The slight fall you noticed in temperature was because the specific heat of these gases is high, and to become gas while in the solid state they had to withdraw some warmth from the air.
By the reduction of the heat of that part of the interior there will also be a shrinkage, which, in connection with the explosions, will cause the earth's solid crust to be thrown up in folds till whole continents appear.
The temperature at Cassandra's surface is but little above the cold of space, and no water exists in the liquid state, it being as much a solid as aluminum or glass.
In incalculable ages, the forward motion of the planets and their satellites will be checked by the resistance of the ether of space and the meteorites and solid matter they encounter.
In the absence of any way of making a passage for an explosive ball by means of a solid one, we must strike a vital spot.
Bearwarden, withdrawing the explosive cartridge from the barrel of his rifle and substituting one with a solid ball.
In these cases a solid ball would have hit as well.
It was natural to expect the garrison from Grand Gulf to come out to meet us and prevent, if they could, our reaching this solid base.
The Mexicans were armed about as we were so far as their infantry was concerned, but their artillery only fired solid shot.
The cold was sharp, my right boot being frozen solid in a puddle in the morning.
We heard of men earning fifty, five hundred, and thousands of dollars per day, and for a time it seemed as though somebody would reach solid gold.
Stuart's division first encountered the enemy behind an earthwork about four miles from the fort, running across the solid ground from the river to a swamp.
Here the slaughter of the French was awful, for in addition to the deadly volleys from the solid battalions of their enemies, the skirmishers, who had rallied in knots at advantageous places, were now delivering a severe and effective fire.
The column was compact, and the glittering muskets looked like a solid mass of steel, moving with the regularity of a pendulum.
The temporary houses, first built over the water in the harbor, soon gave way to more solid structures.
The main business part of the city now is on solid ground, made where vessels of the largest class lay at anchor in the early days.
In front of these there is a solid oak garden-table, with a comfortable chair on the right of it and a straight-backed one on the left.
Societe Anonyme des Transports Aeriens) is diving and lifting half a mile below us in search of some break in the solid west wind.
The walls are of solid silver; The towers are of massive gold; And the lights that stream from the windows A royal scene unfold.
To solid marble next, my name I gave as a perpetual trust; An earthquake rent it to its base, And now it lies, o'erlaid with dust.
They should be of solid make, easy, graceful, and of good, serviceable colors and materials.
To prevent abortion, women of weak or relaxed habit should use solid food, avoiding great quantities of tea, coffee, or other weak or watery liquors.
Bruise the solid articles, and let stand two weeks to digest (shake it once or twice every day), then strain or filter.
This is probably the case when the skin is not materially dirty, or its pores or surface obstructed or loaded with the residual solid matter of the perspiration or its own unctuous exudation and exuviæ.
The small black spots and marks frequently observed on the skin in hot weather, particularly on the face, generally arise from the accumulation of the indurated solid matter of the perspiration in its pores.
Like the Woodpeckers and Chickadees, they sometimes excavate a hole in the decayed trunk or branch of a forest-tree, or in the solid wood itself.
The institution which claims solid foundation here is built on nothing.
He wanted solid ground under him, he didn't care whose or where.
And as his boots thumped onto the red-ochre sand, it occurred to him that it had been a very long time since he had had solid ground underfoot.
Finally, Sitting Bull, finding his old plan of battle frustrated by that solid infantry skirmish line advancing upon him with the relentless sternness of fate, began a general and precipitate retreat.
The men then drift from this under a bank of solid earth, and excavate a room of considerable dimensions, in which the furs are deposited, and the apartment closed up.
Then the Indians got courage and started for them in a solid body.
At this date it has probably greater importance than it ever had, and no city but London impresses me so much with the idea of solidwealth and increasing prosperity.
It is a mere imagination, which can give no solid or lasting pleasure.
Just now the solid satisfaction of life rendered unnecessary such minor adjuncts, and, since he did not like smoking, it was convenient that it happened to be contrary to school rules.
But when this direct question was asked his hand closed firmly on a tight, solid classical dictionary, and he waited for the answer.
He heard the solid impact of the bat, telling him he had hit it correctly, and—there was the ball, already beyond and high above mid-on.
It was clear that Cruikshank was nervous—David knew of somebody else who was nervous, too—but he presented a dull solid wall to two straight balls.
David was standing in his bath, and, slipping, plumped down into it heaving out solid water.
Then Bags got influenza and disappeared also, leaving David bereft of his two great friends, to find out for the first time how solid and comfortable a pal Bags was.
I must first get on the solid rock myself; and then I can lend my brother a helping hand.
The parapet is thick, and the scarp and counterscarp are faced with solid masonry.
There's a lot of solidcomfort In an old clay pipe, I find, If you're kind of out of humor Or in trouble in your mind.
He is considered one of the solid men of the district--one of the best men to know.
She had even managed to tell Margaret, in a casual manner, that Miss Seldon's idea of a decided engagement between herself and Max had never a very solid foundation, and now had none at all.
Is that object over there also one of the solid men of the community?
This is one of those records of solid and elevated character, which do more to refresh and invigorate the reader than a whole library of religious or ethical exhortations can do.
He had distinct ideas of perspective, of the projections of the sphere, and of the forms assumed by plane or solid figures in certain positions.
People agree that it is of the last importance to employ none but solid arguments for the defence of a creed.
Macaulay has contrasted the misery of the Grub Street hack of Johnson's time, with the honours accorded to men like Prior and Addison at an earlier date, and the solid sums paid by booksellers to the authors of our own day.
But the edifice of mud ought to be overthrown and an unprofitable heap of dust scattered to the wind, by references to articles in which solid principles serve as a base for the opposite truths.
Kirby could not hear the torrent fall--or rather could not hear it strike any solid bottom.
A solid something was rising beneath his dragging feet; a firm, solid support that raised him again to the surface.
The crowd parted to a narrow, living lane, and lean fingers clutched writhingly to touch them as they passed between the solid ranks.
They were through, penetrating solid crystal, masonry, steel and duralumin girders.
As the screams and sobs of the girls quivered out, mingled with the guttural roaring of the men, Naida was shut off by a solid wall of aggressors.
If our men had something solid to look forward to, they too, would have the devil in them, and no mistake.
Yet he who takes the pains to husk away his obscurity of style will find solid ears of thought to recompense his labor.
Solid food and liquids combine inside of man, and they separate again when they leave his body.
All solid shells may be wrapped in one or two folds of paper of any kind.
A stranger will be treated with a great deal of ceremony, but when you come to thesolid part of a compliment their generosity is at a stand.
England derived much advantage from the infusion of this industrious, solid and dependable Flemish stock; though the temporary difficulty of absorption gave rise to local protests on more than one occasion.
She wasn't held up for a solid week out of pure cussedness.
You've slept like the dead man I took you for at first, my friend--a solid fourteen hours, my word for it!
But the door, in character with the room, was a substantial piece of workmanship and needed more than a few blows, even of an axe, to break down its barrier of solid oak.
His clawing hands clutched something solid and substantial, an upright bar of metal.
We proceeded at first with tolerable ease; the ice was solid and even, and in a few hours we arrived at the mouth: there our progress was attended with more difficulty.
They have however some more solid principles; and amidst the ridiculous fictions under which they are buried, we meet with ideas ingenious enough respecting the supreme being, miracles, and future rewards and punishments.