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Example sentences for "loyalist"

Lexicographically close words:
lowse; lowsie; loxodromic; loyal; loyalism; loyall; loyally; loyals; loyaltie; loyalties
  1. I saw that a conflict was going on within her, the conflict that had to be fought out in so many Loyalist breasts between pride and necessity in Canada.

  2. So the confiscation of Loyalist property soon became the order of the day.

  3. Then there were the remnants of twenty Loyalist corps to pension, settle, or employ.

  4. Even to be a woman was no protection against confiscation in the case of Mary Phillips, sister-in-law to Beverley Robinson, a well-known Loyalist who settled in New Brunswick after the Revolution.

  5. Some revolutionists had killed a Loyalist named Philip White, apparently out of pure hate.

  6. The population of Upper Canada, about twenty-five thousand, was almost exclusively of loyalist stock--a considerable number having migrated thither from the maritime provinces.

  7. Loyalist troops, near Montgomery's tavern, on Yonge Street, Toronto, when the rebels were badly defeated.

  8. Took the Loyalist side in the Revolution, and, when New York was evacuated in 1783, went to England.

  9. To save his character he played the part of a loyalist and took service in the force organized for defense.

  10. The next day, the Loyalist disgust was voiced in some verses written by Joseph Stansbury and stuck up about the town.

  11. A few days later a ballad describing the affair appeared in the loyalist papers as a letter "from a dejected Jonathan, a prisoner taken in the South Carolina, to his brother Ned at Philadelphia.

  12. From the cathedral he rode to the Louvre through streets thronged with people, who pressed up to his very stirrups to see their King, and made the tall houses re-echo with their loyalist shoutings.

  13. He informed the loyalist Archbishop of Bourges of his intention to be instructed in the Roman Catholic religion with a view to conversion.

  14. To narrow loyalist liberties, to tax loyalist industry, to create a loyalist rebellion, and to have the loyalists shot by other loyalists is an excellent all-round scheme.

  15. The Unionists pay three-fourths of the rates, but there is only one Loyalist on the Town Council, which has nine members, of which number three retire annually in rotation.

  16. For there is a stamp duty of threepence to be paid for every objection, and then the Loyalist lawyer and his staff are kept at work for six weeks, instead of a fortnight or three weeks, which should be the outside time taken.

  17. What makes the work so hard for the Loyalist lawyer is the fact that our folks are all for business and look upon politics as a nuisance, while the other side make politics the principal business of their lives.

  18. Then the young men who had composed the great loyalist column left the square in little bands, each singing "God save the Queen," and every man feeling that he had deserved well of his country.

  19. The Ulster Anti-Repeal and Loyalist Association will during the month of April hold over three hundred meetings in England, all manned by competent speakers.

  20. Father O'Flynn must have been like a priest I met on Sunday, a Loyalist and a Conservative.

  21. His feelings as a loyalist led him to detest Cromwell, whom in other circumstances he would scarce have wished to see, except in a field of battle, where he could have had the pleasure to exchange pistol-shots with him.

  22. If Henry Lee must sue for food, it shall be of some sound loyalist like himself, who, having but half a loaf remaining, will not nevertheless refuse to share it with him.

  23. These Independents have noses like bloodhounds, and can smell out a loyalist under any disguise.

  24. But in either case the loyalist Butlers, father and son, should be justly dealt by, although they have not been as yet.

  25. The man fell and expired--proving to be Lieutenant McDonald, one of the loyalist officers from Tryon County.

  26. He then inquired of the youth for the residence of a loyalist named Foster.

  27. He was unquestionably a loyalist from principle, else he would scarcely have hazarded, as he did, and ultimately lost, domains larger and fairer than probably ever belonged to a single proprietor in America, William Penn only excepted.

  28. He rode a famous horse called Ball, which he had taken from a loyalist captain of that name.

  29. Marion captured a part of Tynes' force a few days after, and this luckless loyalist seems to have disappeared from the field from that moment.

  30. The owner was a loyalist and had left the country.

  31. Reserve= Reprinted in The Loyalist poetry of the Revolution, Philadelphia, 1857, p.

  32. Reprinted in The Loyalist poetry of the Revolution, Philadelphia, 1857, p.

  33. Be they friends or enemies--Mejia and his people or loyalist guerillas?

  34. There are loyalist as well as patriot guerillas roaming about.

  35. The mere fact of carrying a harmless letter of introduction from a well-known loyalist to a friend whom he believed to be still a loyalist, could surely not be construed as an offense.

  36. I have heard that their descendants took the loyalist side in the disputes which arose sixty years after.

  37. On his way he had an interview with Arnold, who came to him to show a letter from the loyalist Colonel Robinson, and thus disarm suspicion as to his doings.

  38. Critics of a later date forgot, and still forget, in their wholesale indictment of the Family Compact, that the Loyalist group called by that name had earned their places by genuine ability.

  39. After the Revolution, he came to reside in Canada, upon an estate granted to his wife’s father by the crown, as indemnification for the losses brought upon him as a loyalist in the Revolution.

  40. He was a member of St. Andrew’s Society and vice president of the United Empire Loyalist Association.

  41. Both husband and wife were descended from United Empire Loyalist families, who had sacrificed their homes in the American colonies to remain true to the British flag and settled in Glengarry.

  42. The family comes of United Empire Loyalist stock and the parents are now deceased.

  43. The son of a Loyalist settler, Howe early took to his father's work of journalism.

  44. The great majority of the early settlers in Upper Canada belonged to the Church of England, whose adherents in the older colonies had nearly all taken the Loyalist side.

  45. A district that was Patriot one year was frequently Loyalist the next.

  46. But the Loyalist settlers, not to be put off, joined with the English merchants of Montreal and Quebec in demanding an Assembly and relief from the old French laws.

  47. The most devoted loyalist could not have wished for the unhappy King another hour of life.

  48. The royal troops withdrew from Boston, taking with them the loyalist families who had thrown in their lot with the King's cause.

  49. They had already made themselves a terror to the conscript troops of Spain, as well as peaceful peasants with loyalist sympathies, who called them the Sin Verguenza--the men without shame.

  50. Appleby could just see him, and felt a little shiver run through him, for he knew the loyalist scout was running a horrible risk.

  51. Santa Marta was a loyalist town, that is, the men who had anything to lose supported the rule of Spain, but they were for that reason mostly men of position and refinement, and what they had seen had proved almost too much for them.

  52. They formed about the released prisoners, and one of them ironically saluted the loyalist sentry who sat in his box with a cloth bound about his head as they passed out into the silent street.

  53. They were exultant, eager, inscrutable, and anxious, for the loyalist citizens had evidently considered it advisable to comply with the leader of the Sin Verguenza's invitation.

  54. In 1775 Patrick Henry made his memorable appeal for volunteers to drive the Loyalist Governor, Lord Dunmore, out of Virginia.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loyalist" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.