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Example sentences for "smack"

Lexicographically close words:
sly; slye; slyly; slyness; slype; smacked; smacking; smacks; smaht; smal
  1. Peter Knight, Master of ye smack for ye wages of him self and five men and boy, and to bear all charges except wear and tear .

  2. Another instance of the employment of false bows to a craft was found on searching the fishing smack Flower, of Rye, whose master's name was William Head.

  3. One day about the middle of the last century a 16-ton Grimsby fishing-smack named Lord Rivers left her native port and journeyed south.

  4. These vessels were of course swung with the tide, and between the Dædalus and the Isle of Grain the smack manoeuvred.

  5. A third shot now came whizzing by from the boat that was rowing hard against the tide, and the smack came round between the Alfred and Dædalus.

  6. He then ventured to ask how it was that his smack had been detained, to which Gammon replied that he had received information from the Collector of Customs at Rye.

  7. That was a smack belonging to the year 1824, which was found at Rye.

  8. An almost identical set of concealments was found in the smack Albion at Sandwich, a vessel of over 42 tons burthen.

  9. Before long the smack got going and ran into Dover with the oysters and her spirits, lowered her sails, and made everything snug.

  10. This was not to occur unless the cruiser really needed such attention; but if it was essential then to prevent the station remaining unguarded some other smack or vessel was to be sent out to take her place for the time being.

  11. Another of those instances of ships fitted up specially for smuggling was found in the French smack Auguste, which is well worth considering.

  12. This done, he took the bride about the neck, And kiss'd her lips with such a clamorous smack That at the parting all the church did echo.

  13. All sects, all ages, smack of this vice; and he To die for 't!

  14. Your lordship, though not clean past your youth, hath yet some smack of age in you, some relish of the saltness of time; and I most humbly beseech your lordship to have a reverend care of your health.

  15. So well thy words become thee as thy wounds; They smack of honor both.

  16. Ev'n as soon as thou canst, for thou hast to pull at a smack o' th' contrary.

  17. A month later the news came that his father had, in fact, been swept off the deck of his smack by a billow.

  18. But presently a wind sprang up, and a hurricane obliged the smack to run to shore.

  19. The next day the entire crew of the trawling smack followed the funeral of the detached arm.

  20. The fishing smack commanded by Captain Javel, on entering the harbor was wrecked on the rocks of the harbor breakwater.

  21. He tried to kiss her, but she gave him a smack in the face, for she was as strong as he, and he was shrewd enough to beg her pardon; so they sat down side by side and talked amicably.

  22. The trawling smack is the ideal fishing boat.

  23. Well, we've plenty of doctors, but you're the only man in the Riding that could smack the Croxley Master off his legs.

  24. Montgomery led instantly and got his right home with a sounding smack upon the Master's forehead.

  25. But is it not a quaint and pretty story, and does it not smack of the times when the knight errant was one day tourneying at Cambray, and the next kneeling at Santiago, and on the third was waylaid at La Reole?

  26. Is there not a pleasant smack about that "was reminded of," and that dubious "he had heard in his infancy"?

  27. All which the reader shall figure out of his or her own experience or fancy; for these things, though delightful in their own time and place, are not to be written of, having a smack of foolishness with much that is tender and charming.

  28. I'm going to get married right smack off.

  29. I'll smack your head if you talk like that to me.

  30. He tell me he smack my head," cut in Anthony.

  31. Take that first though," hitting him a smart smack on the side of the face.

  32. It ought to feel like a holy place; and nothing about it should smack of the theatre, or the halls of assembly for secular purposes.

  33. The smack went down on the Goodwin Sands and all was lost; so the family came to Paris.

  34. Their luggage was already on board; but, on the night before starting, the grandmother had a vivid dream that the smack was lost with all on board.

  35. On the 12th were off Cape Hatteras, the winds blowing heavily from the northeast, and the smack under double-reefed sails.

  36. The smack was leaking badly, and they made a signal to the Morning Star to keep close to them.

  37. He would shoot up, wag his head, his sail spread like the ears of a mad elephant, and he would turn clear over to alight with a smack and splash that we plainly heard.

