Tom Allyne felt decidedly left out, and it was not a pleasant sensation to one who had been accustomed to considering himself a good fellow and desirable companion.
At first they could scarcely separate the crowding figures, so intermingled were they, but presently, as their eyes became more accustomed to the weird lights and shades, they could separate them into distinct groups and figures.
Instead of the straight, strong masts they were accustomed to, here were those that shot up so tall and slender they seemed to bend over of their own weight, like a young sapling.
Their psychic superiority, the nature of their habitual thoughts, their condition of mind, accustomed to seek ends and causes, had given them both a kind of inward clairvoyance which freed them from the general ignorance of the living.
He was dressed as I am accustomed to seeing him, and I noticed that he was looking at something very intently.
Minds accustomed to study cannot content themselves with so trifling a denial.
That's the way to grow accustomed to accomplishing big things.
And just as automatically and unthinkingly as he was accustomed to swing on a bird, he sent a charge of shot at the second flash of the gun.
He was accustomed to having his own way with girls, or at least with Jean.
She was not yet accustomed to the latter designation.
When he left the lights behind it was better as his eyes became accustomed to the darkness.
But the blue mare was accustomed to hard riding after wild, long-legged steers up and down brush-covered coulees.
It was the peculiar face which I had been accustomed to see, only hideously marred by wounds.
One glance at him, as he looked straight before him, was sufficient to convince every observer that here was a man accustomed to command by the right of genius.
He adds that this could be remedied only by abolishing the Parian altogether, and letting the Sangleys sell their merchandise in the streets or in their ships as they were accustomed to do when there was no Parian.
After he had finished the visitation of the diocese, he was accustomed to say that he had greatly admired the modesty and piety of the women in it; for in gossip and conversation their reputation had long been very much to the contrary.
He had no dreams at night except about the other life, and he was accustomed to see the blessed surrounded with great splendor, and one among them who excelled them all.
I have understood that the governors have been accustomed to assign encomiendas in this country in a manner to suit their own purposes.
Another had so accustomed himself to the scourging of his body that one day when he was required to march with a troop of soldiers, he withdrew from it in the night, in order that he might not omit this holy exercise.
I was alarmed, but her mother, who had become accustomed to see her thus, sent for the surgeon, and her sister unlaced her.
When one has become accustomed to tampering with letter seals, he has broken through a powerful restraint to crime, and has laid himself yet more open to the assaults of temptation.
When going his accustomed rounds, he noticed sundry shavings and chips of a decidedly new and fresh appearance on the floor outside of Willis's door.
It is engraved in a small silver locket that hung on his watch-chain, where he was accustomed to have important days in his life marked, such as the day he adopted his boy, his mother's death.
The tall, handsome gentleman, accustomed to be obeyed, in reality passionately fond of his children, dismayed him.
Count of Ehrenstein; "but it is true you have lived long in peace, and are not so much accustomed as myself to see scenes of slaughter and destruction; and yet we must leave no part of the work here undone.
But what can I do, pretty Bertha; I'm no leech, and am moreaccustomed to bleeding men than bleeding women?
One gets accustomed to everything, and why not to a ghost?
And the ear has memory, it watches for an accustomed sound, it will not suffer us to forget the voice, the step of those we love.
She had accustomed herself to the idea of Cornelia as mistress of the beautiful home she had made.
He reined in his horse to watch her, and though accustomed to her beauty, he marvelled again at it.
Montgomery had becomeaccustomed to the brutal frankness of the Northern worker.
I have beenaccustomed to preside at a well-conducted club, and not at a bear-garden.
One day it was announced to Michael Angelo that he would not receive his accustomed visit: Clement VII.
One might say he was a page of high birth accustomed to place his foot on the steps of a throne.
In the little Saint John of the Madonna of the Rocks, Leonardo da Vinci has solved this problem with his accustomed superiority.
She was generally quite shy and would allow no one to whom she was not accustomed to come near her.
I always think that a hostess who neglects to make her guests feel at liberty to give an order either is not accustomed to servants or else stands in too much awe of them.
There is not a day in which the papers do not contain some mention of insane wards in the city hospitals, but people here are so accustomed to it, that no one except a newcomer like yourself would be likely to notice it.
