The three genera named represent a phylogenetic series, which isrepeated in the ontogenetic development of Cyphocolpus.
Such a system of zones may be repeated (Diplozonaria) or even developed a third time (Triplozonaria, p.
This experiment may be repeatedseveral times with the same result.
In the Porodiscida the same form is repeated by Stauralastrum, in the Spongodiscida by Spongasteriscus.
The branching is more or less irregular, either a simple bifurcation or a repeated fissure; the spines and their branches are commonly more or less flexuose.
Since these divisions only affect the central capsule and not the extracapsulum, the sister-cells, which arise by repeated division of the mother, remain enclosed in a common rapidly growing calymma.
The regular disposition and shape of the arms, an important character for the distinction of genera and species, is repeated in a quite analogous manner in the four above mentioned families, so that we can distinguish the following groups--A.
The triradial form of this genus is repeated in Tripodocyclia among the Coccodiscida, and in Tripodictya among the Porodiscida.
Even his repeated statement that he would not accept the nomination did not prevent his enthusiastic followers from hoping that the convention might be "stampeded.
I don't believe it was wrecked," repeated Selina, wildly.
Beaumont here knelt down, and, with devout energy, repeated several collects from the Liturgy, commending the oppressed church to the mercy of its Divine Founder, and imploring peace and resignation for its suffering members.
One repeated a text from St. Paul, supposed to assert the inefficacy of works; another observed, it was presumptuous to dictate to Providence.
During this time the Sunday assembling of the church in the wilderness was repeated as often as the safety of the congregation would permit.
That I do so, is a proof of your repeated errors, and of my conviction that they proceed rather from inexperience, than a bad disposition.
He dealt at once with Mr. Barrie's often repeated view that the proper object of our endeavours was to find a compromise between the Act of 1914 and the proposal for partition put forward by Ulster.
What added to the insincerity of the argument was Ulster's repeated refusal to be influenced by the result of any election.
But a fatal mistake was made in suppressing all report of the proceedings of the court-martial on them, and this mistake was to be repeated indefinitely.
Again he repeated those words, but in a state of feeling which left him almost unconscious of all he said or did.
The words Not Guilty were instantaneously repeated on the stairs, and again outside, like magic.
I sate down at the table, but she remained standing, and folding her hands, repeated a long grace.
Barroute, a captain of Bearn, which stood next to the right, and repeated the order.
This was repeated again, and the fire extinguished as before.
Levis, when I repeatedmy message, almost as moved as the old soldier.
The redoubled applause was a repeated affront to us.
The Duke states in the original that books are not lent from this library, which is so erroneous that we have not repeated it in the translation.
I also visited the sister's house, and these maidens, who have grown old in honour, seemed to be much pleased with myrepeated visit.
Now our opinion of these publications is the very opposite of that given by a newspaper eulogist: we do not “believe that the repeated issues of Dr.
The plates correspond to examples in syntax, not to berepeated parrot-like, but to be studied as embodiments of syntactical principles.
The revelries of the baronial castle found echoes in the hall of the old manor-house; and these were, again, repeated in the tapestried chamber of the country magistrate or from the sanded parlor of the village inn.
But it was answered from every hill-top and repeated in every valley of England; and each man flung the Yule log on his own fire at the cheering signal.
Monkeys,' repeated the trainer, and then he pulled out a huge new wallet that he had bought on the way to the priest's residence.
It originated in a vow made in 1633 on the occasion of a plague which visited the place, and is repeated every ten years on the Sundays from the end of May to the middle of September.
Pauline Christianity, on the other hand, with its doctrine of sin and redemption, seemed to him a deterioration, and Christ Himself only the most complete representative of the incarnation of God repeated in all ages and in every pious man.
Saxon government repeated the edict of banishment so far as the person of the founder was concerned, and when, two years later, the society expressly accepted the Augsburg Confession, it was formally recognised in Saxony.
But even this did not stop almost daily repeated murders and acts of destruction.
The repeated motions of the Centre for payment of the bishops’ salaries from the state exchequer, as well as for immunity to those who read mass and dispensed the sacraments, were again thrown out by the House of Deputies in April, 1885.
In May, 1878, Hermann was at last, after repeated solicitations, allowed to retire, Dr.
After repeated debates in the chamber over a scheme of a new ecclesiastical and synodal order submitted by the ministry, the first evangelical Lutheran state synod met in Dresden, in May, 1871.
Repeated attempts made since 1874 by the United States authorities by penal enactments to root out polygamy among the Mormons have always failed, because its actual existence could never be legally proved.
Choose," repeatedthe two fairies, each echoing the other.
In the midst of repeated blows he cried out for but a moment's audience, which the prince, after he had nearly tired himself with beating him, consented to give.
As soon as she saw the smoke rise, she repeated some words unknown to the King of Persia, who from a recess observe with great attention all that she did.
