Occasionally one notices among the busy throngs a person wearing a turban of dark green; this distinguishing mark being the sole privilege of persons who have made the pilgrimage to Mecca.
This prænomen was thedistinguishing mark of a freeman, and they were proportionally proud of it.
But they correspond accurately, especially the second of them, with the "attempt made by politicians ambitious of distinguishing themselves," against which Froude warned his countrymen.
This provision is an important and distinguishing feature of the Philippine Civil Service Act.
A strong distinguishing feature of this body of fiction is the large part played by natural scenes.
This romance has a second distinguishing characteristic, for Brown surpassed contemporary British novelists in taking his readers into the open air, which forms the stage setting for the adventures of Edgar Huntly.
What are the strongest and most distinguishing qualities of Lanier's verse?
But, above all, having assimilated the immoral view of life which penetrates all Shakespeare's writings, he loses the capacity of distinguishing good from evil.
The long ears retained on the figure of the fifteenth Atout mark the connection with Set, for that was one of his distinguishing attributes.
These, indeed, were excellencies and beauties derived from a divine source only, distinguishing and exalting this sacred structure above all others of mortal invention.
They were a religious society among the Jews, whose chief and distinguishing character appears to have been to support the honor of the Temple, and observe punctually the traditions of the Elders.
This is another fact wholly distinguishing them in character, as it has distinguished them in fortune, from the colonists of Spain.
Illustration: Pheasants] These general principles once realized, a foundation is laid on which one may base observations on the peculiarities of flight distinguishing different types of birds.
During Newbery's active career as a publisher--and activity was his distinguishing characteristic--he published over two hundred books for children.
But criticism will be facilitated by distinguishing between these two forms of it.
These things have not been the distinguishing products of nations in the past which are now inscribed upon the rolls of fame, and, however materialistic men become, such things will not even now hand a nation on to all futurity.
The distinguishing mark of their cacique is a band or strap of leather, which is tied round his forehead; it is formed into a diadem or crown and adorned with plates of copper.
One distinguishing characteristic of really civilized men is foresight; we have to, as a nation, exercise foresight for this nation in the future, and if we do not exercise that foresight, dark will be the future!
There were nodistinguishing issues between the two leading parties.
The other ornamental device is one which has attracted a considerable quantity of attention from critics, and has frequently been taken by itself as the distinguishing mark of euphuism.
Violence and variation," which someone has described as the two essentials of the ideal life, were certainly the distinguishing marks of the New Birth; and the men of that age demanded it in their literature.
Capitalize only the distinguishing words if two or more names are connected, as the Wabash and Missouri Pacific railroad companies.
She never forgot old Bru, however, and gave him the choicest morsels, which he swallowed unconsciously, his palate having long since lost the power of distinguishing flavors.
Nana was not yet thoroughly perverted, but the curiosity which had been her distinguishing characteristic as a child had not deserted her, and she scarcely took her eyes from a girl by the name of Lisa, about whom strange stories were told.
I purposed publishing my scheme, writing a little comment on each virtue, and I should have called my book "The Art of Virtue," distinguishing it from the mere exhortation to be good.
The principal depositories of proclamations have the following distinguishing characteristics: The British Museum collection, although but sparsely represented for the eighteenth century, is notably full for the seventeenth century issues.
The distinguishingpart of our Constitution is its liberty.
What would be left to me, if I myself was the man who softened and blended and diluted and weakened all the distinguishing colors of my life, so as to leave nothing distinct and determinate in my whole conduct?
Languor was the distinguishingnote of the young men of fashion in the 'eighties and 'nineties.
Let us begin by distinguishing between what is moral and what is physical in the passion called love.
They will trust an inquisitive and distinguishing Parliament; because it does inquire, and does distinguish.