A Socialist-Revolutionary emigrant and an active worker in his party.
The Government has long ago sent 'emigrant comrades' there to enlighten minds.
The higher lands are healthy, if the emigrant make a proper disposition of himself, which is too frequently otherwise.
Educationally, I found this people far below the emigrant on the prairie.
Steam communication has made the advent of emigrants easy, and the emigrant is a better advertiser for you than any official can be.
Three emigrant wagons contained their movables, each drawn by three yoke of stout oxen.
He had one emigrant house, and did an extensive business.
His tavern was on the north side of the road, and, in connection with it, he maintained two one-story emigrant houses to accommodate families moving west.
A convert, an emigrant from Spain, named Henrique Nunes, who afterwards received from the church the honorary title Firme-Fe, was chosen by the king to spy upon them.
The royal speech represents the revenue as in a satisfactory state, and refers to the grants for improving the navigation of the St. Lawrence, and to the reduction of the emigrant tax.
That's the main overland emigrant trail, down from the Sierra, and where the first gold excitement led.
The emigrant Bentley passed on, following his fellows.
But the remainder of the emigrant train had drawn near, bunching as it halted, and on foot Billy was hurrying through the crowd, followed by his father.
There were only a few women, among the first- and second-cabin passengers; the steerage contained the most women, accompanying their emigrant husbands and sons.
By the time that the horse and burro were packed, and the start onward might be made, the emigrant train also was again in motion, and the miners were descending again into their ravines and ditches.
It'll be the main emigrant trail, or I'm much mistaken.
Those three emigrant girls in this cabin--my dear, they are absolutely coarse!
At last the family parties began to come on board, with hot, tired mothers, cross children and disillusioned fathers; then came the emigrant girls, their hats covered in bright flowers.
What a difference in the condition of the emigrantfarmer now and twenty years ago!
The poor and dejected emigrant is now the independent possessor of a domain a prince might envy.
Footnote 4: For the relation of the Mormons and the Danites to the forty-niners and the emigrant trains going west, see the author's "The Book of Cowboys.
From Sacramento up the old emigrant trail to Placerville weren't no gentle stroll in winter time!
Fearon says that every emigrant whom he met on the Alleghanies, told hi m that he intended to settle in Ohio.
As early as 1800 a New England emigrant was not common, the settlers coming principally from Tennessee, Kentucky, and Virginia, and some from Pennsylvania.
Casually they had left Los Angeles, had traveled north up the valleys of California, east across the summit of the Sierras, and were here now bound for Iowa over the old emigrant trail!
Such then is the story of one of the great emigrant parties who started West on a hazard of new fortunes in the early days of the Oregon Trail.
But his wheels were passing over the marks left more than half a century ago by the cracked felloes of the emigrant wagons going west in search of homes.
The wonderment which all experience in viewing the scenery along the line of the old emigrant road was peculiarly vivid to these people.
Meanwhile some Indian fighting had taken place and in a pitched battle on the Bear River General Connor had beaten decisively the Bannack Indians, who for years had preyed on the emigrant trains.
The emigrantwould agree in return to serve the captain three or five years.
As the emigrant in such an ark floated down the river, he would come first to Wheeling, a town of fifty log cabins, and then to Marietta, a town planted in Ohio in 1788 by settlers sent by the Ohio Company.
The captain of the ship would agree to bring the emigrant to America.
They offer low ocean and rail rates, which tempt the emigrant and yet are profitable to the roads.
Many of the great railroad systems approve of unrestricted immigration because it swells their profitable emigrant business.
Daniel Boone was an emigrant from the land he had founded.
Yes, an emigrant marquis, a colonel in the service of Russia," answered Dagobert, with bitterness.
The emigrant Englishmen were soon to discover that it contained a doctrine of human rights based upon human needs.
Born in Missouri in 1835, the son of an impractical emigrantfrom Virginia, the youth had lived from his fourth until his eighteenth year on the banks of the Mississippi.
It was December, and I should like you to imagine what a journey of a thousand miles by an emigrant train meant at that season.
And go I did, taking anemigrant ticket to Chicago.