The prince continued firm, notwithstanding all these remonstrances; and as he saw nobody come to introduce him, he repeated the same cry with a boldness that made everybody tremble.
When she had finished and prepared the circle as she thought fit, she placed herself in the centre of it, where she began spells, and repeated verses out of the Koran.
After triumphsrepeated in the committee, Lord Sandwich and Mr. Fox were beaten largely on the report.
It is impossible for me to recollect my very expression, but I am confident that I have repeated the whole substance.
This the Mirepoix herself repeated to me; you may imagine her astonishment,--I mean, as far as your duty will give you leave.
It was this speech which, not being followed, as was naturally expected, by repeated exhibitions of similar eloquence, acquired for him the name of single-speech Hamilton.
Yet, after some fashion, the little garrison kept down these incipient blazes, held together the terrified Illini, repulsed each repeated charge of the Iroquois, and so at last wore through the long and fearful night.
At each end of this cross-arm stood magnificent candelabra, repeated at intervals along the greater extension of the board.
And even as the officer wheeled his troop to depart, these two again ascended the steps, half carrying between them a stumbling man, who but repeated mumblingly to himself the same words: "Mockery!
Guicciardini records one of his own times, which has been often repeated in ours.
But the circumstance was not unusual with Malherbe, Corneille, and Racine; and the most fervid verses of Homer, and the most tender of Euripides, were oftenrepeated by Milton.
Many productions of genius have originally been enveloped in feebleness and obscurity, which have only been brought to perfection byrepeated acts of the mind.
With a smile the martyr of study repeated a verse from Juvenal: Nec propter vitam vivendi perdere causas.
This was again repeated the following day, when he sent a gentleman to complain of her incivility.
It was repeated an incredible number of times, and always with the same suffering and shock to me.
They may generally be removed by the application of glacial acetic acid, or a drop of nitric acid, repeated until the entire structure is softened.
Chronic rheumatism--the result ofrepeated attacks of the acute--leads to great suffering, and oftentimes to disorganization of the joints and an interference with the movements of the heart.
The flush of the cheek is repeated in the reddened mucous membrane lining the lungs.
Did I not catch you, you saucy"--and then again repeated the terrible word so odious to female ears.
But I have almost forgot these things: I could have repeated Homer by heart once.
He had declared, in the most positive manner, that Dexter would persist in misleading me, and would show no signs of astonishment when I repeated what Lady Clarinda had told me of Mrs. Beauly.
He paused as he repeated the word, and passed his hand over his forehead in a weary way.
Here was the Major's warning repeatedby Mrs. Macallan, almost in the Major's own words.
I repeatedwhat I have already written in these pages.
Miserrimus Dexter stroked his magnificent beard, and contemplatively repeated my words.
The nurse, Christina Ormsay, being recalled, repeated what Mrs. Macallan had said to her on the day when that lady was first taken ill.
My young vocalist (Miss Hoighty) told the doctor exactly what had happened; and the doctor in her presence repeated the statement to your husband.
In that attitude--more like a dog than a human being--she repeated her customary petition when she wanted to fix words that interested her in her mind.
It was like the cry of a person in pain; and it was twice repeated before we entered the circular antechamber.
I looked back at the letter, and repeated the form of message contained in the latter part of it, word for word: "I forgive him; and one day I will let him see me again.
The oft-repeated assertion of Lord Chancellor Thurlow that “Reynolds and Romney divide the town, and I am of the Romney faction,” must be taken with a considerably larger pinch of salt than is popularly accepted with it.
Get under the house, I say--" she repeated and the dog slowly obeyed.
Yet they were repeated by the crowd as God-inspired truth.
Any lie can be built into a religion if repeated often enough to a crowd by a mind on fire with its passions.
Higginson, his chief backer in Massachusetts, was growing angry over his repeated delays and senseless inaction.
And he had repeated and shouted it until the gathering Abolitionist mob believed it as a message from God.
He had repeated to his Northern crowds the fable of negro suffering in the South until he believed the lie himself.
He knew the power of this repeated hammering on the mind.
An idea can be repeated until it is believed, true or false.
This, however, did not frighten him; he repeated the attempt every morning, though unsuccessfully.
But Caiaphas repeated to himself, as though he thought he would understand those words in his own mouth better: "Death is a gain for the righteous.
In order to be quite certain, he repeated his signal, and received for answer: "Right understood.
Over and over he had repeated in various cadences the words: "I will lift up mine eyes to the hills, whence cometh my help.
Money," he cried and repeatedthe word, "money not earned in self-respect never helps any one.
The old manrepeated the words: "Another year," and asked himself how many more years he would have to wait and listen to the sighing of the moaning waters that washed around the world.
On the page were these words written in a little round, old-fashioned hand, some one's interminably repeated prayer.