Her answers so simple, so bold, so full of the spirit and sentiment of truth, must have been reported from one to another.
Was it the pity of heaven that the archangel reported to the little trembling girl, or only that which woke with the word in her own childish soul?
The cédule to which she put her sign "contained eight lines:" what she is reported to have signed is three pages long, and full of detail.
A letter of his is reported at length, in which he incites a sinner to give up his evil way of life, and shows a knowledge of the man's heart which could only have been given him by God.
They immediately reported these things to their religious, and they to the governor and the archbishop.
He reported that in the mountains of Fotol and Alamonag they had confirmed more than six hundred Indians; and that even the little boys and girls knew the definition of the sacrament of confirmation.
Yet little evidence of the presence of the plague appears in the seventeenth-century Virginia record; cases are reported but the number is small.
Ships of the London Company reported plague and death aboard.
Another of these ships reportedthe plague raging in her.
These reported that the Boers had overrun the whole of the country north of the Tugela, and that some parties had already crossed at the ferry on the road between Helpmakaar and Greytown.
Here Captain Brookfield reported his arrival to the officer in command of the troops, and on the following day Chris and his friends rode on to Estcourt.
There was, however, no repetition of the firing, and a few minutes later Peters came in and reported that the Zulus had discovered a number of Boers making their way cautiously forward.
It was not that they were so anxious to be engaged, as to get a share of the loot, as it had been reported that something like twenty thousand cattle and horses had been driven off from Natal.
The work in which they are delivered, is lost; but they are minutely reported in his Attic Nights, by Aulus Gellius.
At last one morning his daughterreported to the Sea Deity that Prince Fire-Subside, although he had passed three years without a sigh, yet last night he had heaved one deep sigh.
Portuguese sea-captain which had been reported to him.
They received no encouragement, however, and returned with their eyes “opened by the high state of material and moral prosperity which surrounded them,” and reported the complete failure of their attempts at persuasion.
Toneri reported to the emperor the superb entertainment which Ne-no-Ōmi had accorded to the Chinese ambassador, and especially the necklace which he wore.
Suspicious persons should be reported to the proper officers, and rewards will be given.
Then they returned to the heavenly plains and reported that peace was established.
When he did this two doves(115) flew out, and the artful soldier reported that spiders’ webs were in the mouth of the opening.
Then they went back to the emperor and reported that they had been unable to capture the mother, but they had brought the babe.
Never," he is reported to have said in 1556, "did I aspire to universal monarchy, although it seemed well within my power to attain it.
In the very year in which this finely tempered work was written, a Jesuit reported that the Puritans were the strongest body in the kingdom and particularly that they had the most officers and soldiers on their side.
The four attached Destroyers were sent to pick up survivors, but I deeply regret that they subsequently reported that they searched the area but found none.
Our Destroyers had reported the presence of floating mines to the Eastward and I considered it inadvisable to pursue her.
And in a whisper la nonna (the grandmother) reported how things had been going on since yesterday.
Through the summer frequent skirmishes and fights were heard of, and sick and wounded men came in every day, and every few days squads of men who had "reported for duty" took their places at the front.
It wasreported that the enemy were passing either to the right or left, I do not remember which.
Meantime, the comrade of the sick man had reported to the surgeon the whole matter.
As soon as--almost before--they were recovered they cheerfully reported for duty.
We have no tidings of brother yet; he is reported 'missing,' but we hope he may have been taken prisoner.
I should have gone right to the offices andreported to the head boss.
They had reported to Captain Dale, and several investigations had been made, but without results.
Statements of his accordingly have been declared to be true, in spite of the contrary evidence of oriental research, because, it is urged, he is a trustworthy witness and has reported honestly what he heard and saw.
Had he actually visited Assuan the words of the sacred scribe would have been reported more correctly.
Native tradition, as reported by the historian Manetho, made Meneptah the Pharaoh under whom the children of Israel escaped from their house of bondage.
But the stories were all gravely noted down by the traveller, and though they have lost nothing in the telling, it is probable that they have not always been reported by him correctly.
At this humiliating apostrophe, the beggar is reported to have instinctively raised his staff--an action which the bard observed just in time to avoid its descent on his back.
This measure is reported to have been passed on the strong recommendation of George IV.
This extreme Jacobitism at a period when the crime was scarcely to be dreaded, was reported to George III.
He reported that he thought that so great a number had never before been put to death at one time, and confessed that had he proceeded by jury, not one in five would have suffered[489].
The Commissioners left the town and reported the affair to the King, who ordered them to assemble all the forces they could muster, and if the monastery did not yield, to treat the monks like arrant traitors[447].
All this was reported at the English Court in early February.
Hussey promptly reported the state of affairs to Cromwell, and though he put a bold face on the matter in presence of the rebels, it is evident that he was seriously alarmed[449].
