The circumstances of the times turned his thoughts to political topics, and he took sides with Otis, Adams, and others, against the aggressive policy of Britain.
Willett, Lamb, and others, early and earnestly opposed the British government in its aggressive acts.
Needless to say that the John Swaney school has athletic teams, tennis tournament, baseball games, literary and debating contests and is a strong aggressive force lending life and vitality to the whole countryside.
The ministers, teachers and other rural leaders need the training which will equip them in positive and aggressive social construction.
The farmer who is most conservative is surrounded on all sides by the aggressive forces of business.
Their social habits are those of aggressive loneliness.
In fact, the chief aggressive movements of the Chinese have been rather wars of defence than of offence, wars forced upon them by the incessant sting of invasions from the desert tribes.
The aggressive campaign was an easy and a brilliant one.
In point of fact, Brittany was no more subjugated by Pépin than by his predecessors; all that can be said is that the Franks resumed under him an aggressive attitude toward the Britons, as if to vindicate a right of sovereignty.
Since Bentham we have been chiefly familiar with the negative or aggressive aspect of the Utilitarian doctrine.
Ashore moist and aggressive green things were pushing up through the watery earth from which, in shade, the last frost had not yet departed.
A few, like the chickadees, quivered their wings, opened their little mouths, fluttered down tiny but aggressive against the disaster.
When he joined the others, indeed, Graham with an aggressive air was demanding the district attorney's intentions.
They continued in silence through the deserted forest whose aggressive loneliness made words seem trivial.
Third, continuation of an aggressive program of home construction.
A realistic and practical attack on the emergency will require aggressive action by local governments, with Federal aid, to exploit all opportunities and to give the veterans as far as possible first chance at vacancies.
But we still have the task of clinching the victories we have won--of making certain that Germany and Japan can never again wage aggressive warfare, that they will not again have the means to bring on another world war.
About tastes there is no disputing; and there are people, no doubt, who, for some odd reason, find this kind of aggressive modernity in some way more attractive in Belgium than in Kent.
Philosophers, on the other hand, have no such aggressive tendencies.
The division having been carried out, Ferrex, in his part of the kingdom, is prompted by evil counsel to suspect aggressive rivalry from his brother, and decides to collect forces for his own defence.
The liberty and, we may infer, good hearing extended to these unblushingly didactic Interludes attracted into authorship writers with purposes more aggressive and debatable than those pertaining to wise conduct.
Coultas describes it as an aggressive bird, chasing honey-eaters and white-eyes.
He found it to be an aggressive bird, often chasing the white-eye Zosterops cinerea.
Under a new stimulation to be attractive, and with the addition of ornament to the repertory of her charms, woman has assumed an almost aggressive attitude toward courtship.
Anthony Preblesham--for that was his worldly name--did not disappoint my judgment for he proved one of the most aggressive men I ever hired.
Is it possible, then, that the Spirit of God entering into a man can be to him a sword; that a man's character has this aggressive quality; that a man fights just by what he is?
When a man wants to make a cause he believes in win, his aggressive force lies not in what he says about that cause, but in what that cause has made of him.
Already the rougher Japanese of the ports, the dregs of the populace, were ready to assume the aggressive on the least provocation.
Even the compositions of students already reflect the new conception of intellectual strength only as a weapon of offense, and the new sentiment of aggressive egotism.
After this accession the league, henceforth known as the Six Nations, formed a power by no means to be despised, though much less bold and aggressive than in the previous century.
Then they paused to think out new ideas, and to place their arms in more aggressive attitudes.
I have now succeeded in obtaining a highly scientific animal, combining the sleek beauty of the pure Persian with the aggressive agility of the British species.
Wherever it has had free play, in the ancient world or the modern, in the old hemisphere or the new, a thirst for empire and a readiness for aggressive war has always marked it.
Aggressive patriotism is thus condemned by common sense and the verdict of history no less than by morality.
Their great achievement was to show how under modern conditions aggressive war may be carried on without much loss (except in human life) to the aggressor.
But their real minds are at present set against an aggressive foreign policy, without being shut against the appeals of a higher patriotism.
Are the aggressive American women happier or more beloved?
He cared little for men in any country, and theaggressive American he found peculiarly unattractive.
In a few moments, imagination, the sunshine, and the day became mere mediums for the aggressive race.
Apart from the general question, both sides were aggressive and warlike.
In his correspondence with the Presidents of the Boer States which they opened, Lord Roberts has been courteous in form, but in substance aggressiveand incisive.
The racial elements involved were too mutable, the conditions too loose, the Governments too inadequate in strength and prestige, the Dutch too aggressive and hostile in character, to admit of its permanent success.
They had not, of course, known of the Raid itself or supported its aggressive action.
The general effect, of course, was to still further encourage Cetywayo and his warriors in their aggressive ambitions.
He had to assume charge of a complicated political and racial situation, and to supervise the relations of Great Britain and the Colonies with the increasingly aggressive Transvaal Republic and Afrikander organization.
It had no wish for territorial expansion, and would never have interfered at all if the aggressive policy of the Boers meeting the wild instincts of the Bantu, or Zulus, half-way, had not drenched the region with blood.
Dingaan, during the year succeeding the battle on the banks of the Blood River, remained passive, and does not appear to have had any aggressive intentions.
Only the hardiest of men and horses could have carried on aggressive operations so long.
He had not this good excuse for his somewhat aggressive impulse to promulgate his felicity; his sentiment was of another quality.
Through the pall of horror and tragedy the American sees a vision; for him it is not merely a material and bloody contest of arms and men, a military victory to be gained over an aggressive and wrong-minded people.