Thus for their models these Italian hermits go behind the Regula Benedicti to the anchorite examples of Cassian and the East.
Thus we find Paciolus calling it l'Arte Magiore; ditta dal vulgo laRegula de la Cosa over Alghebra e Almucabala.
Other Italian writers termed it the Regula rei et census, the rule of the thing and the product, or the root and the square.
On the other hand, in solving the problem of adapting the different points of his heterodox system of thought to the regula fidei, he displayed the most masterly skill.
Moreover, it emerges in the same ecclesiastical district where we were first able to show the existence of the apostolic regula fidei.
The regula fidei is not here meant, as in this case it was not a subject of dispute.
In so far as the concordia episcoporum was consistent with this diversity, he did not interfere with the differences, provided the regula fidei was adhered to.
The former proclaimed the baptismal confession, definitely interpreted and expressed in an Antignostic form, to be the apostolic rule of truth (regula veritatis), and tried to prove it so.
The state of things here is therefore exactly the same as in the case of the apostolic regula fidei and the apostolic canon of scripture.
According to his ideas in this chapter we must include the history of the temptation in the regula fidei.
Novatian, "de trinitate seu deregula fidei," as well as the circular letter of the Synod of Antioch referring to the Metropolitan Paul (Euseb.
Symbols of faith were already drawn up which contained a peculiar mixture of Origen's theology with the inflexible Antignostic regula fidei.
Such was the Regula Mertonensis, the Rule of Merton, as it came to be called, which served as the model for so many subsequent statutes.
Regula Baddun's owner said:--"I throw in my mare to fret Ousel.
Regula Baddun's owner, waiting by the two bricks, gave one deep sigh of relief, and cantered back to the stand.
The regula fidei; Harnack on Luther’s inconsequence; Paulsen on “Pope Luther.
On this fundamental question of the possibility of a “regula fidei” in Luther’s case, we may listen to the opinion of another esteemed Protestant historian of late years.
God might have commanded Adam to eat the apple which he forbade him to eat, and so the eating of it had been good, the not eating of it evil; whereas the will and commandment of men is not regula regulans, but regula regulata.
For the covenant tieth us to a reformation of the government of the church both according to the word of God and the example of the best reformed churches: that as regula regulans; this as regula regulata.
Felix andRegula became the patron saints of Zurich, and play a conspicuous part in its local history.
Regula fidei is directed in a subordinationist sense against the Monarchians (§ 33).
Christian piety and breathes a free evangelical spirit, while the annexed Regula cœnobialis fratrum de Hibernia, also ascribed to him, bears a rigoristic ascetic character, enjoining frequent flagellations.
This is that regula fidei, that sacramentum symboli memoriae mandatum, of which St. Augustine says:- noveritis hoc esse Fidei Catholicae fundamentum super quod edificium surrexit Ecclesiae.
Regula Baddun's owner, waiting by the two bricks, gave one deep sigh of relief, and cantered back to the Stand.
Regula Baddun's owner said, "I throw in my mare to fret Ousel.
However, Regula saw them, shook her head and told her husband that the letter seemed to her unenlightened mind to be very much like a love-letter.
At last his wife, the worthy Regula Morf, came from Illnau to find her husband, and persuaded him to return with her to his cobbling at home.
Regula Morf read this letter and shook her head over it.
We were temporarily lodged in a house, where the Prior at once established and put in force the Regula Monachorum of St. Benedict, in use at St. Andrew's on the Caelian Hill.
They were often in trouble, owing to their decided aversion for the Regula Monachorum of St. Benedict; and they had recently been brought back to the Caelian Hill.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "regula" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.