They offer to the Church the first-fruits of their products; andcarry the images, the shrouds, and other things to bless the seed-sowing.
The women of the congregation sweep the church very early, adorn the images, place roses and other flowers on the altars, and carryabout pans of coals with perfumes.
Other sailors, Scotch or Norwegian, had often visited Greaseville before they arrived and either appropriated what they wanted or destroyed what they could not carry away.
Wherever a man went in the country there was the high sky of the coastal region, and there were the canals which would carry his small vessel to the main roads of trade and ultimate prosperity.
Of course it was quite impossible for them to carry fresh solid food in their little and ill-ventilated ships, but they could take fluids.
They built their empire wherever the water of the ocean would carry them.
The members pledge themselves to abstain from the use of tobacco and intoxicating drinks, to use no vulgar or profane language, and to carry no fire-arms while on exploring trips.
To hug brown Bess; to carry a firelock, or serve as a private soldier.
Thieves who carry about pins, laces, and other pedlars wares, and under the pretence of offering their goods to sale, rob houses, or pilfer any thing they can lay hold of.
To hug brown bess; to carry a firelock, or serve as a private soldier.
Simply for the reason that there is a lack of knowledge of what can be done and a lack of organization and capital to carry out the enterprises.
I have not time to go into the details of the various trips by land and water necessary to carry out these plans.
He ought never to have been allowed to carry on his business in Haddisport.
A submarine is not supposed to carry passengers or to take prisoners.
Even the English patrol-trawlers now carry guns; but we have accounted for four of them.
They are saying, too, that for years past he has been acting as an agent of the German Navy against Great Britain, using his fishing boats to fetch and carry information.
Should he carry these charts and maps away with him, now--to-night?
By whatsoever means he received his information, Lieutenant Koerner expected the squadron to pass southward, and he prepared to carry out his instructions by bringing his submarine within striking distance at the anticipated moment.
Destroyers don't carrymidshipmen as a rule, you know.
Carry on just as we are for another half-hour, Desmond, and shape a course for Haddisport Roads.
We should then carry on the contest calmly, and seek to surmount the forces that lead him to refuse, by acting directly on them.
The leg of the rider placed on the converging side, will only act daring this time so as tocarry the forces forward, in order to prevent the hand producing a retrograde effect.
In the lowest place a ditch was dug, to carry off the superabundance of water; from that ditch the coarse gravel was thrown out on one side, and suffered to remain at considerable depth.
They carry it in and fill up their empty cells and leave no room for raising young bees; hence the whole is ruined for want of inhabitants, to take the places of those that get destroyed, or die of age.
This will make milk abundant at all seasons of the year, and plenty wherever we choose to carry it.
The latter are simply open ditches to carry off surface-water, that might otherwise stand long enough to destroy the prospective crop.
Just where they come out should be the location of the drain, which would then carry off the water and prevent it from saturating and chilling the soil in the field below.
We are enabled to carry varieties to any part of the world, at a cheap rate, as the scions, properly done up, may safely be carried around the globe.
Draining is to carry off an excess of water that would stand on an unfavorable subsoil.
They alwayscarry out all the sawdust from the inside of their hives.
Drains made to carryoff spring-water are often useless by being in a wrong location.
Cut the seed-plants after the first hard frost, and carry in wet, so as to avoid loss by shelling.
He seemed to carry a map of the township in the bottom of his feet, a most minute and accurate survey.
The tides carry it up the mouths of the streams where it takes root; the winds, or the birds, or other agencies, in time give it another lift, so that it is slowly but surely making its way inland.
Only a week previous, a party of three had taken in a few hours all the fish they could carry out of the woods, and had nearly surfeited their neighbors with trout.
When the bees carry in their first pollen, one would think spring had come; yet this fact does not always correspond with the real stage of the season.
Business man and overseer of this plantation for my friend here, Mr James Allen, who trusts me to carry on his affairs for him, being a sick man just getting over a fever.
And you are ready to give information such as will enable me to root out a great deal of this and to capture the vessels which carry on the vile trade?
I entrust you with a couple of boats' crews to carry out a necessary duty, and you bring me back a scorched-up detachment only fit to go into hospital.
It's as much as the boys can do to carry theirselves.
In fact, he had started full of glee to carry out his instructions, but only to be dogged at every step by mischance.
I dessay yew're a very smart officer, but I could give you fits over growing rubber, and I'm not going to interfere with my neighbours who may carry on a elastic trade of their own in black rubber or they may not.
You'd better take my musket, sir, because I shall have to carry Mr Roberts.
I'll take the first, and you take the second watch, which will carryus well on till daylight.
Late summer is a time yellow jackets have primed their airborne paper lodges with enough sustenance needed tocarry through from fall to winter.
But Rip is no matter of fact bowser--the type that woofs approvingly at your presence then is content to carry himself off to a corner and deliver up his bulk with an unrelieved sigh.
They come to business in cloth jackets, carry dinner in little satchels; in the shop they wear white aprons, and look startlingly neat and tidy.
