Certain public lavatories and dressing-rooms in central London are said to be used by the girls for putting on, and finally washing off before going home, the customary paint.
At a later period, in France, this custom was attenuated, and it became customary for the bride to let the ring fall in front of the altar and then stoop at her husband's feet to pick it up.
In the Gorong Archipelago it is customary also for husband and wife to pray together before the sexual act (Ploss and Bartels, Das Weib, Bd.
There is no reason why such certificates, of an entirely voluntary character, should not become customary among those persons who are sufficiently enlightened to realize all the grave personal, family, and social issues involved in marriage.
On the morning after the wedding day it was customary to call up new married couples by music; the absence of this music on one occasion (in 1667) seemed to Pepys "as if they had married like dog and bitch.
During the tenth century (at all events in Italy and France) it was beginning to become customary to celebrate the first part of the real nuptials, still a purely temporal act, outside the church door.
As time went on the Carnival lost its most strongly marked Bacchanalian features, but it still retains its essential character as a permitted and temporary relaxation of the tension of customary restraints and conventions.
I said it was customary in other towns, where bigotry existed to a greater degree even than it did there, for information to be laid and a regular notice served.
As I had walked thirty miles to be apprehended, they had no reason to suspect me of making my escape; nor was it customary to handcuff prisoners conveyed to Gloucester on foot.
There was a very excellent institution in existence ten years ago in one of the Eastern States, which combined with the customary course of intellectual instruction a systematic training in the mysteries of housekeeping.
They will work ten or twelve hours a day in close, unwholesome shops, surrounded by all the unsexing and contaminating influences attending the customary free and easy commingling of male and female employés in such places.
Of the native magistrates in the cities, the first is the expounder of the law, who is dressed in scarlet; he receives the customary honours of the country, and has the care of providing what is necessary for the city.
For as ablution is customary after touching a dead body, so it is practised after sexual intercourse.
He laughed at himself and thought, with his customary optimism, that a vacation was worth waiting twelve years for, if waiting endowed it with such a flavor.
Moreover, you should thank me for so much as recognizing the gentleman in you, since you are without the customary trappings of our class.
That night we were spared the customary infliction of the shower bath.
Though his class-rooms were large, yet so great was the number of students, that it was customary for them to keep places, just as is done in a theatre when a first-rate actor is expected to perform.
When Garrick first came on the stage, and one very sultry evening in the month of May performed the character of Lear, he in the first four acts received the customary tribute of applause.
She also had a certain fearlessness that came, perhaps, from worldly innocence and was far more effective than the customary brazenness of frontier women.
Here was a man who had made a fortune in one short autumn, for with the customary ignorance of tenderfeet they perceived no distinction between a mining claim and a mine.
Among these there were women of the customary kind and a number of men who lived upon their earnings.
It was customary to work or paint proverbs, moral sentences, or scraps of verse on old tapestry hangings, which were called painted cloths.
He remarks gravely somewhere, "What nature expressly designed me for, I have never been able to conjecture; I seem to myself so universally disqualified for the common and customary occupations and amusements of mankind.
It was not customary to teach English grammar; we derived that from our laborious drilling in Latin grammar.
At each visit coffee or tea was served, and generally cigarettes too, as is customary with the Turks, which is wonderfully effective in taking off the chill of diplomatic formalities.
Which is the customary language of such documents, with the exception of the third paragraph.
I think because of these facts the Southern boys were much more guarded and polite to each other in speech than was customary among Northern boys.
As is customary when high officials go through the streets of the Holy City, several halberdiers of the vali preceded, to give distinction to the party as well as protection and a clear passage through the crowds.
From time to time, especially when the weather was fine, I attended Selamlik, as was customary among the diplomats.
And there that treaty was hung in 1875, although our Government that year made an appropriation of ten thousand eight hundred dollars for presents to Turkish officials, which was then customary on concluding a treaty with the Porte.
As is customary on such visits, all the heads of missions left their cards at the German embassy and inscribed their names in the Emperor's visiting register.
The election of 1888 having resulted in a Republican victory, I tendered my resignation to the new President upon his taking office, as iscustomary for heads of missions when there has been a change in the administration.
The ceremonies of the Salemliek are neither forgotten nor neglected in the harem, and it is customary for all the slaves to bend down and kiss the hem of their mistress’s garment on her first appearance in the morning.
One of these small, but comfortable, rooms is allotted to each individual; and those which we visited were very carefully carpeted and curtained, with divans of chintz, and every luxury customary in Greek apartments.
The customarylaw of the region seeking to become a Commonwealth permitted slaveholding.
Not born" is the customary mode of ignoring (if I may use a slang word of this time) the existence of the vulgar, among the noble Viennese.
It was Isabel's grandmother nearing the end of hercustomary nap.
IX The court-house clock in the centre of the town clanged the hour of ten--hammered it out lavishly and cheerily as a lusty blacksmith strikes with prodigal arm his customary anvil.
She gave her dairyman the customary hearty greeting, hurried back to get him a glass of water, inquired dispassionately about grass, inundated him with a bounteous overflow of her impersonal humanity.
Upon this Retreat the Prince marching back, lay for some time among the Boors, who from the good Discipline, which he took care to make his Troops observe, did not give us theircustomary boorish Reception.
All these were accompany'd with a right Spanish Spado, and an Attendant Stiletto, in their customary Position.
It is customary in that Country for young People in an Evening to resort to the Grates of the Nunneries, there to divert themselves, and the Nuns, with a little pleasant and inoffensive Chit-chat.
Strange to say, the old sailor never once recollected his customary diversion throughout the evening!
That was very good of her, more than you young torments deserve," said the Captain, with his customary chuckle.
It is not customary for young girls to call on unmarried men in my position, even when the man is their master, and such a wreck as I am.
He will not demand the price which it is customary with our compatriots to ask of pretty women," Walter had written.
In the country it is not customary to fly about the house in a morning wrapper.
For instance, in oriental countries it is customaryto say, “When my friend entered the house, the doors and walls began to sing and dance.
Down to the present day it has been customary for man to accept a religious teaching, even though it was not in accord with human reason and judgment.
Fellows,” he began in a tone quite different from his customary lazy drawl, “I’ll crawfish.
Dave Wilbur took his time in the wind-up and delivered the ball in his customaryeffortless style.
Wat Sanford, as he finished the number with a long roll of the snare drum and the customary crash of the cymbal.
He was clad in his customary dressing-gown, and his eyes glowed ruddily in the light of the kitchen lamp.
It was not a bad place, but the boys had let it get into a filthy condition, in the customary manner of all half-breeds.
In one of these a criminal was sentenced to be hanged which occasioned some little embarrassment, as it obliged them to bring a hangman from a distance at a considerable expense, besides the customary fee of two crowns.
The action originated at Billingsgate, and the words spoken (for he would not deny that they had been used) were nothing more than the customary language, the lex non scripta, by which all disputes were settled at that place.
And that is not so much a tale as a protest against the customary reverence the public has for the actor who dares essay the classic roles.
The first night he would take his customary seat in the rear of the balcony and at the end of the play a slight knock would come at my dressing-room door.