  38. He tells me that a Bridgeport smack had one weighing sixteen pounds (or probably twenty-four when alive), and measuring eighteen inches without its sword.

  39. In one of the narrow lanes or "Rows" peculiar to that town, the skipper of the smack stood at his own door, grumbling.

  40. While the crew of the Evening Star were thus conversing, a slight breeze had sprung up, and Billy had observed that the admiral's smack was heading to windward in an easterly direction.

  41. The smack lay over almost gracefully, as if submitting humbly to her inevitable doom.

  42. The master of the mission smack went to the side and held out his hand, which David Bright grasped with his right, grappling the smack's rail at the same time with his left, and vaulted inboard with a hearty salutation.

  43. The boat of the White Cloud was also launched with a speed, that only North Sea fishermen, perhaps, can accomplish, and both crews rowed about eagerly while the smack lay-to.

  44. One day a fishing-smack was on the eve of quitting the Short Blue fleet for its little holiday of a week in port.

  45. Soon the light intensified and showed the rest of the fleet floating around in all directions, and busily engaged in the same work--two of the nearest vessels being the mission smack and that of Singing Peter.

  46. The gear was down, and a stiff nor'-west breeze not only drove the smack over the surging waves, but caused her to plunge into them like a wild horse bridled and held back.

  47. The dots soon grew larger; then they assumed the form of vessels, and in a short time the carrying-steamer was amongst them, making straight for the admiral, whose smack was distinguishable by his flag.

  48. It was arranged that the skipper of the mission smack should conduct that service, and he was to call the captain when they were ready to begin.

  49. I must pay your smack a visit soon, Davidson, for I have a particular interest in her.

  50. The little smack continued to rise and fall over the surge.

  51. Their little fishing smack is the cab I use for running my remoter errands.

  52. The smack was of a couple of tons' burden, undecked, with big fish-boxes built astern and amidships.

  53. Hallo, cousin,' she cried, giving my dress a smack with her open hand.

  54. And I'd give ye a smack o' the cheek as soon as look at you.

  55. That, then, accounted for the rumble and smack of balls which I had heard as I passed the door.

  56. A smack was heard, and the Captain lay on his back on the ground, with his mouth full of blood.

  57. The ale was indeed admirable, equal to the best that I had ever before drunk—rich and mellow, with scarcely any smack of the hop in it, and though so pale and delicate to the eye, nearly as strong as brandy.

  58. No; yet one has been hovering about the coast and Tris Penrose, who was far out in his fishing smack to reconnoitre, says it is the Xenophon.

  59. One day his fishing smack was driven by a gale some distance out at sea, when a British cruiser captured him, and he was impressed into his majesty's service.

  60. I do wish I could smack my lips over Wordsworth's Prelude as I did over that splendid story by H.

  61. You do not smack your lips; you say: "That is good for me.

  62. He walked away from me about ten feet, and started to lean up against a tree, and then he fell down right smack on his face.

  63. In the trash box under the sink a dozen crumpled sheets of paper testified to his failure, and now, alone with the youngest Miss Engel, he brooded over it and got low in his mind and let his pipe go smack out.

  64. He never stopped, except to sip his coffee, and when that was exhausted, to smack his forehead from time to time.

  65. Have you not been complaining of your health, and have you not been longing for what you call a smack of the country breeze?

  66. There it is, sir," said he, with another cheerful smack on the open volume.

  67. Speeches like that smack of disloyalty to your queen.

  68. Some of the people on board the smack seemed to think that she might anchor in the Sound near here.

  69. He was followed at a distance by his father and the three gentlemen who had arrived by the smack from Aberdeen.

  70. She had not recovered from it when the smack with Colonel Armytage on board anchored before the castle.

  71. The smack had got a favourable slant of wind, and rapidly approached.

  72. They sat fidgeting for a few seconds longer, hearing the rush and crash of the falling shells, the whistle and smack of the bullets on the open ground beyond them.

  73. He can have his half-crown if he wants it, But I am going to have one good smack At this ball.

  74. In that case I would have one good smack at this ball To get the strength and the hang of Everything.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smack" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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