I reckon thou couldst ha' hired a lad to carry it for sixpence.
She was reassured by the painted legend in the well, 'Licensed to carry eleven.
Said Wakley, in a minute, I must be in it, I'll carry the link.
The Chartists, with pleasure, Will wait on his leisure, They'll carry him to his grave.
Bid Miss Jemima and dear little Bushie good-by for me, and carry them my dying blessing.
I hadn't minded somehow, while it was Stigler, because he hadn't sufficient money tocarry a big variety of stock as they did.
When I talked to Betty about the electrical exhibition she suggested: "Why notcarry it through a little farther.
I knew he would give me a square deal, because he was such a white man, but it looked almost too good to be true that he would carry a gas account for me, and then guarantee an automobile accessory account for three months.
We shall also have a man in the garage who understands repairs of all kinds, and particularly the Michigan car, for which he shall carry a complete line of parts.
I had had to give up the idea of farm implements, because of the big hold he had on that business, and the amount of money it required to carry the necessary stock.
We don't carrybrass finished lamps--no call for 'em.
I had expected he wouldcarry it indefinitely, but there it was--he said he had a sudden call for the money and wanted me to pay it off.
There were those among them who had been in those black holes of despair and been rescued, to carry scars of the body for life, but recklessly forget the scars of the mind, the horrors of despair.
The water ran foaming between my legs as though they were the piers of a bridge; but it could no longer carry me away.
But my heart was heavy, and my eyes dim; I feared if I did so I might give way, and be unable to carryout my resolution, and leave.
I was proud to carry my Prince in promenades, in festivals, and in Tiger hunting, which he taught me.
Thanks to me, Moukounj was now a little better off; he hired me out to carry heavy burthens, and himself to carry light ones; and the coarse vegetables he bought to feed me cost but very little.
The current continued to carry us on, and there was no way of landing on the other side, which presented only a straight wall, while on the side of our foes the shore was becoming less and less steep.
If, therefore, any of you care to mount up on my back, I will carry you to that Lake.
For this important enterprise Diaz was supplied with two small caravels of fifty tons each, accompanied by a still smaller vessel, or tender, to carry provisions.
She is at any rate wood," said the men, when Kane hesitated about giving them the extra burden, "and if we cannot carry her far we can burn her.
The Spaniards, seeing their damage, endeavoured to save themselves by flight and carry off their dead and wounded companions.
They nailed(4) the guns, and burnt as much as they could not carry away, burying the dead, and sending the wounded on board the fleet.
In taking up the consideration of some such instances we can only treat them briefly, as an exhaustive handling of this most interesting material would carry us too far away from our present subject.
Pregnant women will carry their confinements to a favorable termination.
Later the emperor Diocletian took energetic steps toward abating the mischief done by magical treatment of the sick, and the magicians were permitted to carry on such arts only so far as would not be detrimental to the health of the people.
I hope, my dear friend, you willcarry out your father's wish?
He wouldcarry her away and then sa pauvre mere would appear and he would marry her.
Trains of peasant carts came to Moscow to carry off to the villages what had been abandoned in the ruined houses and the streets.
The little princess got up, rang for the maid, and hurriedly and merrily began to devise and carry out a plan of how Princess Mary should be dressed.
His feverish state and the inflammation of his bowels, which were injured, were in the doctor's opinion sure to carry him off.
All right, immediately," he replied to a dresser who pointed Prince Andrew out to him, and he told them to carry him into the tent.
Within a week the peasants who came with empty carts to carry off plunder were stopped by the authorities and made to cart the corpses out of the town.
He could not carry it unnoticed in his belt or under his arm.
There are many laws but no one to carryout the old ones.
A beekeeper, seeing the bee collect pollen from flowers and carry it to the hive, says that it exists to gather honey.
We chatted on the subject of the flora and fauna of California in a perfectly blameless way till my train whistled, when he said, "I am going to carry those bags for you, if you will allow me!
Of course, there are people who carry it further than I do, and can't be quite happy except in their bathing-suits.
But still be seemed to carry weight, With leathern girdle braced; For all might see the bottle-necks Still dangling at his waist.
At home, Penny helped Mrs. Weems carry in the porch awning, remove the shutters and all loose objects which were likely to be torn free by the wind.
No one will be on the beach tonight, and our voices wouldn't carry a dozen yards.
Or even if the popular leaders had been more patient, and waited for their time, and been willing to carry out these reforms constitutionally, there would have been no revolution.
France raised a great army with a view of invading Germany, but was assassinated before he could carry his scheme into execution.
The people were bound to repair the roads without compensation, to grind their corn at the landlord's mill, bake their bread in his ovens, and carry their grapes to his wine-press.
It is she only who understands and can carry out his imperial policy.
He simply had not the moral energy to carry out the plans of that despotism to which he was devoted.
He made heavy contributions on these nobles, and also on the clergy,--for it takes money to carry on a war, and money he must have somehow.
He had the right to appoint any successor he pleased, and he would naturally select one who would carry out his plans and rule ably.