from the cliffs at that place saw the sun descend in glory, a golden ball dropping into a radiant sea.

  7. The New Paltz road passes the site where General Wayne had his headquarters, also, the "Balm of Gilead tree," which gave the name of Balmville to the suburban locality.

  8. The village, including Upper Nyack, West Nyack and South Nyack, has many fine suburban homes and lies in a semi-circle of hills which sweep back from Piermont, meeting the river again at the northern end of Tappan Zee.

  9. The hotels, boarding-houses and suburban homes would increase the census as given to nearly ten thousand people.

  10. The Priory, which sounds so grand and gothic, is really the corner house of a most depressing row of suburban villas, called Glenview and that sort of thing.

  11. Soon afterwards a beautiful colt that had won the Derby was persistently backed for the City and Suburban Handicap.

  12. Go to any suburban race meeting (I don't care which you pick) and you will fancy that Hell's tatterdemalions have got holiday.

  13. His hideous cackle sounds in railway-carriages, or on breezy piers by the pure sea, or in suburban roads.

  14. It is supposed to be the day of rest and ease, and comfortable cits are taking their summer outings to suburban resorts.

  15. As the title indicates, this sketch is a broad burlesque of the deportment displayed by the frequenters of a suburban ball-room.

  16. The wedded pair are enjoying a suburban excursion.

  17. Such a suburban retreat, with the motley crowds who disported themselves thereat, is graphically reproduced in Rowlandson's plate of Summer Amusement.

  18. It lies within the limits of the south suburban municipality, and is a cantonment of native troops.

  19. ACTON, an urban district in the Ealing parliamentary division of Middlesex, England, suburban to London, 9 m.

  20. These grateful inequalities and roughnesses have been smoothed over, and the ancient vegetation swept away like dead autumn leaves from the velvet lawns and gravel walks of a trim suburban villa.

  21. In suburban grounds and gardens these three common species are equally abundant.

  22. The robin, although common as ever in all the more rural parts of London--the suburban districts where there are gardens with shrubs and trees--is now growing sadly scarce everywhere in the interior of the metropolis.

  23. Carrollton is one the suburban offshoots of New Orleans, and contains some two thousand inhabitants, mostly of the poorer classes, and of Germanic lineage.

  24. They had taken the nearest cut out of the city, and were passing a suburban mansion, the front yard of which was full of orange trees and flowers.

  25. That it must be so housed here for the present, and for a long time to come, all schemes of suburban relief being as yet utopian, impracticable.

  26. Against such tendencies, in the absence of suburban outlets for the crowding masses, all remedial measures must prove more or less ineffective.

  27. Avenues of fine old lindens thread this suburban paradise, and seats, placed at the proper points, command views of which one knows not the loveliest.

  28. The city and suburban conveyances were at first busses, and, later, horse-drawn Albert cars.

  29. The formal celebrations comprised a magnificent procession, in which the navy, the army, the corporations of the city and suburban districts, the Harbour Board and other institutions took part, as well as the children of the public schools.

  30. One of the consequences of this series of sales was the subdivision and reselling by buyers of their sections, with the idea of opening suburban districts.

  31. Following upon the sale of town lots, selections of Government land comprising suburban allotments, cultivation allotments and sections suitable for small farms were offered for sale on September 1st of the same year.

  32. It is not easy, however, to conceive that destiny deliberately leads one into a suburban avenue to enjoy the humour of one's surprise at so trivial a coincidence.

  33. But when young gentlemen began to introduce it as a figure in the lancers in suburban back-parlours one resented it, not merely as an emasculated parody, but as an act of dishonest innocence.

  34. The way to my suburban station and the morning train admonishes me sadly with its stream of season-ticket holders carrying dispatch-cases, and all of them anxious, their resolute pace makes it evident, for work.

  35. I felt that my suburban street, secluded in trees and unimportance, was as remote from the evil I knew of as though it were in Alaska.

  36. Think what it meant to those suburban families of City men!

  37. The streets of this not too lovely suburban town literally ran with blood when at last we made our way into it.

  38. Suburban trains running on the famous Bagdad railroad take you to Erenkeuy.

  39. In the Bench, in dreary suburban lodgings, or in the comfortable houses which they sometimes occupied, the Happy Jacks were always the Happy Jacks.

  40. The manufacture of glass was not successful, but the place became a well-known suburban resort, where good dinners were served to visitors from the city.

  41. On the road to Greenwich a little beyond Canal Street was Tyler's, a popular suburban resort, some years before known as Brannon's Tea Garden.

  42. Here again the track for a long distance runs along the middle of a suburban street slowly traversed,--a street of lowly houses, each in its dense garden.

  43. As in a short time it will probably be turned over to speculators, who will cut it into lots for suburban houses, it is necessary before its destruction to evoke some of the souvenirs which have rendered this place illustrious.

  44. The fragments will serve to fill the moats, and on the ground thus made level they will build suburban villas.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suburban" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ambient; average; bourgeois; circling; circumferential; city; civic; common; commonplace; conventional; downtown; embracing; encircling; enclosing; garden; interurban; midtown; municipal; neighboring; normal; ordinary; peripheral; plastic; regular; roundabout; suburban; surrounding; town; uptown; usual; village; wrapping