If anything could, it would have been the drama; but no wailings were ever heard from beneath the masks of the stage like the wailings of Achtheia,--no jubilant song of the Chorus ever rose like the paean of Dionysiac triumph.
If Father Roland had known, he would have uttered a paean of joy.
Wapi and his Indians were going, and he heard now a weird and growing chant, a savage paeanto the wild gods of the Moulting Moon.
The paean was dying away in the direction of the forest.
Now we know that the paean was originally sung at the cessation of a plague, and after a victory, and generally, when any evil was averted, it was performed as a purification from the pollution.
The Delphians, missing the god, instituted a paean and song, ranged choruses of young men around the tripod, and invoked him to come from the Hyperboreans.
But both the hyporcheme and paean were first indebted for their systematic improvement to the Doric musicians, Xenodamus of Sparta, and Thaletas of Elyrus in Crete (about 620 B.
The paean of victory varied according to the different tribes; all Dorians, viz.
When the rites begin and a swelling paean is expected, there is much making of musical faces, but no real beginning.
The order passed to his own men was: "Wait till you are within sling-shot, and the shield rattles, then sound the paean and charge the enemy.
Thank you," he said simply, but his tone was better than a paean of praise.
Courtlandt stammered in honest embarrassment that he could not conscientiously voice a paean of praise of the beauty of the Carey heir.
Didst thou not start to hear Spain's thrilling paean From land to land re-echoed solemnly, Till silence became music?
For Wagner's music is the century's paean of material triumph.
And he broke out into an almost boyish paean in praise of golf.
It was not a paean nor a lament that she played, but a fluctuating, vibratory air, expressive of mutation.
Sunrise and sunset were not a paeanto day and night, but five o'clock A.
The South sang the paean of victory, achieved with an odds of a hundred to one in its favor, and the Southern heart was fired.
Then she spoke, in her glorious voice that rolled out rich and low, a very paean of triumph and of power.
Methinks the ocean eagle himself burst into a paean of praise!
Methinks the ocean eagle, a bird once inhabitating the shores of New England, but now extinct, himself burst into a paean of praise!
And his merry bosom swells With the paean of the bells!
Unless Phoebus Apollo should save him from death, or Paean himself who knows the remedies for all things.
But when you have put away craving for sweet food, come with me singing the hymn Ie Paean (Hail, Healer!
So the Cretans followed him to Pytho, marching in time as they chanted the Ie Paean after the manner of the Cretan paean-singers and of those in whose hearts the heavenly Muse has put sweet-voiced song.
The girl's heart lost a beat, then sang a paean of joy.
She did not know what it was, but her paean of prayer went up to heaven in a little rush of thanksgiving.
It is a paean of zest for life, of the intense joy in actual living which seems to be the dynamic of Mr Masefield's genius.
In some degree at any rate it is a paean of freedom: delighted liberty lives in it.
Book of Isaiah--a paean of spiritual exultation over the Jews' proximate deliverance from exile by the Persian King Cyrus.
There is another side to Uncle Tom's Cabin as surely as there is another side to Mr. Carnegie's paean of modern industrialism in his Triumphant Democracy.