The Count Almodovar then introduced me to the Queen in my official capacity, and she received me with a grave and quiet welcome, expressed in a very low voice.
It was the irresolute pilgrimage of a man who had not yet received his vocation.
Washington, in order to make sure of his escape, and feel safe while he was still constrained to attend his father's church, went stealthily to Trinity Church at an early age, and receivedthe rite of confirmation.
He had just received a letter from that "worthy little tar, Jack Nicholson," dated on board the Flambeau, off Algiers.
Queen Isabella received him graciously, complimenting him on his courageous conduct at Loxa, and condoling with him on the loss of his teeth.
Everywhere he was received in the best society, and the charm of his manner and his ingenuous nature made him everywhere a favorite.
The blood streamed from numerous wounds received by either warrior.
Although he had received considerable sums from his books, and perhaps enough for his own simple wants, the responsibility of the support of his two brothers, Peter and Ebenezer, and several nieces, devolved upon him.
The queen received the marques with distinguished honor, for he was esteemed the mirror of chivalry.
That compassion, however, he receivedonly from the ladies of the city, and the traits of female goodness manifested then sunk deep into Irving's heart.
When Lord George Germain received the first despatch he drove with one or two colleagues to the Prime Minister's house in Downing Street.
In imposing uniform and with the stateliest manner, Washington, who had an instinct for effect, received the envoy.
The soldier received his pay in this money at its face value, and there is little wonder that the "continental dollar" is still in the United States a symbol of worthlessness.
Arnold received the startling news with extraordinary composure, finished the subject under discussion, and then left the table under pretext of a summons from across the river.
On the day after the fall of Fort Washington, Lee received positive orders to cross the Hudson at once.
They certainly fed Howe's army willingly and received good British gold while Washington had only paper money with which to pay.
They received four times the rate of pay at home and their ruler received in addition some half million dollars a year.
Gates both denied that he had received a letter with the passage in question, and, at the same time, charged that there had been tampering with his private correspondence.
In New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut he was received impressively.
It was under this playwright and satirist, who had some skill as a soldier, that the British cause now received a blow from which it never recovered.
Perhaps it was an advantage that he had not received the rigid training of a regular, for he faced conditions which required an elastic mind.
It was summer before Howe was ready to move, and by that time he had received instructions that his first aim must be to cooperate with Burgoyne.
They could not secure payment of debts due to them or, if payment was made, they received it in the debased continental currency at its face value.
Montgomery had served with Wolfe at the taking of Louisbourg and had been an officer in the proud British army which had received the surrender of Canada in 1760.
But Billy made the thrust, and the seal received the point of the gaff on his hood, as upon a shield: then advanced on his flippers, by jerky jumps, snapping viciously.
You know that it was this city which received Dante after he was banished from Florence.
Jo, to her great joy, had receivedpermission to stay behind.
Mercedes bestowed her favorite antique reliquary upon her cousin Dolores, gave Mary Lee a tiny silver cross with a figure of San Roque upon it, while Nan received a tambourine.
The girls had received Christmas letters from all their late schoolmates, telling of the little events which they knew would interest them on the other side of the water.
The thanks she received made a sufficient wedge for Jack and she was soon talking affably to the little girls as well as to the governess.
She stood smiling at the little girl and received a timid smile in return.
The kitchen was a tiny one and the three quite filled it, but they managed very well and their efforts were received with great applause.
Jack still persisted, though she received no answer to her last remark.
The fourth and fifth editions received verbal changes here and added paragraphs there.
The apples and figs may be eaten just as they are receivedfrom the market.
Water deities received them when they were thrown into the well, the river, or the lake.
So Zeus gave laws to Minos in Crete, and Apollo revealed the Spartan constitution to Lycurgus; Numa, the traditional founder of the Roman ceremonial law, receivedinstruction from the nymph Egeria.
Mohammedan theologians reckoned no less than ten ways in which the Prophet received his revelations.
In two days he received a printed slip by mail which read: "Paste them in a scrap-book.
I have to-day received the last sheet of “Egypt,” Book IV.
The King quite recently (which I could not in the least expect) received me here at the railway station, in the most affectionate way, and demanded a promise from me that I would pay him a visit within a year and a day.
Chasot soon rose to the rank of major, and received large pecuniary rewards from the king.
My father has not up to this moment received a recall, and probably will not, in spite of the efforts of the Russians, within and without Berlin.
Men like Opitz would hardly have thought it dignified to write verses in their native tongue had it not been for the moral support which they received from these academies and their princely patrons.
