Sample P analyses: 3460 parts of this sample contain one part of oxide of iron.
Sample C analyses: 3333 parts of this sample contain one part of oxide of iron.
Sample B is equal in purity to the best sand known as a material for glass, in this or any other country.
Sample B analyses: 4000 parts of this sample contain one part of oxide of iron.
The analyses therefore give only the proportion of coloring oxides; and, for simplicity of statement, the total weight of coloring oxide in each sample is determined in one part or pound.
Taking the congregation of our Parish Church in the agregate it is a fairsample of every class of human life.
Here is a sample of the type of suggestions to give: "As I count to ten and even before I reach the count of ten, I shall feel a fly crawling on the back of my right hand.
However, a sample of “Pertussin” purchased in the open market in the United States failed to respond to tests for bromids.
It was distinctly acid, which is also true of the fatty material obtained from a sample of colchicum seed.
This sample has the characteristics of a solution of iodin in liquid petrolatum.
Sample I Sample II Ointment from Ointment from new lard, old lard, per cent.
When the sample was first obtained, this feature was not observed.
Iodine, marked “Nitrogen Hydrate of Iodin” was submitted by the manufacturers and this sample was examined.
The sample analyzed does not contain the amount of protein claimed for it.
We are sending you under separate cover another sample of the Oil of Iodine which is a 5 per cent.
Platt’s Chlorides was so low that it could not be determined and also that the sample was found to contain some mercuric chlorid.
This ferment was a sample of Holadin which had been in the laboratory about a year.
In an experiment with the English sample carried out through nineteen hours as above, using 2 gm.
Splendid results obtained from a sample of Proteogen No.
A nonquantitative formula which appears on the label of a samplebottle sent to a physician enumerates the same ingredients except the sodium thiosulphate.
That thesis cannot be self-evident of which the subject invites and admits a wholly different explanation; and the "must" is a sample of the Professor's critical ethic.
The myth of the Seventy Disciples a sample and test case.
And was this a sample of the end of all the thinking men who would follow after into space?
What we saw at the council that day when Rama defied Grim Hagen was just a sample of what was to follow.
It is a sample of the persistence of the qualities of a strong man, in the generations that come after him.
The wealthiest of European capitalists--the Croesus of modern civilization--may be but a pauper in that better currency, whereof a samplehas been shown in the store of Jonathan Floyd.
Jennings is a man of character, especially the farther from his home; the county round take him for a model of propriety, a sample of the strictest conduct.
In emptying my head of the notion, I have ministered too much already: but the sample of henbane is poured out, an offering to the infernal manes, and poisons no longer the current of my thoughts.
It was indeed a thought to make the rich man glad, that all his shining heap was just like a sample of seed-corn, and the pocket-full should next year fill a sack.
The chemist who analyzed the substance of Pictou sent a sample to the Editor of the Journal.
They told me to smoke if I felt that I must have nourishment, and coldly refused to let me sample the pickled spiders and cold-pressed flies.
About twenty-six years ago, in his dress costume of a blue coat and yellow buckskins, a finer sample of John Bullism you would rarely see.
Other auctioneers in various parts of the enormous shed erected for their accommodation do the same, and then, as more boats arrive, other cargoes are sold, the sailors bringing a hundred as a sample from the boat.
It's just two or three pages of the foolishest trash that any man ever lost time in writing; and I'm afraid it's about a fair sample of Burke.
The following is a sample of several observations, all yielding the same general result.
Side-note: What Kallikles says is not to be taken as a sample of the teachings of Athenian sophists.
And the windmill man swelled and gyrated like a sample of his own goods, puffed up with the wind that ever blows from the chorus land toward the domain of the star.
We strikes the town after supper-time, and we concludes to sample whatever efficacy there is in this eating-house down by the railroad tracks.
I was the nearest neighbour, and I used to ride over to the Double-Elm anywhere from nine to sixteen times a week with fresh butter or a quarter of venison or a sample of new sheep-dip just as a frivolous excuse to see Marilla.
This particular street which we are now in is not an exceptional one, in fact it is one of the principal ones in the town, and therefore is a very fair sample of what the business quarter is like.
The boats I have described are but a sample of the multitude of ways in which the Chinese are circumscribed and prevented by forces greater than the enactment of special laws from making progress in their national life.
For above Contents, with sample pages of Music, address Harper & Brothers, New York.
If Lady Estrella's excellent answer is a sample of what Auckland Ladies can do, we will have to admit that New Zealanders are well informed on literary matters.
The style shows a much further advance in Magister Marchionni's facade to the church of Santa Maria della Pieve at Arezzo, which is a fine sample of Romanesque.
The doorway has the usual Comacine interlaced knots and no lions, so the facade may stand as an early sample of the transition into Romanesque, dating about the eleventh century.
Another sample of Channing's philosophy which Emerson thinks worthy of quoting.
You could give a sample sentence, but not the one sentence that commanded all the others.
Walden" is from first to last a most delightful sample of his talent.
As a sample of Dublin theatrical life, in Barry's time, I cite the following passage from Gilbert's History of Dublin, and therewith close the subject for the present.