Is Chapel a legal description of the houses of religious meeting, which are used by those who dissent from the Church of England?
Perhaps he or some of your learned contributors may be able to remove a doubt that has arisen in my mind relative to the poet's well-known description of the Manciple in his Prologue to the Canterbury Tales.
So, to prevent this, the commodore had issued strict orders that no pets of any description were to be taken on board by any one.
I s'pose now," he said to Mick Donovan, whose queer descriptionof himself had already got wind through the ship.
Virgil's description of her death is one of the most beautiful passages in the AEneid.
The waters swarm with alligators, turtles, and almost every description of fish.
A perfect mirror for Milton's description of Sin and Death.
A Louisville newspaper reporter gave a very humorous description of an epidemic of this kind that prevailed in Mary Anderson's home city some time ago.
Rousseau has left a description of the Paris Opera House as he saw it and it will be found interesting to all who are acquainted with the methods and the absolute magnitude of the theatre of the present day.
Here is a description of the Waltonian library of the Reverend Dr Bethune.
In an article in 'Blackwood's Magazine' for August 1879, there occurs the following lively description of the impression made by the library on the mind of a visitor.
Douglas, Francis, anecdote told in his description of the east coast of Scotland, 9 note.
One of the best of these is a north-country anecdote preserved by Francis Douglas in his Description of the East Coast of Scotland.
The reader whose fortune it has been to pass a portion of his early days among venerable Scottish gentlewomen of the old school, will perhaps experience an uneasy consciousness of having encountered matter of this description before.
This is a long proemium to thedescription of his characteristics as a book-hunter--but these can be briefly told.
We have already seen how closely the scenes on some later Corinthian vases adhere to the description of Kypselos' chest.
For an admirable descriptionof the tombs of the Dipylon, see Ath.
He also gives some description of the tombs in which they were found, and the nature of their contents (see above, p.
At all events the word is convenient to adhere to for the description of this particular shape (Fig.
These names give a very accurate description of the forms, the one being like the opening calyx of a flower, the other like an inverted bell (Figs.
We begin our description of the vases of the Greeks with an account of the large vases of rough manufacture calculated to hold great quantities of wine, water, or food.
Museum Disneianum, being a descriptionof a collection of various ancient fictile vases in the possession of J.
The tombs of Southern and Central Italy were made upon the same plan, and the same descriptionapplies to both sites.
The correspondence of this scene with the description of the Kypselos chest[1057] is extraordinary; the latter might almost be a description of the vase.
It would be futile to attempt a detailed description of the finds at Ruvo,[273] which include such a large proportion of the magnificent Apulian vases covered with paintings of an elaborate nature.
In each case we are able to note a correspondence with the description of the pictures given by Pliny; in the last-named, also, with a picture described by Philostratos.
To give anything like a description of the vases found at Athens would be useless here, where so many classes are illustrated by the finds; it may, however, be worth while to note a few of the most typically Athenian groups of pottery.
They were--though I can scarcely hope that this description will be understood--at once perfectly vigilant and absolutely impassive.
But you have seen her," I went on, "and can tell me how far his description is true.
We are not here concerned with Gudea's elaborate description of the new temple, and of the sumptuous furniture, the sacred emblems, and the votive objects with which he enriched its numerous courts and shrines.
In fact, its ruins appear to rise abruptly from the bed of an inland sea, which no doubt at one time was connected directly with the Persian Gulf; hence the description of Eridu in cuneiform literature as standing "on the shore of the sea.
For a reproduction and description of the slate carving, see Legge, "Proc.
The cylinder-inscriptions especially are cast in the form of a picturesque narrative, adorned with striking similes and a wealth of detailed description such as are not found in the texts of any other period.
The description of the struggles of his mother, left after his father’s death with a large family, to support herself and her children, is more powerful than any thing of the kind we remember in romance.
There is a good chapter on Audubon, and the introductory paragraph of description is so striking that we cannot refrain from extracting it.
One week from that day, in the pleasant twilight, an antique family carriage, that had been splendid in its day, drew up before the gateway, and two individuals very much of the same description emerged from its cavernous interior.
The reason for this course is, that no description could be given of such structures without necessitating an account of orders, styles, and proportion, into which our subject does not strictly enter.
But in some soils of great tenacity there were nine different ploughings, as mentioned by the younger Pliny in the description of his villa and lands in Tuscany.
There is, however, a pervading tone of sadness in the book which weakens the impression due to its essential vigor of description and characterization.
It is generally well-written, but the story indicates an unpracticed hand in romance, and the transition from Addisonian description to Ainsworthian horrors, is abrupt and unnatural.
We will now give a short description of the general form and appearance of the Greek and Roman house.
An idea of mining processes can scarcely be better given than by a description of those used in the Attic silver mines at Laurium.
To her I related all that I knew of the outrage, with such description of the persons taking part in it as I had been able to gather.
