General Ezeta, the chief of the Provisional Government, has since been confirmed in the Presidency by the Assembly, and diplomatic recognition duly followed.
Our citizens there long prior to the confirmation of Spain's claim to the islands had secured by settlement and purchase certain rights to the recognition and maintenance of which the faith of Spain was pledged.
Mrs. Lett is positive that the recognition of the appearance on the part of each of the later witnesses was independent, and not due to any suggestion from the persons already in the room.
He gave no visible sign of recognition of indebtedness to Reuben.
He wanted to extract from the clergy a recognition of his supremacy over the Church, and he wanted money.
To their recognition of Henry as Supreme Head of the Church, they added the salvo "so far as the law of Christ allows".
Only with a recognition of these facts may prayer be offered if it is to avail before God.
One teacher haughtily rejects another, and if his own opinions fail to receive recognition and approval, he displays anger, envy and hatred.
Thus recognition of God's wrath is learned only too well, for it becomes bitterly hard for man to unlearn it, to forget it in the knowledge of Christ.
But if we are to be richly blessed, it must come about through our recognition of pure grace as the source of our gifts, and our praise of God's exceeding glory.
A peculiarity of the Christian profession, and the chief point of distinction between Christians and the heathen, is their recognition of the fact that workings, offices and gifts are of God, Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit.
With these things the Christian must always contend; the devil pursues, and our own flesh discourages us and allures from recognition and observance of the divine will.
There is still much to achieve in photo-lithography, and it is probably owing to a full recognition of this fact that the progressive character of the process is maintained.
Between these two extremes there is a variety of conditions and effects which will require a ready recognition and an intelligent adaptation or modification of any operation which may be described.
A recognition of this simple matter will enable an intelligent workman to arrange the brake action with judgment and effect.
And she might catch her death of cold here in the garden, or be burnt beyond all recognition by a spark setting fire to her ball-dress the next time she wears one," he answered philosophically.
Once, however, their eyes did meet, and then the glance became one of friendly recognition on both sides; but even after that he still continued to look in the same queer way, and it was this fact that struck me as peculiar.
The value attached to the influence of women is purely fictitious, as individuals usually find when they come to demand a recognition of their personal power.
In recognition of his services the Kiowa soldiers afterward raised a sum of money with which to purchase a horse for him, but as the doctor already had a horse, the testimonial took the form of a valuable piece of silver.
In case of legitimacy the recognition of marriage led to the recognition of the family and indirectly to the closer connexion with the father as the head of the family.
It amounted after all only to a recognition of definite customs in general, to a special judicial organisation of the manor which made it less dependent upon the steward, and to the facilities afforded for complaint and revision of judgments.
Recognition of servile status in a court of record and reference to a deed are quite exceptional.
They are indissolubly allied to such features of the civil law as the occasional recognition of villainage as a protected tenure, and the villain's admitted standing against the lord when the lord had bound himself by covenant.
In their treatment of tenure they still hesitate between a complete denial of protection to villainage and the recognition of it as a mode of holding which is protected by legal remedies.
There was but one point to cast in the other scale--namely, that, if old Eccles were still the warder of it, there would be danger of his recognition in respect both of himself and his mare.
As it was now, she granted him only distant recognition in company, neither seeking nor avoiding him; and as to all opportunity of private speech, entirely shunning him.
The various nationalities, which had long been restless and unhappy under the rule of the Hapsburgs, threw off the imperial yoke, proclaimed their independence, and sought the recognition and protection of the Allies.
It was the practical denial of the equality of nations in the regulation of international affairs in times of peace through the recognition in the Executive Council of the League of the right of primacy of the Five Great Powers.
The worship of plants and trees is a well-known feature in religion, and probably implies (at least in many cases) a recognition of personality.
The tendency, however, acts under limiting conditions; andrecognition of them will explain some apparent exceptions.
There is norecognition of that further cause disclosed in Mr. Darwin's work, published two and a half years later--the indirect adaptation resulting from the natural selection of favourable variations.
He attributes to his opponents "the insinuation and masked advocacy of the doctrine subversive of a recognition of the Higher Mind.
But recognition of this consists with the belief that the action of the medium initiated the outer layer, specialized though it now is; and that even still, contact with the medium excites secretion of it.
The changes in virtue of which several things become one, demand recognition equally with those in virtue of which one thing becomes several.
Generalities even of a low order are scarcely recognized, and there is no recognition of high generalities.
More strange still, I recognise nothing of a past before then, and no one comes out of that past and claims recognition of me.
It nearly always means the meeting of utter strangers, and the recognition of the fact that, no matter how exteriorly men are unlike one another, they are all truly brothers, and have hearts that beat in unison.
The universal sense-symbolism of Berkeley, and his pervading recognition of the distinction between physical or symbolical, and efficient or originative causation, are wanting in the narrow reasonings of Collier.
The bare passive recognition or having of ideas is called perception.
On his New Principles, philosophy is based on a recognition of the fact, that perception is neither the cause nor the effect of its object, but in a relation to it that is altogether sui generis.
This recognition of originative Will even then distinguished Berkeley.
In the answer to this, in the recognition of the relationship of the three distinct parts of the vocal apparatus lies the one great fundamental conception of the manner in which tone is produced.
In writing to Dunbar, shortly after this recognition of his scientific attainments, Ellicott says: "If you do justice to your own abilities and observations, you will do credit to the society by your communications.
Happy are those to whom substantial recognition comes ere it is too late.
The raising the hat is in act similar to the subscription to a letter, “your humble servant,” the recognition of being in subjection to the person saluted.
Then it came to signify, in the second place, recognition of feudal superiority.
The curtsey, now almost abandoned, is the bowing of the knee in worship; so is the ordinary bend of the body; even the nod of the head is a symbolic recognition of inferiority in the social scale to the person saluted.
There is more hearty recognition of bad art in England than the Tate Gallery gives us any idea of.
And I understand why Mr. MacColl, with his passionate pleading for a living national architecture, for official recognition of past and present English art, is thought by many good people quite odd.
One of them was given to your grandfather by the King of Holland in recognition of his services; and a third was purchased direct from the Queen of Naples.
Therefore these surviving veterans deserve all the recognition that a grateful country can give.
While they are still living the Government should bestow upon them that tardy recognition which they have a right to expect, and it is to be hoped that in its wisdom and sense of justice this act will not be long delayed.
Surely those who helped to make the Dominion, and bravely guarded her shores in times of danger, are at least entitled to justice in the matter of receiving due recognition for their services.
King with a valuable sword as a testimonial of their recognition of his services at that place on the 2nd of June.
With the reduction of Montreal a demand will be made upon the United States for a formal recognition of Canada, whose name is to be changed at once to New Ireland.
There he was presented with a beautiful gold watch, as a token of recognition of the valuable work done by him in assisting the objects of the society.
Thus the feeling of conviction was connected with a really strange content, and this latter attained, as delusion, a recognition which did not belong to it.
From my experience as physician, I can answer only that it is surely the right way, perhaps the only one, in which the delusion receives the unswerving recognition due to its clinical character.
The game in Derbyshire,” he tells us, “owes much at one time and another to the parsons—a fact that is perhaps worthy of more general recognition than is sometimes allowed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "recognition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.