All these, of course, must have established themselves in Ireland before the Siberian fauna set foot in England, since it has been shown that a continuous land-surface was necessary for their migration.
At first there appeared species which belonged to a cold climate, and which now live in elevated regions; then came forms suited to a milder climate, which established themselves on the north-easterly slopes of the Alps.
The northern or Arctic fauna and flora, according to the same author, established themselves in the British Isles during the Glacial period--at a time when these were groups of islands in the midst of an ice-bound sea.
Thus, it is almost regarded as an established fact by conchologists and others, that the fresh-water mussel (Dreyssensia polymorpha) was introduced into England at the beginning of this century.
Nevertheless the species has not establisheditself in Ireland.
It is therefore scarcely justifiable to raise this Arctic area into a distinct zoological region equivalent to the great zoogeographic regions, which have been established by Sclater and Wallace, though we might, with Dr.
They are therefore some of the few instances of members of the Siberian invasion having become temporarily established there.
Some, however, suppose that there occurred a phase of extreme mildness immediately after the Glacial period, and that it was during that time that the Lusitanian fauna and flora became established in the British Islands.
In fact, I remember only two instances of accidental animal importations from America which have firmly established themselves in Europe, viz.
I remember watching some of this fighting from an artillery observation post established in a very roughly constructed hay-loft, through the rotten floor of which we were nearly precipitated some twenty feet to the ground.
Lancers, the Northumberland Fusiliers, and the Lincolns made a counter-attack and re-established the original line.
Let us suppose that from October 1914 up to the end of the war, the German right flank had been established at Dieppe, instead of at Nieuport.
The three companies then went up through the company lining the railway, through the château garden, drove the Germans out of the village north of the main road, and re-established the line.
This is the nearest French force to the Belgian Army, and I do not know if and where they have established communication with them, nor do the French.
I went out to my advanced Headquarters, which had been established at Bavai, a small village which is strategically important from the circumstance that it is the meeting place of roads from every point of the compass.
Le Cateau, where, as I have already said, I established my first General Headquarters in France, is situated on the Selle.
During the week the Headquarters of the Expeditionary Force were established in London at the Hotel Metropole, and the Staff was constituted as follows:-- Chief of Staff Gen.
Their splendid example was well followed, and the record they established nobly maintained by each unit of the Territorial Army as it successively took its place in the trenches.
It was essential to my general plan that the 2nd Corps should not get too far north until the 1st and 3rd Corps were completely established on the further bank of the Marne.
They afterwards established a record in the war which is well worthy of the fine old corps from which they spring.
So they all drove away together, quite in violation, I imagine, of theestablished etiquette on such occasions.
He restored the chapel in its original Franciscan simplicity, and made it over for the use of the Sisters of Mercy, already established in Elgin.
An annual festival, called Purim, [53] was established in commemoration of the deliverances we have recorded, which the Jews continue to observe at this day.
But in the progress of settlement, Salem village also became entitled to a church of its own; and it had one regularly established at the date of our story, with the Reverend Samuel Parris as presiding elder or minister.
Calling around upon the families to which he had presented letters on his first visit, immediately after his arrival in the colony, he speedily established very pleasant social relations with a good many very different circles.
It is said that in the first full year after the new order was established the total product of the country was tripled, and in the second the first year's product was doubled, and every bit of it consumed.
Now, suppose a difference in the physical strength of the sexes to have become well established through this process in prehistoric times, before the dawn of civilization, the rest of the story follows very simply.
Because from the moment that equality became established between them it ceased to be a whit more the interest of women to make themselves attractive and desirable to men than for men to produce the same impression upon women.
In 1776 the Americans overthrew the British royal government in the colonies and established their own in its place.
You see the present order has been so long established that it does not often occur to anybody except historians that there ever was any other.
International trade was already showing itself to be the instrumentality by which the world-wide plutocracy would soon have established its sway if the great Revolution had tarried.
The Newtonian law, however, has not only established its solidity, but its density and weight.
