On the whole, I doubt whether my physical proceedings will set the Thames on fire.
Only think, the villain Burke has actually made the hand and fortune of that lovely girl the price of obtaining secret information from De Vere of the proceedings of the British embassy.
Journal of Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of the National Association of State Dairy and Food Departments, held at Portland, Ore.
The rest of that day's proceedings were a dreamy whirl of confusion.
We soon scaled the loft, but after-proceedings were not so easy.
Each boat shall carry on all proceedings of the Water Wags, all her platforms, floorings, thwarts, and stern sheets, also a pair of oars not less than 9 ft.
The mansion has been closed for some years, having been the subject of proceedings in Chancery.
He commenced his proceedings by retiring into a corner of the gallery, where, kneeling down with many mysterious ceremonies, he invoked the spirit to appear.
I told him then my proceedingswith him; he was glad of it; for, he said, Nicor he believed was honest at bottom.
For a peremptory fiat, and it is over, may work a miracle, it is true, but will not exhibit the proceedings of Providence.
AT my return to Sass Doorpt Swangeanti, I went directly to the king, and giving him an account of the settlement, and my proceedings thereon, he told me his whole kingdom would not be an equivalent for the services I had done him.
We having displaced but five colambs and a few inferior officers, the moderation and justice of our proceedings gave the utmost satisfaction both to the magistrates and people.
In the "cuartelillo" Patino was minutely examined, and immediate proceedings were commenced for the arrest of 22 oath bound katipuneros, whose houses were also searched.
But he was destined to act an important part in the society to which he belonged: a part however not in the programme of proceedings drawn up by the society.
Some years ago, in the Proceedingsof the Geological Society, (iii.
My Dear Sir,--I beg to enclose a copy of the report of our proceedings up to the present date, for the perusal of his Excellency the Governor.
Dale gave this account of the proceedings to Mavis and to Mr. Ridgett, who had come up to take high tea on the eve of his departure just as he had done on the day of his arrival.
Indeed, if he had conducted the proceedings himself, he could not have wished to arrange anything differently.
Acts, Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly, 1934, p.
Acts, Proceedings and Debates of the General Assembly, 1937, p.
Do these proceedings look as if they were the effects of innocence?
Proceedings before the Coroner relative to the Death of Mr. Francis Blandy II.
Proceedings before the Coroner relative to the Death of Mr. Francis Blandy.
Hamilton if there had been any proceedings against Capt.
The lady had wilfully misrepresented their equivocal relations, and the proceedings in the Scottish Courts meant, vulgarly, blackmail.
An account of theproceedings at the inquest is printed in the Appendix.
It is impossible to foresee the quality or amount of such expert contributions; but the Committee intend to issue at least a quarterly paper which shall contain a report of proceedings up to date.
Committee to suspend proceedings until the national distraction should have abated.
We are sufficiently informal in ourproceedings to admit of considerable conversation.
A New York Sun reporter in describing the proceedings of the last Democratic State Convention, coined a new word,—not elegant indeed, but extremely expressive.
No opinion we may form of the proceedings of priests in a later age should impair the reverence with which we bend before the martyr's tomb.
The proceedings of the Brunnow family that afternoon were decidedly peculiar.
Another so placed might have recoiled before the unbounded unpopularity which his proceedings brought on him, have given way, vanquished by the difficulties and vexations inherent to the situation--Raven remained at his post.
He writes: You will have seen in the newspapers some proceedings in the Legislature which have cost me much mortification.
These proceedings of the Clergy were unknown to the Council at Marly, and those of the Council were kept secret from every body.
It was intimated to them, however, that day, privately, that the proceedings of the seance royale would be favorable to them.
On the 24th nothing remarkable passed, except an attack by the mob of Versailles on the Archbishop of Paris, who had been one of the instigators of the court to the proceedings of the seance royale.
The Governor and Council were on the eve of issuing the order for their removal, when an earnest entreaty addressed to them by Jefferson put a stop to all proceedings on the subject.
I have before mentioned to you the ferment into which the proceedings at the seance royale of the 23d had thrown the people.
We rarely speak of politics, or of the proceedings of the House, but merely historically, and I carefully avoid expressing an opinion on them in their presence, that we may all be at our ease.
In the advice which he gives of keeping England for a model, we see, on his part, an apprehension of the dangers ahead in the proceedings of the Assemblee des Notables.
The proceedings are conducted in Chinese, which is the only language understood by all the members of Court, and it is in Chinese that the minutes are kept.
These impressions would have been partly corrected in the Church, if the report of the proceedings of Synod, in "The Christian Intelligencer," had been more correct on this subject.
But the proceedings of our own Synod, by contrast, as it seems to us, have forced it out in bold relief.
As none of the Sinn Feiners were present, nor indeed any representative of Irish Nationalism, the proceedings were as orderly as a Quaker's funeral, save for the arrival of one member on a motor-scooter.
The proceedingsin Parliament do not call for extended comment.
She had read of the proceedings of this body in the papers, and, as the deliberations concerned her own denomination, she thought she would be interested in them.
Willy, however, preferred to go on by herself to New York, as she had something to do there which she thought would be more to her taste than the proceedings of a Synod.
Although the articles of impeachment were carried to the House of Lords in 1681, the proceedings went no farther than ordering him to find bail and file his answer by a certain time.
For, whatever dependence there may be of Ireland upon England, I hope he would not insinuate, that the proceedings of a lord chief justice in Ireland must depend upon a resolution of an English House of Commons.
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine the proceedings of the judges in Westminster-hall, and report the same with their opinion therein to this House.
But that the same spirit still subsists, hath manifestly appeared (among other instances of great compliance) from certain circumstances, that have attended some late proceedings in a court of judicature.
The adverse attorney declared, first, that he was not able to accept any money payment short of the full amount with interest, and then he averred, that as criminal proceedingshad been taken they could not now be stayed.
On this second day the proceedings were not private, and he was accompanied by his own solicitor.
This time the Cardinal resolved to watch himself the proceedings of his dear sister-in-law, lest he should be the dupe of some new manoeuvre.
The advantageous effect of these vigorous proceedings was not long to wait for, and it may be found developed in the Report to the Chamber of Deputies in Paris, before referred to; in which M.