But it must be a prejudiced person indeed who will accept word for word the catalogues of the religious persons reported guilty of the lowest and most degrading forms of vice, which Legh and Layton seemed to delight in sending to their master.
Many have slandered me and reported that I have been a bearer of such as have maintained evil Opinions, which is untrue.
Although I have not examined the specimens reported on by Felten (loc.
Oaxaca reveals considerable variation in external and cranial measurements as well as color, corresponding to that reported by Goodwin (loc.
Fall's collection at Pasadena, California, I am led to believe that the speciesreported by Mr. Gibson as evicta is not evicta but probata.
Eremobates formicaria Koch This species has been taken from our region although such large specimens have been reported only from dryer regions.
It has been reported from Spokane, Washington, on strawberries, and at various times has been reported feeding on cultivated crops in Oregon.
It is generallyreported that, about this time, Philip took a party of warriors and traversed the unbroken wilderness extending between the Connecticut and the Hudson.
He reported that they had hardly arrived at Namasket when Corbitant beset the wigwam into which they had entered with a band of armed men, and seized them both as prisoners.
He reportedthat Philip was upon a little spot of upland in the midst of a miry swamp just south of Mount Hope.
I was looking out every moment, expecting to clear the rocks, and enter upon the immeasurable stretch of plain reported to us.
He is also reported to have four hundred horses in Damerghou, a district of which is subjected to him.
It is, besides, reportedthat the people of Bornou assisted in their destruction.
Sickness and disease arereported in Aheer at the present time.
The reported attack keeps our minds occupied, and has a little upset us; but no one talks of flinching.
There is a large leopard reported to be abroad near the oasis of Mizdah.
Hateetah was reported to be on the road; so I determined to wait five or six days for him, and thus not deviate from my original plan.
Some dramatic scenes were reported to us by our servants as occurring between our escort and the assailing troop, mixed with marabouts.
About ten in the morning, on the 5th, a solitary white camel, with a rider, was reported as trotting rapidly over the hills to the east.
At length Hateetah may be said to be reported "in sight," and we are busy preparing for departure.
The wolverene is now seldom, if ever, reported from the country south of the Park, and must be considered one of the rarest of animals within its borders.
I reported it, under seal of secrecy, to Miss Plinlimmon.
I did not catch this prayer, but Mr. Jope reported it to me as he resumed his seat, with an ill-timed laugh.
Washington made a successful advance upon the British army at Trenton, on Christmas Eve; but Delaware Indians had reported to him their situation, and made it possible for the great general to hit his enemy hard at an opportune moment.
In 1913 there were reported two hundred and twenty-three day schools and seventy-six reservation boarding-schools.
It was reported that there were no less than fifteen thousand men in the Black Hills district placer-mining and prospecting for the yellow metal.
Grinnell reported that the Walker lease was entirely opposed to the Indians' interests, and that it would not only be unwise, but wrong, to approve it.
As all the natives were beardless this was a very significant and unpleasant discovery, and the explorers returned at once and reported what they had seen to Columbus.
He moved for the committee who reported the resolutions of the town of Boston in 1772; his spirit inspired them, and in these also the grievance of Episcopacy plays a large part.
The magistrates referred the case to Cotton, who reported that "he found him corrupt in judgment," but "had good hope to reclaim him.
March the committee apparently reported the president's house to be in good condition.
The commissionersreported their entire satisfaction to the government, the colonies sent loyal addresses, and Charles returned affectionate answers.
Subsequently all were taken and treated with the extremest rigor; for in June, 1672, Russell was so reduced that it was supposed he could not live, and he was reported to have died in prison.
He started after a while, and came back, and it was reported to me that they had decided not to move any trains that afternoon.
About half past five o'clock in the evening, on the day that the soldiers fired in the crowd, my office boy came to my office and reported to me in great excitement, that the soldiers had fired on and killed a number of the citizens.
Colonel Lyle, with probably as many men, reported at Altoona, where he was stopped.
I turned the command over to General Matthews, and reported to General Pearson at the office of the Pennsylvania railroad at the outer depot--Mr. Pitcairn's office.
The citizens gathered again at the company store to the number of two hundred, and a policeman soon reported the crowd gathering again.
The men I sent up to the depot reported that to me.
Was it reported to you by anybody that there was no cause for the stopping of the troops there, excepting that the colonel commanding the troops was afraid to go on?
I inquired of my officers as to the number of men that had reported for duty, and then I had six companies in the city and four in the country.
The Fourteenth regiment, up to this time, four o'clock, have not reported a man.
I believe he came in before the rest came for supper, and reported this disturbance--about a man being arrested for striking Mr. Watt, and he then reported all quiet after that.