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Example sentences for "daily"

Lexicographically close words:
dail; dailie; dailies; daille; dailles; dailye; daimios; daimon; daimons; daimyo
  1. It was the child, that insignificant atom of indefinite humanity, that had intruded itself between them and was daily usurping his place in his wife's thoughts.

  2. But since the sun rose and set exactly as usual, and the flowers bloomed, and the seasons remained unchanged, and the daily life of the District continued undisturbed, where was the need to worry?

  3. Domestic servants at the camp were to be seen rolling up their bedding of sacking, preparatory to beginning the common round, the daily task.

  4. Since its arrival from the hills where it was born, it daily faded as though a blight had descended upon its vitality; and now it was stricken with a fever.

  5. But at little Muktiarbad and similar rural districts, the placid monotony of daily life was barely stirred.

  6. We were fairly comfortable in our upper and lower bunk beds though the huts could have been better heated; the tortoise stoves were not really up to it when the daily ration of coal was mainly small coal or 'slack".

  7. The outcome of one race manifested itself when that good old standby of military law Section 40 of King's Regulations was invoked; Daily Orders informed us that one, No.

  8. Drinking water supplied to the cooks was brought in daily in the evening in a two wheeled trailer that was then parked adjacent to the cookhouse ready for their early morning chores.

  9. It was interesting to see the Arab girls arrive daily in western dress and watch as they left for home in the evening to not very attractive accommodations where they changed into non-western dress.

  10. Outside the end doors of each hut stood a large urn of unglazed earthenware, a chatty, kept full of water laced with salt to make sure we took our daily dose to ward off heat exhaustion.

  11. The boss man was a Colonel D'Albuquerque and he had arranged something that I thought novel for the army; he set a daily quota for the output of vehicles and when that target was reached then work finished for the day.

  12. I dressed hurriedly, had a cup of tea and a bite and then walked up to Worral Road, walked because it was too early for the bus service to start its daily routine.

  13. The change of place, scene, atmosphere, of all the objects occupying the daily attention, has at once put to flight the enemy.

  14. Their names were, "Temperance, Early Hours, and Daily Exercise.

  15. All those daily habits of climbing, running, and working developed my frame to perfection, and gave a vigor to nerve and muscle that have stood well the wear and tear of existence.

  16. For my own part, I have never smoked or snuffed, and my daily allowance of alcoholic drinks is a so-called pint bottle of beer or two glasses of wine.

  17. As to our daily mode of life, little need be said.

  18. I became livingly sensible of the agonies of Prometheus with the daily vulture gnawing at his vitals.

  19. As to alcohol, I am not a teetotaler, but I think I can truly say that I never found the least benefit from wine or beer in my daily or nightly work.

  20. I also daily smoke two little paper cigarettes of Turkish tobacco.

  21. Notwithstanding these hindrances the press almost daily has details and delineations of crimes so fearful and shocking that no trace of the human appears.

  22. Sudden reverses, turning the whole current of affairs, are daily happenings; revival efforts to reach certain communities, certain individuals, find insurmountable hindrances.

  23. He sends out a million rumours daily which would be, if tangible, cases for libel in any court.

  24. Civilization fosters and maintains a traffic which has not one redeeming feature; besides killing directly and indirectly more men daily than were blown up in the battle-ship Maine.

  25. Now, among the votaries of Spiritualism, every iniquity, crime, and indecency known among men and women are daily carried on.

  26. The people are following their daily occupations just as they did before the war; the cheery aspect of things is just the same; the theatres and flower displays are not less well patronized.

  27. The copies were not spread far, and were soon worn out by the daily use made of them.

  28. The first daily was the Courier, established in 1831.

  29. From about the 4th century certain psalms began to be grouped together, a process that was furthered by the monastic practice of daily reciting the 150 psalms.

  30. There were in 1908 eleven daily papers published, three of which were in German and two in Polish.

  31. Turner deferred to Spruance who ruled that three days prep fires, in conjunction with the daily pounding being administered by the Seventh Air Force, would do the job.

  32. At the same time, he told the Princess Palatine that he detested the cruel hatred I bore to the Prince de Conde, and that the propositions I made daily to him on that score were altogether unworthy of a Christian.

  33. She magnified the advantages of bringing over to the King's service the powerful faction of the Fronde, and the daily dangers Paris was exposed to, both by fire and sword.

  34. The Duchess, who trembled at the thoughts of it, daily redoubled her endeavours to induce the Duke to secure the gates of the city, but all to no purpose; for weak minds are generally deficient in some respect or other.

