But now he was instantly inspired to protest against the atrocious act of robbery and oppression, and to denounce upon it an awful retribution which not even Baal-worship had called forth.
Truth and righteousness are far more often to be found in the causes which they denounce and at which they sneer.
He said he would denounce the Dalai Lama to the Emperor if he did not come back, and would summon the Tashi Lama, with a view to making him the head of the whole Buddhist Church in Tibet.
Matthew Chapter 18 Christ teaches humility, to beware of scandal, and to flee the occasions of sin: to denounce to the church incorrigible sinners, and to look upon such as refuse to hear the church as heathens.
Not that the power of her magic could bring him thither, but that God was pleased for the punishment of Saul, that Samuel himself should denounce unto him the evils that were falling upon him.
Remember that you once made a desperate and dastardly, attempt to kill me, fearing lest I should denounce you as having tried to bribe me to commit murder.
Florac never hesitated afterwards, and in all companies, to denounce with the utmost virulence the instigator and the champion of the odious original quarrel.
It would be quite as logical to meet and pass resolutions against the earthquake that filled peaceful Messina with human carrion, as to denounce wholesale this or any war.
There is already a fanatical tendency to denounce war as such, instead of seeking out and denouncing those who have made war without just cause.
Although the Socialists pretend that they denounce co-operation and thrift, and even abstinence from alcoholic drink, on economic and scientific grounds, their real reasons are political.
We meet at the Jacobins to-night, Simon; there we will denounce the Convention itself; there we will rally round us the last friends of liberty and France.
Is it to denouncesome rascal who has offended thee?
I do not ask for silence," said the duke solemnly; "you can free me from all my enemies at once, and I order you to denounce them at the tribunal.
I cannot tell if you are more cowardly or more rash: cowardly, because you reveal a criminal plot feeling sure that I shall never denounce you; rash, because in revealing it to me you cannot tell what witnesses are near to hear it all.
Only by touching that chord can he denounce to a purpose, because only then does he place himself upon that elevation that will enable him to perceive the source of the specific wrong complained of now.
But you say, did not Jesus and the Apostles severely denounce sinners?
The only notice he would take of the proceedings was to denounce all the charges as false.
As early as February 17, he had ordered the inquisitors of Languedoc to denounce as heretics all who styled themselves Fraticelli or Fratres de paupere vita.
After listening to both sides he issued another bull, in which he excommunicated all who asserted that the feast was in honor of the Sanctification of the Virgin, and also all who on either side should denounce the other as heretics.
The inquisitors were instructed to denounce to the bishops all suspected persons, and if the prelates were remiss, to report them to the Holy See.
In 1448 the Council of Lisieux contented itself with ordering priests on all Sundays and festivals to denounce as excommunicate all usurers, sorcerers, and diviners.
Sometimes I felt an impulse to shout from the house-tops like a Hebrew prophet and denouncethis most wicked of generations.
In all probability the Allies and the Central Powers are both equally bad, and to denounce the enemy only is mere yelping with the rest of the savage, vindictive pack.
He endeavored to turn his stay in Avegliana to account by publishing the customary monition for all persons to come forward and confess their own heresy or denounce those who were suspect.
In the same spirit they refused to denounce the heretic to human justice for fear of anticipating divine justice; they could tolerate him in the world as long as God saw fit to do so.
Martial will not denouncethe plot--that is already a great deal.
All the same; he renders a famous service to the family by killing them; betrayers will denounce no more.
I knew at once the plot which was formed against you; I could have exposed it before Pique-Vinaigre had commenced his story: but todenounce even such ruffians does not go down with me.
No: I answer for him: he will denounce no one, but he is still a little timid about crime, and he might be capable of defending Germain.
My neighbors went to seek the police, they came: it was painful for me to denounce Duport, but on account of my daughter it was necessary.
What, but denounce the frail fair one, and annihilate that villain her father.
Creeds may not all be written, but they will exist, even with those whodenounce them.
As Elizabeth could not very well denounce her father for having played this practical joke on his friends as well as on herself, she merely tossed her head and turned her back upon him.
Well, sire, I have a terrible plot to denounce to your majesty.
The duke looked round; if Monsoreau had been there, perhaps he would not have had patience to wait till the evening to denounce Bussy.
I will say to him, I did not break this marriage, because Monsoreau, who knew that you were one of the principal agents to the League, threatened to denounce you to the king.
Can we, in flying from a prince next in power to the king, stop in an ordinary village inn, where the first person would denounce us?
He will save up his wrath until the Voltaire returns to France, and then he will denounce me before the whole ship's company.