The novelty of the scene and the freshness of its treatment secured for the work a prompt success, and it was spoken of by a weekly review as "an almost perfect novel of its kind.
If I want to understand a subject I do not go to a reviewor a cyclopaedia for a digest, but to the longest, completest, most comprehensive work to be had thereon.
In salmon-fishing he was no expert, and said to Lockhart that he must have Tom Purdie to aid him in his review of Salmonia.
I shall now have to pass in rapid review the principal varieties and applications of the glass made at Murano in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
We are now prepared to review at a glance, the condition of the different classes of servants, with the modifications peculiar to each class.
We are now prepared toreview at a glance, the condition of the different classes of servants, with the modifications peculiar to each.
Smith asked me to review his "Eighteenth Century," but added that if I found myself inclining to severity he would wish to recall the proposal, inasmuch as the Quarterly had just attacked Tyndall.
Knowles proposed that I should review the book, having a Tory review already undertaken.
Cross wants me to review them in the Nineteenth Century, or at least wanted; but I know not where he is, or whether he still wishes it.
I shall look out with extreme interest for your kinsman's[66] review of George Eliot.
Having appealed it before the Audiencia, after examination and review there, he was commanded to pay the said salary for the time while he had served in the post of alferez.
Pedro Hurtado Desquibel An act decreeing that the auditors who regularly review the charges against prisoners may make what decisions shall be necessary in the suits of prisoners por sala, until their sentences shall be pronounced.
They may, indeed, form a camp upon some of the neighbouring heaths, or pass in review with tolerable regularity; they may sometimes seize a smuggler, and sometimes assist a constable with vigour and success.
At the same time it is quite obvious, from a review of Mr Schreiner's conduct through the latter half of 1899, that he took an entirely mistaken view of the Transvaal situation.
When the festivities of the day had terminated, he requested the shepherdesses and peasantgirls of the adjacent hamlets to pass in review before him, and to each he made a present, expending on the occasion about L400.
The annual Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada, published by the University of Toronto, gives a critical survey of the works on Canadian topics appearing from year to year.
We review our syllogistic as well as our inductive processes, and recognize that they have been correctly performed; but logicians do not add a third premise to the syllogism, to express this act of recognition.
We have now completed our review of the logical processes by which the laws, or uniformities, of the sequence of phenomena, and those uniformities in their co-existence which depend on the laws of their sequence, are ascertained or tested.
See this principle stated, and its grounds popularly explained, by Sir John Herschel, in his review of Quetelet on Probabilities, Essays, p.
We shall now brieflyreview the principal distinctions which exist among propositions, and the technical terms most commonly in use to express those distinctions.
Minton's review of Martineau's Seat of Authority, in Presb.
Cattell, Scripture, and Muensterberg apply the methods of Fechner, and the Psychological Review is their organ.
Whitney, in his review of Max Mueller's Science of Language, 26-31, combats the view of Mueller that thought and language are identical.
Herbert Spencer, First Principles, 37--criticized by Bowne, Reviewof H.
I arranged my papers, made a brief review of matters which would come before me later, and with muddy boots and heavy heart I arrived at the station at seven minutes to seven and took the slow train for London.
But few people were on board, and quite undisturbed, I leaned against the railing to review the situation.
When I came to review the whole matter I discovered that in reality I knew very little of my own affairs.
With the description of the Spider-Monkeys, therefore, we shall have passed in review all the species of the New World Platyrrhine section of the Anthropoidea.
Now that we have passed in review the whole of the Anthropoid species inhabiting the New World, a short account of the regions to which they are confined will be of some interest.
If this is not the first of Shakespeare's plays for the class to study, a review of what they have previously learned about the author and his work will make a good beginning; otherwise the best introduction is the reading of the play.
To review some of the facts about the members of this club and about the life in London at that time will be comparatively easy, but to attempt more before reading the essay does not seem necessary.
In addition to this detailed study, and in connection with it, there should be frequent review of the main arguments in their logical order.
The advantages that would be attendant on this measure may, perhaps, be most forcibly illustrated by a short review of the actual loss which the colonists have sustained during the last fifteen years, from the want of its adoption.
A review like this has done us more harm than good.
So, working through other government agencies, we organized a preliminary review panel of four people.
I had just finished organizing a new intelligence group when General Cabell's order to review past UFO reports came down.
Back in his office he started to review the Mantell Incident.
All of them were competent scientists and we knew their reputations were such that if they recommended that a certain top scientist sit on a panel to review our material he would do it.
When the review was finished, I went to the Pentagon and presented my findings to Major General Samford, who had replaced General Cabell as Director of Intelligence.
Their main interest was to review all incoming UFO reports and see if the green fireball reports were actually unique to the Albuquerque area.
In late November 1952 the preliminary review panel met at ATIC for three days.
When the meeting ended, the group unanimously recommended that a "higher court" be formed to review the case of the UFO.
Since I had made the review of past UFO reports I was the expert, and I got the new job.
The next item on the agenda, when the panel had finished absorbing all of the details of the fifty selected top reports, was a review of a very hot and very highly controversial study.
On 23rd August, the day following my arrival at Wad Hamid, the Sirdar held a great review of his army.
Review and reception of the Board of Visitors went off in the usual finished style.
COBB [Illustration: Emblem] The Review of Reviews Corporation Publishers New York Published by Arrangement with George H.