  35. I had advice sent me from the Duchesse d'Orleans to be upon my guard, and that she was on the point of dying with fear lest the Duke should be forced by the daily menaces of the Court to abandon me.

  36. There were daily assemblies, wherein the Cardinal was severely attacked, and the Prince's party had the pleasure of exposing us as his accomplices.

  37. What his hand found to do, he did with his might; even while conscious that he was wronged out of his daily earnings, he worked, and worked hard.

  38. He knew nothing of it as a holy principle, directing and controlling his daily life,{169} making the latter conform to the requirements of the gospel.

  39. Since the wild animals now try to escape from man's presence, there is a greater demand made upon man's ingenuity than ever before in supplying his daily food.

  40. If a girl is well, has no pain or discomfort, then I would say, let her use good common sense in the ordering of her daily life and give the matter no special or anxious thought.

  41. If we were wise we would practise the art of deep, voluntary breathing, as a daily form of gymnastics.

  42. The woman had lived in the open air, taken a daily morning bath, and was disgusted with those who did not do likewise.

  43. Our daily cares absorb us, yet we know that we are friends, and in the great hereafter we hope to find a place where we may pause and look into each other's faces and enjoy an interchange of thought.

  44. For this, tepid water, with good soap, may be used daily or oftener.

  45. Just such wills are being made daily by the lives and conduct of young people, though they are not put into writing.

  46. I would not advise everybody to take a daily bath.

  47. Other wills are being made daily that through sober, virtuous, youthful lives will bequeath to posterity dowers of health, strength, purity and power.

  48. For amenorrhoea the drug is given daily for a week preceding the menstrual date.

  49. It occasions no disagreeable symptoms and may be used many days consecutively provided that the daily dose does not exceed 10-15 centigrams.

  50. The daily dose ranges from 5-20 grams, in liquid or pill.

  51. It is better to use the salt of the alkaloid, and that most frequently employed is the salicylate of soda and theobromine in doses of from 2 to 6 grams daily in solution or pill.

  52. For these purposes they give the seeds internally, beginning with one and increasing daily until 50 are taken.

  53. The daily increasing practice of smoking, like all other subjects, divides mankind into two camps, one for and one against the habit.

  54. Bose advises the daily use of an ice made from the pulp of the ripe fruit, the object being the regulation of the functions of the intestine.

  55. As the fever progressed and my condition grew more serious, the daily visitors were restricted to two--Mrs. Strong and Bunch-grass Bill.

  56. We shall replenish the supply at intervals, for five dogs will eat an immense amount of food, and must have all that they can eat at their daily meal.

  57. I had been noticing with surprise that among the great numbers of black bear skins that were being brought into the Wrangell stores daily by the Indians, were none of the big brown bear--the hootz.

  58. For twenty years his daily reading has been Pepys and Saint-Simon and Casanova.

  59. You will never, never know, never divine, guess, imagine, how loathsome a thing the Christian religion can be made until you come to know and study Cable daily and hourly.

  60. In these attacks and these pleas alike he was venting the humane desires of the pioneers themselves: that is the secret of his "daily philippics.

  61. There were those "daily self-eludings" that led him to slay his own conscience in one of the most ferocious of his humorous tales.

  62. The minimum daily temperature in summer is rarely below 70 deg.

  63. They believed that the caliph was their lord, to whom they owed their daily bread, and came to pay him divine honours.

  64. During the south-west monsoon, from the middle of April to the middle of October, rain falls daily and the temperature varies between 85 deg.

  65. On his return to Bagdad the traveller found there a young man, son of this prince, who gained a single dirhem daily for serving as imam in a mosque, and did not get the least relief from his rich father.

  66. Feelings were brought into daily exercise which might seem the least compatible with being brought into contact and maintained in harmony.

  67. But I daily wrote more or less in my old way--now also embracing in my attempts prose as well as verse.

  68. In other words, they were acquainted with doctrines and principles whose application and use, whether in regard to thought, or feeling, or daily practice, they did not so clearly recognise.

  69. It is better for men and women to attack the daily task with what cheerful energy they can command, and let the interruption of death come when it must.

  70. The daily parting is poignant, for every member of the family knows he may not come back.

  71. The best of them is In the Orchestra, where the poor fiddler in the band at the cheap music-hall plays mechanically every night for his daily bread, while his heart is torn by the vulture of memory.

  72. One day in 1917, I clipped a nameless poem from a daily newspaper, and carried it in my pocketbook for months.

  73. But she is above all a country mouse and a country muse; she knows her Vermont neighbours to the skin and bone, and brings out artistically the austere sweetness of their daily lives.

