The penalty I have especially in mind is excommunication, or any other censure of the Church--what they call their lightnings and thunders.
He expressed his opinion, that the proper way to begin the business of the meeting was, to pass a vote of censure on the Board of Works and send it to the Lord Lieutenant.
On the 26th of the same month, at a Common Hall, the Livery of the City of London passed a strong vote of censureupon their Lord Mayor, John Atkins, "for his officious and intemperate conduct on the day of the Smithfield Meeting.
The interest of the people is that there should be full liberty of censureon every public officer, and on every public act or measure.
Every exact presentation of things received the censure of a government founded on a lie.
These glories may incur the censure of the slow and unambitious; but in the breast of energy they will awake emulation, and in those who must remain without them an envious regret.
Yet have I nothing but censure to speak; for better I know thee.
Though thou misjudgest mankind, yet can I not censure thee for it.
Neighbor," unto his words young Hermann with emphasis answered: "I can in no wise agree with thee here, and censure thy language.
I should be loath," he replied, "to censure an innocent instinct, Which to mankind by good mother Nature has always been given.
The boldness of the censure shows the free spirit of the author: And the subjects of England may justly congratulate to themselves, that both the nature of our government, and the clemency of our king, secure us from any such complaint.
Dryden alludes to the censure past on himself, where it is said, Five hundred verses in a morning writ.
My salvation lay in the future, which, now that my conscience was awakened, I would have only myself to censure if it did not become what I wished.
Above all things he must never do anything that the department or any superior officer could ever censure him for.
I may not breathe my censure What he might be: if what he might he is not, I would to heaven he were!
To you, Lord Governor, Remains the censure of this hellish villain, The time, the place, the torture.
David and Hezekiah submitted themselves to the censure of Gad and Isaiah; but Asa was wroth with Hanani and put him in prison, because the prophet had ventured to rebuke him.
No one, however, will censure Abijah for taking an unduly favourable view of his father's character.
It is also of consequence for me to know whether there is any chance of the samecensure being extended into Austria.
After what has been said, I am sorry to be obliged to censureany part of this Review of my Anecdotes.
If the reverse was the case, and the British form was less perfect, I ought to have escaped censure merely for my amor patriæ.
To comment upon and disapprove or censure the official acts of his subordinates is not only a privilege of the commanding general, but an obligation, for the maintenance of discipline and the morale of the army.
No censure can be attributed to General Scott for the delay, as it was impossible under the circumstances for him to have matured his plans earlier.
Soon after the decision of the court of inquiry exonerating him from blame or censure General Scott was tendered a public dinner in New York from leading members of both political parties.
The second includes forms of imprisonment, (presidio and prision), and arrest, public censure and suspension from the exercise of certain offices or callings.
Before an action, if our advice is required, it is ever faithfully tendered; but according to my rough wit, our censure after the field is fought would be more invidious than useful.
I desire you to print nothing against your conscience; only do not immediately censure everything that may not seem clear to you.
I shall only add, that I hope your lordship will inspect the lives of your other clergy, and censure them for being over-remiss, as much as you censure me for being over-righteous.
The commissary said, "They would proceed to censure him.
Some may censure me; but if I thus pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.
My object is honestly to exhibit Whitefield's principles, doctrines, and life, and to leave it to others to censure or commend.
Neither should you censure me as one that would lay aside reading.
Erskine appealed to the General Assembly; but the censure of the Synod was confirmed, and Erskine was appointed to be rebuked and admonished at the bar of the Assembly.
No censure upon you, or either of you, is intended.
Congress will see that I should be wanting equally in candor and in justice if I should leave the censure expressed in this resolution to rest exclusively or chiefly upon Mr. Cameron.
We should reserve our highest censure for the authors of the mischief, and not for the catspaws which they use.
In no case have I intended to censure you or to question your ability.
Make what pretence he would, he could not expect to escape the censureof an unstable fluctuating man.
Thus, while an envious little clique here has, in my absence, clandestinely thrown most uncandid censure upon me and my labors, a vista of honor is presented to my hopes from a higher source.
You lie under the severe censure of your Great Father, whose anger, like a dark cloud, rests upon you and your people.
During the night, however, our quarters were beat up, not indeed by the enemy, but by our brigadier, who was not sparing of his censure for our want of alertness in turning out.
It becomes not me to censure or criticise the measures of government, but I cannot help thinking that more favour was certainly due to the corps as a body.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "censure" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.