It must provide a currency for the use of our people, for I believe the time has gone by when we will be content to return to the old system of an issue of money by State banks.
We do not believe in an exclusive, hard, metallic currencyany more than we believe in hard bread or no bread!
You bravely stood for a papercurrency that should be the true equivalent of coin.
Mill’s still valuable chapter on International Trade and all current economic doctrine on currency are Ruskinian economy too.
He knew that every fall in the supply of commodities made the gold currency of less value.
It may be asked how this currency can be redeemed?
Such a currency can be furnished by banking associations organized under a general act of Congress, as suggested in my message at the beginning of the present session.
If this view be correct, the currency of the District, should this act become a law, will certainly and greatly deteriorate, to the serious injury of honest trade and honest labor.
Is there, then, any other mode in which the necessary provision for the public wants can be made and the great advantages of a safe and uniform currency secured?
And let them be reminded, too, that their own policy in relation to the currency has all the time been, and still is, in full operation.
This sophism derives much, perhaps the whole, of its currency from the assumption that there is some omnipotent and sacred supremacy pertaining to a State--to each State of our Federal Union.
Fluctuations in the value of currency are always injurious, and to reduce these fluctuations to the lowest possible point will always be a leading purpose in wise legislation.
This is a genuine coin in the politicalcurrency of our generation.
If they ask us for the sufficient and sound currency we promised, let them be answered that we only promised it through the medium of a national bank, which they, aided by Mr. Tyler, prevented our establishing.
It even bought up United States currency and used it in transacting the business of the army.
The state of the currency was now so grave that Davis attributed to it all the evils growing out of the attempts to enforce impressment.
With a depreciated currency and exaggerated prices, his pay, whatever his rank, was too little to count in providing for his dependents.
National currency units have been converted to US dollars at the closing exchange rate for the date of the information.
The national currency units have been converted to US dollars at the closing exchange rate on the date of the information.
Because of exchange rate movements, changes in money stocks measured in national currency units may vary significantly from those shown in US dollars, and caution is urged when making comparisons over time in US dollars.
Public debt should not be confused with external debt, which reflects the foreign currencyliabilities of both the private and public sector and must be financed out of foreign exchange earnings.
This category includes not only foreign currency and gold, but also a country's holdings of Special Drawing Rights in the International Monetary Fund, and its reserve position in the Fund.
It was, therefore, his custom at stated times to draw from his bank at Hillaton such amounts in currency as were needed to pay those in his employ at the place indicated, and send the money thither by one of his clerks.
In Kentucky currency mutton and beef were fourpence a pound, in the summer of 1796, while four beef tongues cost three shillings, and a quarter of lamb three and a sixpence.
All these companies had hoped to pay the very small prices they were asked for the lands in the depreciated currency of Georgia; but they never did make the full payments or comply with the conditions of the grants, which therefore lapsed.
The most accepted statement of inflation is that prices vary directly as the volume of the actual currency employed and its rate of turn over or velocity, and inversely with the volume of trade.
Statistics of this kind would go a long way towards settling the question whether high prices were due to currency inflation or due to a scarcity of food.
The order of the nations corresponds, in general, with the order in which the currency in those nations has been inflated by paper as well as with the order in which their monetary units have depreciated in the foreign exchange markets.
I knew the road fairly well, for I had previously traveled it by night, on horseback, my pockets bulging with currency and my free hand holding a cocked revolver the entire distance of fifty miles.
In a few years more the decent tradition that a man should not blow his own horn will be obsolete in its application to the high office, as it is to all the others, but the popular saying will lose none of its currency for that.
We could also give him an introduction to the Reverend Mr. Howe, the illegitimate author of Mormonism Unveiled, in order to give currency to the publication, as Mr. Hurlburt about this time was bound over to court for threatening life.
Our currency must be supported in due credit, after which we may bid defiance to Britain, and all her German hirelings.
This was a clever choice: McKinley was known to the public largely as the author of the McKinley tariff bill; his protectionism pleased the East; and what was known of his attitude on the currency question did not offend the West.
The alinement was by class and section rather than by party; and inflationists and advocates of the redemption of the bonds in currency were to be found not only among the rank and file but also among the leaders of both parties.
The Western farmer preferred, other things being equal, that the supply of currency should be increased by direct issue of paper by the Government.
Even the demand for greater volume and flexibility of currency has been met, though in ways quite different from those proposed by the farmers.
McKinley prudently refused to take any stand on the currency question, protesting that he could not anticipate the party platform and that he would be bound by whatever declarations the party might see fit to make.
He was a member of the Knights of Labor and was an ardent prohibitionist and, above all, an advocate of currency inflation.
This demand for currency inflation was by no means new when it was taken up by the Western farmers.
Closely related to the currency problem was that of the medium to be used in the payment of the principal of bonds issued during the Civil War.
This project was expected to benefit the farmers in two ways: it would increase and make flexible the volume of currency in circulation; and it would enable them to hold their crops in anticipation of a rise in price.
Mr. Megata changed all this, and put the currency on a sound basis, naturally not without some temporary trouble, but certainly with permanent benefit to the country.
The market value of "a pound" depends less on the supply of gold than on the extravagance or economy of the persons holding documentary currency (that is to say, claim to goods).
He notices with great clearness and precision the respective effects upon the community of a state of increase, and of a state of diminution of the available currency of a country.
The question of a gold or a paper currency was one which Hume did not profess to decide.
A rumour has obtained currency regarding the contents of these papers, which seems to demand notice on the present occasion.
I regret to add that, on the authority of her bogus documents, Miss Vaughan has given currency to a rumour that the founder of the Ashmolean Museum poisoned his first wife.
As it is now, the banks get the advantage of a great part of this extensive loan, and at the same time perform a function which properly belongs to the Government--that of furnishing a currency for the people.