  74. These are among the pieces that make Wordsworth a poet to live with; he repairs the daily wear and tear, puts back what the fret of the day has rubbed thin or rubbed off, sends us forth in the morning whole.

  75. This insures better quality of butter-fat than is generally supplied in ordinary commercial daily cream.

  76. Exercises of this kind should be made a regular daily habit, and though at times a little tiresome, can, by practise, be made to become the expected thing, so that the day will not seem complete until the daily exercises have been taken.

  77. The mental occupation should be an important factor in the daily regimen.

  78. No, madam, I have enough to do to read the "Daily Gazetteer.

  79. Moreover, lord, I am informed your laws Are grown so large, and daily yet increase, That the great age of old Methusalem Would scarce suffice to read your statutes out.

  80. The insurgents dwell in the wildest portion of the island, often in almost impenetrable woods, living the life of savages, and depending on the bounty of Nature for their daily bread.

  81. Among the occupations of the women one great time-consumer must have been the daily scouring, so much woodwork was left unpainted to be kept as white as a clean sea-beach by applications of soap and sand.

  82. Where else could he hope to find for himself so pleasant a companion and friend, who would cheer up his dull daily life with her warm sympathies, her quick humor, her winning womanly ways?

  83. She must give up that daily attendance on cottagers' children.

  84. At last I realise one of my fondest anticipations which was to travel without the daily recurring miseries of money reckoning.

  85. In point of daily drudgery there is little, and as for climate the felon has the best of it.

  86. It was still harder, too, to credit the fact when one discovered his daily expenses to be all comprised within the limits of a few francs, and this with the services of the host, Signor Onofrio, for boatman.

  87. The small details whose discussion forms the staple of daily talk--the little household cares and worries--have to be shelved.

  88. It is an almost daily event, the loss of luggage on those Rhine steamers; so much so, that one is tempted to believe that stealing luggage is a regular livelihood here.

  89. The lieutenant was skimming through the daily papers.

  90. In many cities there are motor express lines operating on daily schedule over regular routes, but there are also many companies, firms, and individuals that own trucks which stand idle part of the time.

  91. Rapid development, over fixed routes, of daily power-vehicle service, with definite schedules of stops and charges and provision made for gathering shipments both on outgoing and incoming trips.

  92. Daily the papers gave probable selections for the high posts under the approaching administration; and, while many of them were attributed to my influence, Roebuck's son as ambassador to Russia was the only one I even approved of.

  93. Coincidence is so familiar a part of the daily routine that I was not much surprised when my acquaintance, the astute poker player with the scar, walked in upon us at the Auditorium.

  94. Kingsley left me to myself, and though sad and serious with oppressive thoughts, I still had enough of the old habits, dominant with me, to go to my daily concerns, and arrange my papers with considerable industry and customary method.

  95. Do we not daily implore in our own prayers, to be saved from temptation?

  96. My clients daily increased in number; my acquaintance daily increased in value.

  97. There was a barrier between us, which our mutual blindness of heart made daily thicker, and higher, and less liable to overthrow.

  98. He was now very respectful, and I could see that his dislike grew daily in strict degree with his deference.

  99. But the daily presence of my uncle and aunt, with their system of continued injustice, at length rendered my suspicious moods habitual.

  100. Before the foal is weaned he should be tied up by the halter rope to a small manger in the stall with his dam, long enough to finish a small feed of crushed oats, and this should be continued as part of his daily routine.

  101. If the horse becomes and continues feverish, a dose of one to two drams of nitrate of potash may be given daily for two or three days.

  102. For a horse 15-1/2 hands high, the size in which agility and sufficient strength are usually found, ten to twelve pounds of oats and the same quantity of hay should be given daily in three portions, when in hard work.

  103. Linseed oil, from a quarter to half a pint daily may be mixed with the other food, keeps the bowels and skin in good condition; but no artificial stimulant as food should be used constantly.

  104. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daily" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    always; annual; biennial; constantly; continually; daily; daybook; diary; diurnal; ever; everyday; extra; fortnightly; hourly; incessantly; journal; magazine; maid; menstrual; momentary; monthly; news; newspaper; organ; paper; perennially; periodical; perpetually; pictorial; publication; rag; rapidly; regular; regularly; review; secular; semiannual; semimonthly; serial; servant; sheet; special; steadily; tabloid; triennial; weekly; yearly

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    daily bread; daily food; daily life; daily newspaper; daily occurrence; daily paper