The smile vanished from Nordeck's face, giving way to its accustomed gravity.
You and Wanda are unfortunately accustomed to subordinate everything to your own personal impressions.
When at length she turned round and came back into the room, traces might be seen even in her proud face of what the parting had cost her--only by an effort could she maintain her accustomed outward calm.
The noble creature is certainly not accustomed to such treatment.
When the time came at which I was accustomed to receive the holy communion, I begged the prison governor that he should manage that I should have the court preacher, D.
When he heard Chresten coming up with the cups, he threw himself on the seat on which the prison governor wasaccustomed to lie, and again struck his slippers against the wall.
I was accustomed to go up and down in front of the door of my room when it was unlocked.
I understood well what he meant by this, but I answered: 'I am accustomed to the society of great people, therefore that will not appear strange to me.
Life at Brookport had so accustomed him to being plain Bill Chalmers that it had absolutely slipped his mind that he was really Lord Dawlish, the one man in the world whom Elizabeth looked on as an enemy.
By degrees, too, one becomes accustomed to the slovenliness of the cabin servants, and the dusky appearance of stained and soiled table cloths, and at last even ceases to miss the newspapers and the absence of cream in his coffee.
The shock woke me and several of the men, for though a seaman is accustomed to the swell and motion of the heaving ocean, yet the slightest touch of any hard, opposing substance, rouses him quick as lightning.
When I was on a voyage to the West Indies, two or three years ago, I had a Newfoundland dog with me, who was accustomed to spring into the water from any height, and after anything.
As soon as he had taken his seat, he inquired, with his accustomed good humor, what were the motives of our flight?
Pegtop was very fond of this word, "massa," and could never get accustomed to any other title used by the whites.
Our fellows fought with the accustomed bravery of British sailors, but for some time the chances of the combat were doubtful.
Irish fugitives willing to return into the King's land were to have peace on paying the aforesaid tribute, 'or by performing the ancient accustomed services for their lands.
Their accustomed ceremony was to abstain from flesh on Wednesday, but their devotion had so much increased that they now abstained likewise on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
Coming events cast their accustomed shadow before, and Grey's recall, for recall it was understood to be, was known to the public sooner than to the officials.
Judy awoke at the accustomed time, but no welcome whine, no pathetic scrabble of eager paws broke the respectable stillness of the Aunt's house.
Living alone in the queer little cottage, the world, his accustomed life, the Brydges woman, all seemed very far away.
They were by now accustomedto the gloom, the dilated pupils taking in pictures of vague forms moving like ghouls in the shadows.
Not a line in his face or a look in his eyes betrayed the thoughts of the leader who had been thwarted at the outset of a dangerous enterprise, or of the man, accustomed to command, who had been so flagrantly disobeyed.
The runner, whose eyes were no doubt accustomed to the gloom, had drawn nearer to the carriage.
But though she spoke so airily and with her accustomed gaiety, it was easily perceived that even on this childish mind the dangers which beset every one these days had already imprinted their mark of suspicion and of caution.
Presently, however, his eyes, which mayhap were somewhat dim with tears, became more accustomed to the hazy grey light and the moving figures that looked so like shadows.
One by one the friends of the artists were leaving the theatre, after having paid the usual banal compliments to those whom they favoured, or presented the accustomed offering of flowers to the brightest star of the night.
Always presuming that you can get me, my friend," murmured de Batz, who was gradually regaining his accustomed composure.
Primitive peoples, accustomed to dismemberment in small tribal groups, bear all the marks of territorial contraction.
In Nepal, women and girls, less often men, have long been accustomed to carry travellers and merchandise over the Himalayan ranges.
Accustomed to English charges varying from three farthings to threepence per mile, he is frequently thrown out of his reckoning by the absence of miles abroad.
She was a teacher in the Sunday school, and at the Sunday-evening teachers' meetings she was accustomed to set forth her opinions with great frankness, and in a style which assumed that they were not open to debate.
He was accustomed to make predictions, and not infrequently his predictions were verified.
Accustomed to hardship and famine, they subsisted in a manner incredible to our time and race.
When we entered the room Mr. Cushing went to a bureau, and took from a drawer a package which contained steel knives and forks, such as I had been accustomed to sell when a boy in a country store.