Another objection will without doubt be made, namely, that we have not ourselves established a correct, or the best goal or aim of the sciences (the very defect we blame in others).
Gilbert,[23] too, having employed himself most assiduously in the consideration of the magnet, immediately established a system of philosophy to coincide with his favorite pursuit.
Truces were established and men who had been engaged in trying to kill each other came out of opposite trenches and fraternized.
Along the valley of the Aisne and of the Vesle the spirit of destruction established its kingdom.
General d'Amade, the most popular of French generals owing to his exploits in Morocco, had established his staff at Aumale, holding the extreme left of the allied armies.
The nature of these organisms is still somewhat obscure, but that leguminous plants have the power of drawing upon this source of nitrogen is now a firmly established fact.
It has also been establishedby numerous experiments, that different plants require different constituents in different proportions.
Despite the fact of the long-established and almost universal use of lime, it can scarcely be said that we as yet clearly understand the exact nature of its action.
It merely peopled a desert, and opened a trade where there was none before; while in Australia it finds an established form of civilisation, and a commerce flowing in recognised channels.
The first line of stages established between New York and Philadelphia made the trip in about three days.
She stopped at the various hostelries on the route, some of which were well-established taverns, others miserable makeshifts; and she gives us some glimpses of rather rude fare.
He was thus one week off the coach-box, and at the end of his long life had a well-established record of over one hundred and thirty-five thousand miles of stage driving, more than five times round the world.
It ran through old Braintree, and its permanence was established by an action of the General Court in 1639.
The American colonists were not enthusiastic water drinkers, and they soon imported malt and established breweries to make the familiar ale and beer of old England.
He established a course of lectures on natural philosophy, and opened an exhibition of wax figures, seventy in all, for the amusement of New Yorkers.
There is now a line of Stages established from New Hampshire to Georgia, which go and return regularly, and carry the several Mails, by order and permission of Congress.
The price and quality of beer was constantly being established by law and as constantly changed.
The selectmen of the town of Cambridge, Massachusetts, met at the Blue Anchor Tavern, which was established as an ordinary as early as 1652.
They lingered sometimes on account of their humor, sometimes because they were a guarantee of an established business, but chiefly because people were used to them.
Millions upon millions in property were swept away, old established firms annihilated and miles of streets occupied by business houses laid waste.
It was their sacred duty to see that no unseemly break marred the decorum established for the guidance of audiences at the Iroquois, and that duty was fully discharged.
When the drays were filled and started there was a struggle to get them through the crowds, densely packed, even within the fire lines which the police had established across Randolph street at State and Dearborn streets.
She was not identified until after the identity of Viola's body had been established through a card which she carried in the pocket of her dress.
He succeeded in overcoming their extreme terror, and soon established a good understanding with them.
The Society made the usual number of removals before being finallyestablished as a householder.
The old fellow met her with an unblushing denial of ever having made such a statement or held such traitorous sentiments, as it was, he maintained, a well established fact that flies never eat honey at all.
There are many ways in which a not too scrupulous man of the world can be of use to an Oriental potentate whose civilization is only skin deep, and Travers Nugent had alreadyestablished many claims upon the exalted visitor's gratitude.
A language is an established means of communication, sanctioned by the general consent, and cannot be transformed at will.
It was only in the days of Khammurabi that he came into his kingdom, as it were, and even then his worship was not very firmly established in Babylonia.
This might apply to any supernatural being from fetish to full-fledged deity, and only meant that the spirit or divinity had established a relation with a particular holy place.
The central feature of Zoroastrian ritual was the worship of fire, an old-established worship which had existed before Zoroaster's time.
However, "antiquities were found so abundantly in the pursuit of the plan described, that the principle was established anew that a strictly scientific method of excavating is at the same time the most profitable.
Also did he create annunaki or gods of the earth, andestablished a wondrous city as a place in which they might dwell.
For, according to the author of the book, the festival was established to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from a great danger which threatened them in Persia under the reign of King Xerxes.
