As that offensive developed in its scope, less attention was paid to the American lines east of Verdun, and save for the Seicheprey raid and the clash at Xivray, both to be presently described, the operations there were of little moment.
Only the clash of steel on steel and the groans of the stricken could be heard.
The friction which had arisen seemed to be substantially due to a clash between the methods of business men, whom the administration had requisitioned into war service, and the red tape of an established governmental system.
From Berlin's viewpoint it was inconsequential; but to Americans it was of moment in being their first clash with the enemy.
There was not a sound but the ripple of the unseen river, and the distant cry of a watchman in Petty France, till the clash of swords began.
The spirit of the combatants was wild and fierce as the rage that moves rival stags fighting for a mate, with bent heads and tramping hoofs, and clash of locked antlers reverberating through the forest stillness.
Denzil sprang into his path, sword in hand, and their blades crossed with a shrillclash and rattle of steel.
The clash of life, the shock of battle, had no attraction for him.
It's a fine day, and if there is a bit of a clash there's none will hurt you.
He began to think that he had gained some ideas with which he could sympathize, ideas which were at one with Mary Audley's burning desire to help, while they did not clash with old prejudices.
At that moment a shout was heard from the palace-gardens, accompanied by a rush of many feet, and the ominous clash of steel.
And now, with peal of trumpets and clash of cymbals, a burst of wild martial music rises above the hum and murmur of the seething crowd.
From a boy his blood leaped and tingled at theclash of steel.
Suddenly, the clash of cymbals and the sound of voices struck upon his ear.
From his cavern he heard plainly the shouts of battle and the very clash of steel; but he heeded them not, for a vague and sickening dread had come over him that he should see his mother no more.
The red swift clouds of the hurricane Yon declining sun have overtaken, The clash of the hail sweeps over the plain-- Night is coming!
He believed that a clash between the two classes of society was inevitable, and he eagerly ranged himself on the people's side.
The Wanderer, when he left the inner secret shrine, saw no more the guardian of the gates, nor heard the clash of the swords unseen, for the Gods had given the beauty of Helen to Odysseus of Ithaca, as it was foretold.
But some will yet strive madly on, and thou wilt hear the clash of arms and they will fall dead before thee.
For the sound of the singing came from behind the great web gleaming in the loom, the sound of the song of Helen as she heard the swords clash and the ringing of the harness of those whose knees were loosened in death.
Then of a sudden, from far down the great hall of banquets, there came a loud cry that shrilled above the clash of swords, the groans of men, and all the din of battle.
Up to that very moment, in the face of everything that he had done, she had not cared to believe that this struggle of wills, this clash of temperaments, was worth taking with real seriousness.
The first happened before dinner, the second after, and both were led up to by the clash of temperament.
And he can show us the black hatred caused by the clash of political and religious opinions.
Out of the confusion of thisclash the ball spun into Mr. Direck's radius.
The armament of Germany, the hostility of Germany, the consistent assertion of Germany, the world-wide clash of British and German interests, had been facts in the consciousness of Englishmen for more than a quarter of a century.
He was expected, he saw, to go over at once with his renovated Gladys and end this unfortunateclash forever in one striking and passionate scene.
Fortunately at this moment the clash of steel reached Solomon's ears, and, startled, the porter gave the alarm.
But the brief clash of weapons was over, and they could make out no more than a group of figures gathered about two prostrate men.
It was fitting that within those walls, where the echoes of his voice seemed still to linger, they should suspend for a few hours the clash of controversy and join in acknowledging their common debt to his life and example.
The City, at any rate, had not been organised to meet the consequences of the clash of arms, and when the blow fell not a market was unmoved.
Rather did her manifest destiny clash with that of Russia on the lower Danube, where the approaching break-up of the Ottoman Power must bring those States into conflict.
One fine sunrise on the morning of Palm Sunday I heard the sharp sound of a screeching fife, the metallic clash of cymbals, the shouts of boys, the rattle of a little drum.
It had taken her quick mind only a moment to see the alternatives--submission or a clash in which she could not but be defeated.
From the heartless, frivolous routine marked out, she shrank in disgust; and, painful as was the alternative, she prepared for the clash which soon became inevitable.
The only sound that fell upon the air besides the clash of the blades was the labored breathing of the contestants.
Thy proud spirit ill brooks authority, and thou wilt soon be of an age when if thy will shouldclash with thy father's, I trow not the consequences.
Louder rose the chant until it drowned the clash of arms and the shouts of the barbarian host.
There was the clash of steel and the hoarse shouting of men at barricades; screams of women in fear and sharp cries of command mingled with the trampling of many feet.
They were full of spirit and anxious to clash with their opponents.
And who shall say that the clash and conflict of this game, invented and played only by thoroughly virile men, are not productive of precisely those qualities of which the race may, some day, well stand in need.
No lordly step, nor clash of armour, betokened the retreat of the military persons.
The courtly circle startled somewhat at the clash of steel, and the fiery look of the chivalrous Count Robert.
Constitutional government, a happy mixture of two extreme political systems, despotism and democracy, suggests by the necessity of blending also the two principles of marriage, which so far clashtogether in France.
The woman being shrewd, intelligent, sarcastic and having leisure to meditate over an ironical phrase, can easily turn you into ridicule during a momentary clash of opinions.
Their susceptibilities will clash against objects that remain innocently quiet.
They may possiblyclash with more imperative considerations.
Pottie gaed clashinto Stumpie Mertin's coal cellar, an' lockit the door i' the inside.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clash" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.