His medical advisers shared his opinion that he had sustained internal injury from this ugly fall; and it is not improbable that it was the remote, but real cause of his dissolution.
He was entirely satisfied with the explanation, because it was fully sustained by the conduct of the captain, and by the words of the rebel cavalry officer who had claimed his acquaintance.
The next day was heard the roar of the guns at Mechanicsville; and on that succeeding was fought the battle of Gaines's Mills--the only defeat in the field sustained by the Union army during that battle-week.
Somers was disposed to make the best of the circumstances; and though hungry, tired and nearly melted, he sustainedhimself with unfaltering courage amid the trials of that eventful march.
There was the open window, and the rope made of the bed-linen, which De Banyan had pulled with his hands till it had the appearance of having sustained a great weight.
With whatever absence of "concert or comparison" the authors may have severally written, the fatal effect of their combined endeavours is not more apparent than the part sustained by each Essay singly in promoting it.
Advocate, when the character to be sustained should be rather that of the unbiassed Judge.
What security can you offer me, that the promise which has sustained me so long occurs in the "more," and not in the "less?
But in the course of the spring France sustained a far heavier loss than even the defeat of an army could have inflicted on her, in the retirement of Necker from the ministry.
No courage was ever more entirely founded on high and virtuous principle, for no one was ever less sustainedby hope.
The young man setting out to travel can scarcely be sustained by a better feeling than his strong nationality.
The Fatalism that sustained them--it was their only faith--through long years of banishment, brought many in sadness to the grave!
Now, for a note to my banker here, to ascertain what sum he holds of mine; and then, like the shipwrecked sailor on his raft, to see how long life may be sustained on half or quarter rations!
The great losses sustained by the First Division, in the various battles in which it had engaged, rendered a reorganization of the corps necessary.
The loss sustained by our army during that day’s operations amounted to between four and five thousand in killed, wounded, and missing.
As the arrival of the army at this point was a practical termination of the campaign, it seems altogether proper to pause here in our narrative, and give a statement of the losses sustained by the regiment during this time.
The art of composition lies between the two; you want for it both the living unity of the thing and the sustained operation of thought.
In the second, an extraordinary power of sustained and concentrated thought, and a passionate, almost a religious, delight in the exercise of his power.
Bob Anderson, the hero, is a good friend to tie to, and each of his four particular friends is a worthy companion, with well-sustained individuality.
Your decision is unanimously sustained and approved, Larry,†added Dick, by way of relaxing the seriousness of the talk.
I consulted it secretly, surreptitiously, meaning to fling it at your head if I found that it sustained my contentions.
He seems not to have been popular among the band of dramatists he now joined, and it is probable that his insulting manners were not sustained by corresponding courage.
Something of this may be seen in the following passages (from the description of the transit through the frozen circle of Caina), which moreover appear to us among the best sustained of the version.
The hale and weather-beaten old man, who sat beside him, had sustained less injury from a far longer course of the same mode of life.
Then went Christopher to this river, and made there his habitacle for him, and bare a great pole in his hand instead of a staff, by which he sustained him in the water, and bare over all manner of people without ceasing.
The hands of Moses were heavy; Aaron and Hur took then a stone and put it under them, and they sustained his hands on either side, and so his hands were not weary until the going down of the sun.
The boshes seem to have been charged with alternate layers of pulverized ore and charcoal, combustion being sustainedby fanning the flames.
The sequence to be presented is, in part, hypothetical; but it issustained by a sufficient body of evidence to commend it to consideration.
One of the delegates then submitted their proposition in form, and sustained it by such arguments as he was able to make.
Perhaps it was the pride of chemical ancestry that sustained Miss Frances Horner through the indelicacy of the last announcement.
The emotions of the audience were swayed by dreams that, sustained by music, floated about the heavy air in a pervading melancholy, inexpressibly sensuous.
But whether the hypocrite is being sustained by some secret store of food, I have been unable to discover.
The sustained interest of the “Photographic Salon†and the utterance of its exhibitors in the language of art, has long since obtained concession to the claim for associate membership.
The reverse order is not sustained by the history of art.
The question of balance has never been reduced to a theory or stated as a set of principles which could be sustained by anything more than example, which, as a working basis must require reconstruction with every change of subject.
The group with insufficient attraction back of it topples toward us, to be sustained within the harmonious circuit of the picture only by such items of attraction behind it as will recover a balance which their absence gave proof of.
A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was sustained gently behind him on the mild morning air.
Inasmuch as leaning she sustained her blond hair for him to ribbon it for her (cf neckarching cat).
Suit for damages by legal influence or simulation of assault with evidence of injuries sustained (selfinflicted), not impossibly.
Who would have thought," said the tall forester, "that the lad who but a short time ago was a child should now have sustained the honor of the country?
Here is a gold chain; take it as a proof that the King of England holds that you have sustainedwell the honor of his country; and mark me, if at any time you require a boon, bring or send me that chain, and thou shalt have it freely.
The casualties already sustained were so great that the Iris could not remain alongside the Vindictive to land her company of Royal Marines.
This is rather an achievement of faith than reason but the Christian Church generally has held such a faith--a faith sustained by the testimony which favours it and unaffected by the testimony which challenges it.
To this end he estimated the losses and injuries which he had sustained at 500 Rhenish florins, and made a declaration to that effect on oath, with two joint-swearers.
I would have liked to offer them such small, friendly services as lay in my power; but the memory of the repulse I had sustained still rankled in me.
Christina of Sweden, alone among the crowned heads of Europe, (so says Voltaire,) sustained the dignity of the throne against Richelieu and Mazarin.
No cause in the world can keep above water, sustained by such contradictions as these, too feeble and slight to be dignified by the name of fallacies.
Such relation is rarely sustained between long paragraphs; and it does not exist between sentences nearly so often as it is indicated by the use of the conjunction and the period.
I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me.
There is in this statue, which is of colossal size, a sustained majesty, dignity, and repose, and a harmony of design rarely attained in modern sculpture.
There is a classic majesty about his works, a sustained grandeur that is warmed by a sympathetic nature, and brought within the range of the throes and aspirations of this tumultuous century.