He considers his book an homage offered to German science, and had hoped that it would be estimated and acknowledged in the present position of French science, and that it would be received in a friendly way.
The King has subscribed for twenty copies of your Veda, and you havereceived 500 thalers of it beforehand.
In spite of the timidity of nearly all English theologians, inter muros academicos et extra, I have received very many hearty and manly letters from numerous and distinguished people.
We told the Senate that we had received all our instructions for this public trial from Norbanus, and that the case ought to be tried afresh if he were proved guilty of collusion, and so, while his trial was proceeding, we sat still.
I received the very fine sea-carp which you sent me.
There is a story that Aeschines was once asked by the Rhodians to read them one of his speeches, that he afterwards read them one of Demosthenes' as well, and that both were received with great applause.
This will enable you to judge how unanimously the motion was received while he was speaking, when it met with such a reception on his rising to put it.
Besides, I thought it would be unkind to defraud you, who have such a great regard for me, of the pleasure which I have received therefrom.
Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same.
That blest moment I received him, Filled my soul with joy and peace: Love I much?
BILL received us very coolly at first, but I gave BIS the wink, and he suggested to his Majesty that he'd better take the Emperor prisoner.
I am at present engaged upon a tour of the German States in the company of a pleasant little excursion party, who met me at Sedan, and received me warmly.
This sobriquet they conferred upon him partly on account of the fact that he usually received his wounds while leaving their immediate vicinity, and partly because of a peculiar characteristic of the kind of cards he used.
On arriving at the Wattle Tree Hotel he was received by Miss Twexby in dignified silence, for that astute damsel was beginning to regard the fascinating Frenchman as a young man who talked a great deal and meant nothing.
Meddlechip did not answer, but wrote out a cheque for six hundred pounds, and then handed it to Vandeloup, who received it with a bow and slipped it into his waistcoat pocket.
Indeed, the number of women who were ironing that afternoon, and wanted to quench their thirst, was something wonderful; but Miss Twexby seemed to know all about it as she put a frothy head on each jug, and received the silver in exchange.
Vandeloup received all her speeches with a polite smile, then set down his empty glass and prepared to leave.
He wrote a letter to McIntosh, recommending him to take on the two men, and handed it to Vandeloup, who received it with a bow.
You cut yourself off entirely from me by your attempt on my life, and the theft of the gold; you dare not have showed yourself in case you received the reward of your crime; and so you worked in the dark against me.
But then Madame Midas never expected anything else, so she received them with smiles, saw through all their little ways, and when she had amused herself sufficiently with their antics, she let them go.
When the song was ended Gaston entered the room to express his thanks and astonishment, both of which Kitty received with bursts of laughter.
Johnny took Steele, handed over his dollar, and received twenty-five cents in change.
All the gold and silver received in the mint is weighed in this room.
Correct answers to all puzzles were received From "King Wompster.
This you will see by comparing his words with the following letter, which we have received from Professor Asaph Hall, the actual discoverer of the moons: Naval Observatory, Washington, D.
The human form is nothing else than the form of all the affections of love; beauty is its intelligence, which it procures for itself through truths received either by sight or by hearing, external and internal.
It will be seen, however, in what follows, that they are not received as one by angels and men.
It appears as if the understanding received them, and not love or the will, but this is an illusion.
The Lord, therefore, is received by angels in a degree of heat and light corresponding to their love and wisdom.
If truths from the Word are received in the second degree to form it, these truths are falsified by the first degree, which is the love of evil, and become servants and slaves.
But He is not received by one in the same degree as by another; and this makes them appear to themselves to be more or less distant from one another, and also variously as regards the quarters.
Sveggum would not be left behind when his favorite Ren went forth, so he was given a seat in the horse-sleigh which was to follow, and the driver thereof received from his master a secret hint to delay.
Early in the morning I had received a telegram from my college chum Jack: "Lest we forget.
The brown brute landed with a deep-chested growl, to be receivedon the young one's spikes.
Even if he had made a mistake, and had known it, the bewildered letter he had received from his mother would have reconciled him to the fact.
I have received a very indignant letter from Doctor Handley, at Hillsport School," he said presently.
It was just before ten that Willard received the disturbing message from the school office.
Willard received almost tearful thanks from Joe and warm commendations from the coach.
Ireland having received no compensation, directly or indirectly, for any restraints on their trade, ought not, in justice or common honesty, to be made subject to such restraints.
It is this: that the disturbances arose from the account which had been received in America of the change in the ministry.