For the clergy of the Established Church Shakespeare had little respect; he probably regarded the majority of them as trimmers and time-servers.
A life-enduring friendship was later established between them by Pembroke's magnanimity in rallying to his support at a crucial period in his career.
The custom of writing an before u long must have arisen and become established when u had its primitive and vowel sound, nearly resembling that of our oo, a sound which it still has in several languages, but seems to have lost in ours.
Old established grafting methods frequently ran into failures when dealing with all but a few trees like the common fruit bearing kinds.
The root systems of the native stocks are well established and push the grafts rapidly.
Experimental orchards, both of transplanted nursery trees and of topworked native trees, have beenestablished in widely separated parts of the country.
According to old-established idea trees may be grafted successfully only from scions that have been cut when dormant and stored in proper receptacles.
In other words the latter had not become sufficiently established to make good stocks, and the former were not large enough.
Bartlett, Director of the Botanical Gardens at Ann Arbor, University of Michigan: "Our Botanical Garden in its present location is relatively new, having been established only in 1914.
I am inclined to believe that the real trouble was because the grafts, excepting the bitternuts, had not become sufficiently established before having to stand the shock of digging, shipping and transplanting.
Hickories have been very slow to becomeestablished and in fact have never made really good growth.
Acting on the suggestion and request of members of the association, Mr. Olcott established the American Nut Journal, one of the most important of our accomplishments.
While at Cornell he established a course of study in nut growing which was a part of the regular curriculum.
These are established facts, not only as regards species of plants and trees but also as regards the human race.
Before proceeding to the discussion of the purely legal question, I desire, as already intimated, to pay some attention to the propriety and justice of the rule which I claim to have been established by the Constitution.
Justice was not established by this Constitution if one half the people were left out from its provisions, neither was the common welfare considered unless all people in common, equally shared the benefits of the Constitution.
She preserved a neutral harbor by force of arms against opposing English factions; she enacted laws against the supremacy of the English parliament, and she established her own mint.
This must be my excuse for what I design to say in regard to the propriety of female suffrage, because with that propriety established there is very little difficulty in finding sufficient warrant in the constitution for its exercise.
Here we have a statement as to who established the Constitution.
The most hateful aristocracy ever establishedon the face of the globe.
JUDGE HUNT--The Court must insist--the prisoner has been tried according to the established forms of law.
They were men of middle life; they were under an old and established form of government to which they had not delegated authority, and during all these years they had made no use of their natural, equal rights.
I admit that it is anestablished legal maxim that every person (judicial officers excepted) is bound, and must be presumed, to know the law.
And the principle has been established that the Senate shall be directly represented on American delegations to world conferences.
A measure of representative government being established and the main object of the revolution being achieved, all parties fell to quarrelling among themselves as to which should profit most by the new institutions.
It was established among men who believed in the doctrine of the original sin, and it had been carried by their successors, who had abandoned the sinner Adam as the progenitor of their kind for the sinless but inglorious earthworm.
Minorities when they determine to take the Senate and the House out of the enfeebled grasp of incompetent regularity will inevitably find precedents already established for them.
He ought to have all the confidence which is supposed to be in the man who rises in the world, all that which comes from an established position.
The physical laws," says De Gourmont, "promulgated or establishedby the scientists, are confessions of ignorance.
We paid five cent fares on the street cars and were hopeful that they would become three cent fares; three cents was established by law in many cities as the maximum charge.
Aldrich was that equally respectable American, the conservative manager of the established corporation.
They established the tradition of American business.
A lynch law of opinion was established by common consent.
Those who established the modern system could never have sold self-government to the people as self government.
I retain it, however, as being short, not ugly, and well established in two languages.
I do not think any excuse necessary for my rejection of the name which seems most to have established itself lately, 'Cypselus Apus,' 'Footless Capsule.
Yet the public and the London County Council pronounced unhesitatingly as established fact that Saunders Leach was the assassin, and that he should be hunted down to the very ends of the world and, if need be, followed into the next.