Imagine the feminine flutter of the conventional Julia.
This difference between the Village view and the conventional standpoint is very difficult to analyse.
Fancy, above all, the hungry gossip of conventional Julia's conventional friends!
He was giving an involuntary recognition to the doctrine that there are conventional virtues, worthy of our notice, as well as virtues of heavier caliber and wider range.
They are conventional virtues; they suit a given society, and satisfy its actual social will.
Man is a conventional being, and perhaps his most astonishing convention is a funeral.
My little Asticot, I perceive you have become an adept at conventional conversation.
It is a vast vacuity of meaningless and worthless brush-play, a wilderness of hollow trickery and futile fumbling with conventional forms.
Such homicides did not escape judicial sentence, but they shared in the conventional toleration which was extended to murders in hot blood or in the prosecution of a feud.
Thus piety in Tasso appears superficial and conventional rather than profoundly felt or originally vigorous; while the scholarship which supplied his epic style is scrupulous and timid.
Needless to say, I am not opposed to woman suffrage on theconventional ground that she is not equal to it.
Indeed, he was the conventional ideal husband and devoted father.
He loved to expose what seemed to him the sophistries involved in the conventional praise of liberty.
The conventional phrases about 'sacrifices' he disliked as much as he did the sensational appeals to which the public had been habituated in missionary meetings.
Visitors of the conventional aesthetic type would have many a surprise and many a shock.
Critics can prate about natural and conventional art without helping us to understand; but a passage from Mr. Clutton-Brock seems worth quoting as simply and clearly phrased.
The pictures therefore lost their original character and came to be mere conventional groups of wedges.
Perhaps the sea-goddess Sabitu is associated astrologically with the fish-tailed goat which is the conventional representation of Capricornus.
His irrepressible and often daring humour, together with his frank distaste for much conventional religious phraseology, was a stumbling-block to some pious people.
His earlier work was mainly of the nude drawn with great academic correctness in somewhat conventional colour.
And now that you have found that I am not brave, that I am like all the other conventionalwomen of my class, are you not sorry that you have inflicted useless pain upon yourself?
But nobody was ever more weary of conventional routine, nobody ever longed more for freedom and action than I do.
Now, rather late in the day, it strikes me that the conventionalpoint of view should have been re-adjusted to the special case.
Subsequent experience taught me that these were conventional modes by which the conversation was launched every day, like the preliminary moves in chess.
To give her theconventional education, the conventional "advantages"?
But, from a conventional point of view, my conduct was quite unassailable.
After all, from a conventional point of view, my conduct was quite justifiable.
Not a word had been granted on either side to the conventional vows of secrecy, always made to be broken, and perhaps each tacitly felt that the less secrecy the better for Rachel.
It is a satire onconventional pictures," said Rachel.
His sister, with all her fine powers and abilities, has had her tone lowered to the hateful conventional style of wit that would put me to the blush for the smallest mishap.
Wait, now; please don't jump instantly to the conclusion that these chorus or ballet girls are thoroughly bad because they smash to smithereens the conventional laws regulating the conduct of society girls.
At the stage door you will have to leave quite a parcel ofconventional rules.
Douglas murmured a conventional acquiescence and bowed to the pleasant-faced, grey-headed old lady with a sense of pleasure.
Nevertheless, in a moment or two they found themselves exchanging conventional remarks about the journey, the weather, the crossing, as he piloted her along the platform to the carriage which he had reserved.
What with the predisposition of the audience in favour of the conventional court suit, and afterwards their prejudice against the Scotch, on account of the '45 and Lord Bute, Garrick could hardly have assumed tartan in "Macbeth.
He appeared upon the scene clad in the conventional solid armour of the theatre, with over all a gray gauze veil, as stiff as buckram, thrown about him.
The confusion outside had given me a suggestion that the business of buying and selling stocks was carried on in a somewhat less conventional manner than the trade in groceries.
I should have imagined her too fastidious, too intelligent, and, if you will, too conventional to be for one moment dazzled by a shoddy bohemian.
They both knew to whom the pronoun referred; a conventional saving of Claire had significance only in reference to her mother.
His emotion showed itself very evidently on his handsome, sensitive face, so evidently that the strangeness of the meeting made itself felt as a palpable atmosphere, and made conventional greetings an effort and something of an absurdity.
The lady was portrayed in a conventional pose and without modern accessories, leaning one arm in its sleeve of flowing silk on the back of a high chair, a hand hanging, half hidden, against the folds of her silken skirt.
The structure is in the conventional form of a Latin cross, with the usual nave and aisles and a series of chapels surrounding the apside.
It is of the conventional Latin cross form, with two imposing towers and a really grand portal.
One leaves Metz with the memory full of visions of many churches and much soldiery of the conventional German type.
Certain facts have come down to us regarding this earlier building, but they appear decidedly contradictory, though undoubtedly it was an edifice of the conventional Rhenish variety.
This is a retable of the conventional orthodox form which occupies the usual place--even in this Protestant church--at the end of the choir.
It is of the conventional form, but is a rare piece of church furniture in that it dates from 1003, when it was presented by the Abbess Matilda, sister of the Emperor Otho II.
Wiesbaden A conventional account of Wiesbaden would read something as follows: "Wiesbaden, the capital of the Duchy of Nassau, is about an hour's drive by road from Mayence and three from Frankfort.
That portion of the Rhine which is best worth knowing, according to the ideas of the conventional tourist, is that which lies between Cologne and Mayence.
In fact, there is not much else to attract one, except a certain conventional society air, which seems to pervade all of its two score thousand inhabitants.
The interior plan is conventional and simple enough, consisting of the usual three naves, with an easterly apse, surrounded by an ambulatory and flanking chapel.
The interior divides itself in the conventional manner into three naves, which are bare and with no ornamentation whatever.
The conventional Rhine tour of our forefathers is taken, even to-day, by countless thousands to whom its beauties, its legends, and its history appeal.
In ordinary occupations, a man offers to do a certain thing or to produce a certain article with a merely conventional accomplishment, a design in which (we may almost say) it is difficult to fail.
The idealist, his eye singly fixed upon the greater outlines, loves rather to fill up the interval with detail of the conventional order, briefly touched, soberly suppressed in tone, courting neglect.
He had the tact, however, to make such a display of grief as the occasion required; he waited for the proper time to elapse, and attended to all the conventional usages.
The illusion of beauty--which is merely a conventional term invented by man!
It is there revealed to us in its entire spontaneity: it has free rein; it can create without imitation or tradition; it is not imprisoned in any conventional form; it is sovereign.
After a hard ride with Bryan I can be a conventional English Lady for weeks.
During the first part of the ride Jack and Captain MacDonnell were frequently silent, except that Jack, of course, made the conventional inquiries one might ask of a soldier.
For woman, having curbed the brute man by conventional restraints of outward demeanour, has made human intercourse smooth and seemly, but imposed upon mankind the wearing of unnatural masks.
How these roots acquired their meanings is not known, but a conventional origin is clearly just as mythical as the social contract by which Hobbes and Rousseau supposed civil government to have been established.
Before considering modern theories, let us look first at consciousness from the standpoint of conventional psychology, since this embodies views which naturally occur when we begin to reflect upon the subject.
I am speaking within the circle of conventional doctrines, not expressing my own beliefs.