Gentlemen,--I cannot avoid sympathizing strongly with the feelings of the gentleman who has received the same honor that you have conferred on me.
The very same year the County Palatine of Chester received the same relief from its oppressions, and the same remedy to its disorders.
I hope the honorable gentleman has received a fair and full answer to his question.
As to the duties of your chief-justiceship, they are very different from those for which you have received the office.
Such a body would not easily have left their trade as a spoil to the avarice of those who received their wages.
We have, indeed, obligations to that people, who received such small benefits with so much gratitude, and for which gratitude and attachment to us I am afraid they have suffered not a little in other places.
It is proper to understand well the doctrines of the person whose administration has lately received such distinguished approbation from the Company.
The subject of color blindness has received much attention because of its practical importance in the affairs of our daily lives.
Therefore in showing tints on the wheel it is well not to show very light tints of red or blue until the class has received some impressions of tones in other colors.
While at breakfast, he received Lord Elphinstone's answer to an invitation requesting him and his friend, Lord Cardigan, to spend some time at Bangalore, and during their stay to give him the pleasure of being their host.
Such a wicked present as you received would naturally cause much disappointment.
Hindustani fluently, assured him that, thanks to his courage and quickness, he had received no hurt.
At any rate, I havereceived that described elsewhere in these words, "What will not a man give for his life?
Instead of this, I received from her brother a communication stating that it was his and the Garrison-surgeon's opinion that if I wanted to see her again alive, I must start with the least possible delay for Bangalore.
He had not been there many months when an order was received directing the regiment to proceed with all possible speed to Scinde, where troops were urgently required.
Thanks to the warning they had received of the coming of the British, however, the patriots were not taken by surprise, and the former's fire was returned.
The British soldiers then returned the fire, but the patriot soldiers, upon order of the Captain were crouching low, so that only one or two received slight flesh wounds, but no serious harm was done.
The received opinion is that the "pieces of silver" here mentioned were Roman denarii, which were the silver pieces then commonly used in Ephesus.
It has also this great advantage: it does not deprive your descendants of the opportunity of seeing for themselves exactly in what dress the book buyers of four centuries ago received their volumes.
Garnett, of the British Museum, gave me two worms which had been found in an old Hebrew Commentary just received from Athens.
But his scheme received no encouragement from the old-fogyish authorities.
This he received with great emotion, and as I tied it to his neck with a ribbon he said, "I will wear it as long as I have life.
We dropped on our knees and received the blessing of this benign old man, whom the larger part of Christendom revere as the earthly head of the Church.
One evening the old gentleman called, and was shown into the drawing-room, where my mother received him.
Powers invariably received such with the most perfect suavity and good-temper, but I have sometimes seen him, to my great amusement, inflict a punishment on the talkers of nonsense which made them wish they had held their tongues.
From his own father he received a jet-black horse brought from the province of Nambu, and an equine descendant of the Arab sire presented by the viceroy of India to the Japanese embassy to the pope in 1589.
Authors who had received the prizes of the Academy for grave historical works sent her adulatory verses.
Soon after I received a letter in Eugenio's handwriting informing me that the trinket he enclosed would be to me an evidence that his beloved brother Celestino was dead.
Two weeks of eager inquiry, and we were received into a family which could not have been more to our wish if it had been created expressly for us.
On his own account, Graham had not received a report for three weeks; on Frazier's he had received five, and these necessitated his writing explanations and wasting time, even though the reports were removed.
And then man after man received his diploma, none lacking kind and cordial greeting from the corps, but arousing no such clamor as that evoked by Connell.
From first to last of September neither received a single demerit, and Connell was winning high and Graham good marks in every academic duty.
When little Dillon came around to give out the first lesson in algebra, as received from their section instructor, Lieutenant Barnes, Pops was all attention, and carefully noted it in his new algebra.
Mr. Frazier was there, inside the sentry's post, on his return, and received from him the rusty gun.
Assessor of the Royal College of Sciences; he was ennobled by Queen Ulrica Eleonora, and received the name of Swedenborg.
The ministration of the Word and Sacrament is performed either by members who have received ordination from the bishops of the church of the brethren, or by those who have received that of the Calvinist or Lutheran church.
It has never flourished greatly in England, and the Unitarian doctrine has now been almost universally received among the quondam Presbyterian congregations.
He received his education chiefly in the University of Upsala; and in 1716 was appointed by Charles XII.
Every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving.
All three received holy orders according to the ceremonial of the Church of England, and Wesley never ceased to hold his spiritual mother in high estimation.