Mathematicks may help the naturalists, both to frame hypotheses, and to judge of those that are proposed to them, especially such as relate to mathematical subjects in conjunction with others.
The moderns, since Descartes, employ themselves on questions which relate to any figure whatever.
Before proceeding to relatethe events of my life, it will not be amiss to give you some account of my ancestors.
Owlglass then had to relate by what means he obtained the horse from the Priest; at which the Duke laughed heartily, and besides the coat gave him another horse.
Come hither, Luis, to this bit of rock, where we can be seated, and I will relate to thee the opinions that render this being so extraordinary.
It is not important to the narrative to relate the details of the meeting that followed.
Columbus, sternly; "relate what thou hast to say, and see that thou art discreet touching this young noble.
There remaineth only to relate the circumstances that have brought her to Spain.
Permit the man to relate his story in his own manner, Senor Pedro, I pray thee," put in Columbus.
Other provisions of the bill relate to the courts which shall have jurisdiction of cases which arise under the act, and the means to be employed in its enforcement.
That no question might arise as to the constitutionality of the law, all the provisions which relate to the enforcement of the act were borrowed from the celebrated Fugitive Slave Law, enacted in 1850.
They all relate to the internal policy and economy of the respective States.
Its duties, though of a somewhat miscellaneous character, relate chiefly to devising the ways and means of raising revenue.
I am not about to relate private declarations of the President, but it is right that the American people should know that the controversy which exists between him and Congress in reference to this measure is of his own seeking.
After tea, Sidney would compose himself and relate what had happened in the City to disturb him, and led him to respond churlishly to the old father, who had never given him a cross word in his life.
More incredible still does it seem that Thoresby should relate the occurrence of an accident of precisely the same kind to Sterne's great-grandfather, the Archbishop.
To relate it as he relates it to his daughter: "At York I became acquainted with your mother, and courted her for two years.
I will not dwell further on my early difficulties, but relate how they were overcome.
I shall relate only what I have collected from the men themselves, who were never in the way of reading our newspapers, or of hearing of the speeches of the friends of the British in Congress; or in our State Legislatures.
Here we beg leave to request an attentive perusal of the affidavits of some of the prisoners, taken by the committee, and which relate particularly to this part of the transaction.
Wishing at the same time that he was facetious, to be considered a wit, he would relate several stories illustrative of his power over the Judge.
They'll want you to relate all the incidents of the voyage, too, and the trip to the Yosemite.
In the evenings the neighbors would come to relate to Darrell how many head of cattle and horses they had seen pass by their farms, and renew their comments thereon.
And did the discoveryrelate to his own special subject of brains and nerves?
They relate to a slander, which your wife unfortunately repeated--" Mr. Gallilee got up from his chair.
They relate to the provision made for his daughter, while she is residing under your roof.
It is rather incredible, what some writers relate concerning Apollo'nius Tyane'us, who was then at Ephesus.
In order that the events which we have torelate may be clearly understood, it may be desirable that we should advert to the causes which had for a time suspended the animation of both the great English parties.
The books and traditions of a sect may contain, mingled with propositions strictly theological, other propositions, purporting to rest on the same authority, which relate to physics.
We have now come to a part of our story which, admiring as we do the genius and the many noble qualities of Pitt, we cannot relatewithout much pain.
We have found it difficult to relate his history without having perpetual recourse to the French vocabulary of horror, and to the French vocabulary of baseness.
Even Jewish Rabbins, who do not copy from Christian writers, relate this event in the same manner with the fathers from their own traditions and records.
The epistles which we have from his pen all relate to the public affairs of the church, and principally those of Nestorius.
Does he not relate and approve the pilgrimages of his friend, the monk Olympius?
I seem to hear him now relate how he conversed with John and many others, who had seen Jesus Christ; the words he had heard from their mouths.
Thus do the fathers and Christian historians of that age relatethis miracle.
I will myself relatethe story, and will claim that shabby reward which has been offered for the recovery of the lost treasure.
Tis a little sad to relate that even mice, in their moments of triumph over their legendary foe--the domestic cat--may sometimes overdo things.
Now, it occurred to her that she might simply relate to Penelope what she had done, or rather tell her pupil enough to show her that she was in the secret.
I tell no more yet; but go not to bed this evening until I relate the whole of this histoire!
We could here relate many a tragic experience which our patients have passed through as a result of volunteering too much sex knowledge and at the same time neglecting this very necessary moral instruction.
We deem it wise to relate in detail the method of procedure during the rapid birth of a child; that the husband or nurse may give intelligent and clean service.
Yet we have to relate a dark conspiracy, which will be for ever known as the Cabal of the Cook's Caboose, and which might have been productive of the gravest results.
In one very important respect, however, the inquiries, relating to the physiology of mind, differ from those which relate to the physiology of our animal frame.
It is perhaps silly to relate these little joys, but how sweet it is to recall them.
But I do not know why I am recalling all these old recollections, which have nothing in common with what I am about to relate to you.
Is it because love is rare as between husband and wife that it is considered unbecoming to relate its joys?
I can not undertake to explain all this, I merely relate my impressions.
The author will relate another incident that occurred in Marion county, Arkansas.
The author heard him relate the circumstance in a speech delivered in West Plains after the war was over.
Dow Bryant and a Gallon of Whisky I will here relate an instance that I well remember.
The author will now relate another incident that occurred in the same county.