From my description of the leader, she had no difficulty in identifying Pierre as the man.
This description of the portrait is most interesting; we can see the great abbot as Dom Millet paints him upon the glass which he himself devised, if he did not absolutely design it.
The description of the magnificent ceremony was extracted from a chronicle of the reign of Louis XIII.
Both Sauval and du Breul speak of the choir having been commenced in that year, and the latter's description of it is interesting as showing its original form.
I have quoted this long dissertation by Dibden because I do not think a better description of the church could be given; but the writer is wrong in some of his details.
Suppose by luck I was right; suppose the pup was booked for the Birmingham Dog Show; and suppose by a bit more luck a gent with a hamper answering description had been noticed getting out of the 5.
When Ivan grew stronger, his friends urged him to go and see the wonders of Paris, which the elder ladies vaunted to him, exerting all their powers of description to depict them in glowing colours.
But Ivan’s detailed description of his interview with Henri at Vilna arrested and held her with its absorbing interest.
The charm of a thoroughly unselfish character is displayed, and in one of an opposite description the idol Self is at last dethroned.
I have heard that upwards of one hundred different sorts of dates grow in the immediate neighbourhood of the town; the author of the description of Medina mentions one hundred and thirty.
Similar quarters for people of this description may be found in every town of Arabia.
I was not so fortunate as to resemble any of my free acquaintances sufficiently to answer the description of their papers.
Climate of Puerto Rico, with description of a West Indies hurricane.
Description of our voyage, by a pupil who has made an ocean voyage.
Moving still higher, eastward the mountains melt into the distant counties of Cork and Limerick, and beneath, the smaller highlands recall the Psalmist's description of "The hills like the lambs of the flock.
Two centuries ago they were described as paved over with stones, with wide openings between them for cattle to break their legs, and the modern description by Hon.
Description of Rootstocks--The rootstock of the true wild yam runs horizontally underneath the surface of the ground.
Description of Root--The dandelion has a large, thick and fleshy taproot, sometimes measuring 20 inches in length.
Description of Plant--The sword like leaves of the Sweet-Flag resemble those of other flags so much that before the plant is in flower it is difficult to recognize simply by the appearance of its leaves.
By comparing the description of Aletris with that of Chamaelirium, it will be seen that there is scarcely any resemblance.
Description of Root--Even the fresh root of this plant is very hard.
Description of Plant--This pretty perennial plant belongs to the geranium family (Geraniaceae) and will grow sometimes to a height of 2 feet, but more generally it is only about a foot in height.
Description of Rootstock--The following description of the drug as found in commerce is taken from the United States Pharmacopoeia: "Of varying length, 3 to 8 mm.
Description of Plant--Farmers are only too well acquainted with this coarse, unsightly weed.
Collectors of glass are chiefly concerned with the drinking-glasses which were produced in great profusion and adapted for every description of beverage.
Works of this description probably belong to the period when Egypt passed under Roman domination, as similar objects, though of inferior delicacy, appear to have been made in Rome.
John of Montecorvino, a missionary friar who visited India about 1292, gives a description of the plant, and refers to the fact of the root being dug up and transported.
Guicciardini in his description of the Netherlands, in 1563, mentions glass as among the chief articles of export to England.
The owners of emancipated slaves were entitled to receive compensation from parliament, because it was parliament that had established this description of property.
To this Glas added a description of the islands, a continuation of the history and an account of the manners, customs, trade, &c.
Author of Musical Instruments; A Description and History of the Pianoforte; &c.
He had there collected twenty-six relations or stories of the same description as that of the drum, in order to establish, by a series of facts, the opinion which he had expressed in his Philosophical Considerations.
The 4th tablet contains a description of the formidable Khumbaba, the guardian of the cedar forest.
But, as it was not her costume that he was to embrace in matrimony, we will omit a description of the creation she wore.
Picture the face of the usual heroine in fiction and then contrive to think of the most perfect antithesis, and you have Martha in your mind's eye much more clearly than through any description I could hope to present.
Of course all my readers know where the description of such a Word is to be found; but what I want them to realize is the way in which we have now reached a similar description of the Perfect Word.
This also corresponds with the description in Rev.
Word of God"; and that this name is the one put upon those who follow their Leader, is shown by the same description being given of the followers as of the Leader.
These names are taken from the description in I Kings vii, 21 and II Chron.
She knew by the title-page that it contained models for every description of letter--no doubt it would contain the precise thing that would suit the present occasion.
An attractive buoyancy of temperament is revealed in Henderson's description in his journal of a giant elm with tall straight trunk and even foliage that shaded a space of one hundred feet.
An intimate description of the daily life of the early settlers in the Back Country by one of themselves.
Among those who visited him in his last years, one has left this description of him: "Dissipation has sapped a constitution originally delicate and feeble.