But the edifice of mud ought to be overthrown and an unprofitable heap of dust scattered to the wind, by references to articles in which solid principles serve as a base for the opposite truths.
The priest was the enemy of society, the patron of indolence, the hater of knowledge, the mutineer against the civil laws, the unprofitable devourer of the national substance, the persecutor.
Progress has made such methods absurd, unprofitable and impracticable.
Without it the great packing interests could not exist and livestock husbandry would revert to the primitive and unprofitable conditions prevailing fifty years ago and described in the preceding chapter.
This method is used in several small collieries; but it is extremely injudicious, exercising the muscular action of a man in the most unprofitable manner.
What a prospect is thus opened up of turning to admirable account the unprofitable bogs of Ireland; and of producing, from their inexhaustible stores, a superior fuel for every purpose of arts and engineering.
How weary, flat, stale, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world.
For thus saith the prophet against Israel: "Woe be to their soul because they have taken wicked counsel against themselves, saying; let us lay snares for the righteous, because he is unprofitable to us.
In spite of a good deal of unnecessary talking, the House of Commons gets through a lot of work, though there is no doubt that, as Bright said, more business could be done if so much time were not wasted inunprofitable eloquence.
From whence they could procure these animals in a part of the world so distant from any Spanish settlement, cut off from all communication with the Spaniards by an inaccessible coast and unprofitable country, is difficult to conceive.
We saw the most unprofitable spot on the globe of the earth, and such it is described and ascertained to be.
In ancient Italy, how much the cultivation of corn degenerated, how unprofitable it became to the master, when is fell under the management of slaves, is remarked both by Pliny and Columella.
A man of real abilities can scarce find out a more humiliating or a more unprofitableemployment to turn them to.
The success of this operation, therefore, without increasing in the smallest degree the capital of the country, would only have transferred a great part of it from prudent and profitable to imprudent and unprofitable undertakings.
Money, no doubt, makes always a part of the national capital; but it has already been shown that it generally makes but a small part, and always the most unprofitable part of it.
When fertile, are sometimesunprofitable by situation, ib.
To purchase land, is, everywhere in Europe, a most unprofitable employment of a small capital.
To prevent unprofitable conversation, they were constantly employed in the noisy occupation of heading nails.
He begged of them, if they should ever get entangled with unprofitable company, or become involved in difficulty of any kind, to come to him, as they would to a considerate father.
But I judged so mainly from incidental remarks; for he regarded doctrines as of small importance, and considered theology an unprofitabletopic of conversation.
From this most unprofitable train of reflection she was gradually recalled by the restless singular behaviour of her dog.
Even the rich cream skimmed from the treasury by the bewitched Miraflores did not cause the newly-installed patriots to waste time in unprofitable regrets.
And here is Billy Keogh, because he is virtuous, condemned to the unprofitable swindle of slandering the faces of missing links on tin for an honest living!
It was this very method which led to that "unprofitable subtlety and curiosity" which Lord Bacon notes as the vice of the scholastic philosophy.
Our greatest misfortune as to our stock was that it was all in money, which every one knows is an unprofitable cargo to be carried to the plantations.
But these reflections were vain and unprofitableto Dr.
But the neighbors knew that John Kollander was opening a can of something, gathering the boys around him and as they ate, recounting the hardships of army life to add spice to an otherwise stale and unprofitable meal.
His answer was: “Holy Father, I shall always be an unprofitable servant, but I can at least obey.
When we have done all, we are unprofitable servants.
Both this matter and the curiously out-of-date[1] system of spelling modern English present a fairly close analogy to the multilingual system of international intercourse, as regards unprofitable expenditure of time and trouble.
The question is, Does it, or not, save us or othersunprofitable labour on a large scale?
We have already noticed the contest of the Nominalists and Realists, which was one form, though, with regard to scientific methods, anunprofitable one, of the antithesis of Ideas and Things.
Accordingly, we see that the study of medicine did draw its cultivators away from this ancient but unprofitable field.
Then he dismissed the speculation asunprofitable and not agreeable.
My statement will enable us to avoid discussion of an unpleasant matter--I may say, an unprofitable matter.