In twenty minutes, the sergeant returned with the news that there was no strong force there.
When the news reached that place, Clive had recently arrived with a strong force, which was destined to operate against the French at Hyderabad.
While pressing his attack he learned that Johnston was at Jackson with a strong force, with which to reinforce Pemberton.
For a long time the British kept a strong force at Newport, but they were withdrawn, and a strong expedition was sent South to capture Charleston.
The route was from Canada by way of Lake Champlain to Albany, where the army was to be joined by a strong force to be sent up the Hudson from New York.
He found Stonewall Jackson there with such a strong force that he fell back to Winchester, where, after the withdrawal of the main body by Banks, he was attacked by Jackson, who was repulsed.
His plan was to make a combined naval and military attack on Yorktown, send a strong force up the York River, aided by the gunboats, and thus establish his new base of operations within twenty-five miles of the Confederate capital.
I was convinced that the withdrawal of the pickets was part of a plan to entrap just such scouting parties as ours, and that a strong force was in ambush at the Cross-roads.
A strong force of the enemy was formed in the middle of this field (where one of the camps was situated), and the Confederates rushed so closely upon them, that it seemed as if the bayonets must cross, before they gave way.
The "Home-guards" held this county in strong force; they had long expected a Confederate inroad, and had sternly determined to punish the invaders when they came.
This time, he will go back toward the south, and I think it is sure that he is looking for St. Luc, who must have gone in that direction with a strong force, Tandakora having stayed behind to take us.
Volunteers held the sunken ground between the breastwork and the outlet of Lake George, a strong force of regulars and Canadians was on the side of Lake Champlain under the guns of the fort there.
I've a strong force here," he said, "although it might have been stronger if our Governor and Legislature had done their full duty.
He knew that the scouts and skirmishers were there, doubtless in strong force.
Montcalm sent a strong force to attack him, as he was moving; but Monckton at Point Levi saw the movement, and, embarking two battalions in boats, made a feint of landing at Beauport.
The scouts, who were outside the works, brought in news of what was being done, and also that the working parties were protected by a strong force.
Bodies of the American militia were to feign attacks upon the center and left, while a strong force of the combined armies was to make a real attack in two columns upon the right.
In my immediate front he appeared to be established in strong force in a dense cedar wood, just beyond an open valley, which varied from two hundred to four hundred yards in width, the cedars extending the entire length of the valley.
On the same day Colonel Dennis, with a force of less than 500 infantry and two pieces of artillery, met the cavalry of the enemy in strong force, a few miles west of Medon, and drove them away with great loss.
We're in strong force, and I don't see any signs that our generals intend to turn back.
A heavy division of Northern regulars drove in all the Southern skirmishers, but Jackson, sending forward a strong force, pushed back the regulars in their turn.
Milroy at Winchester, with a strong force, was using rigorous measures.
Dumouriez posted these battalions apart from the others, placed a strong force of cavalry behind them, and two pieces of cannon on their flank.
When, as I told you, we had driven off the fellows on the right of the valley, things were looking bad on the left, where a chief in a white burnoose was working up a strong force to make a rush.
Leaving a strong force to face the column, flanking parties came down concealed by the low hills.
Nobody suspected that at dawn Jackson, with a strong force, would be only a little more than three score miles from the Union capital itself.
Our arsenal at Hertford is besieged by a strong force of the enemy, a force that is likely to be increased heavily by dawn.
He put his hand on Harry's rein as he spoke, and the boy saw that a strong force of Northern cavalry had now appeared in the fields directly between him and his general.
A strong force of the Yankees is besieging Hertford, and four hundred of our men are defending it.
The next information received from General Lee was that the enemy was collecting in strong force at Fredericksburg.
On the turnpike and west of it was Gordon's brigade of four regiments, strengthened by eight guns, and by a strong force of cavalry in reserve.
A strong force of infantry, with waving colours, was plainly visible to the Confederates, and it was seen that the extreme left was protected by several guns.
He was uncertain in which direction the main body of the Confederates had retreated; and it was not till evening that a strong force of infantry, reconnoitring through the woods, struck Jackson's outposts near the hamlet of Cross Keys.
That the French were in strong force, as well as the enemy, there could now be no doubt.
These were the last words he uttered, when the door was closed, and he was led forward under charge of a strong force of police and military.
The Zulus soon opened a dropping fire on the right front, and from a strong force operating on some broken ground near Unodwingo on the left.
We have a strong forcein the colony just at present, and I think Sir Bartle Frere means to bring matters to a crisis.
It is a strong force, and as there are about 3300 white troops among them, and there is no fear of their being taken by surprise this time, we need not have any anxiety about the result.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strong force" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.