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Example sentences for "acquaintance"

Lexicographically close words:
acoustical; acoustically; acoustics; acqua; acquaint; acquaintances; acquaintanceship; acquainted; acquainting; acquaints
  1. It was his one topic of conversation, and in time his friends and acquaintance came to regard the word "Hun" as a danger signal.

  2. Thus was Mr. Montagu Naylor of Streatham secured and conducted to the Tower, there eventually to make acquaintance with the miniature rifle-range.

  3. I am surprised myself, and I don't understand it, especially as the king asked me yesterday, laughing, whether I had yet made acquaintance with my neighbour?

  4. For the newcomer, the horseman whose acquaintance we made outside Mr. Samson's castle, was no other than King Matthias himself.

  5. But though his life had been a very busy one, and many fresh new interests had come into it, he had never forgotten the one pleasant acquaintance whom he had made in Mr. Samson's grim castle.

  6. She does not stay long on the beach, but before leaving, makes a slight acquaintance with the strangers, and evinces a curious desire to hear anything they may have to tell her about the great world.

  7. Few persons will be able to turn over the leaves of the pretty book before us, without a longing desire for a nearer acquaintance with the scenes which it depicts.

  8. My long acquaintance with Panhandle had schooled me to betray no astonishment at anything he might say.

  9. I have to confess that my acquaintance with Mr Jeremy has not been without a certain demoralising effect.

  10. During the whole of these proceedings I remained absolutely still, my acquaintance with the other world having taught me the wisdom of reticence.

  11. The other Plosive of my acquaintance kept a shop in a Canadian city; he was a French half-breed, and, as I have heard, a great rascal.

  12. From their point of view, men are a race of beings whose acquaintance is not worth cultivating.

  13. Well, well, let us hope that after a little longer acquaintance your opinion of me will improve.

  14. She has managed to make his acquaintance somehow, and I can see the fool is quite taken already with her airs and graces.

  15. Then I fear our acquaintance must date from to-day, Major, for I've been out there for about fifteen years, and have only just got back.

  16. Indeed, poor Mrs. Marsh had cause to know; she had already quite a bowing acquaintance with the shabby personality of the man in possession.

  17. Opportunity gave her acquaintance with Mr. Gray, author of History of Oregon, Rev.

  18. In spite of these obstacles my nostalgia made me make acquaintance with these monks under pretence of inspecting their Armenian types, which they were already casting.

  19. Her daughter had become a charming girl, and our acquaintance was renewed in the tenderest manner.

  20. I felt curious to know a woman of such a peculiar character, and longed for the end of the bull fight, little thinking in what trouble this new acquaintance would involve me.

  21. Returning to Venice after an absence of eighteen years, Casanova renewed his acquaintance with many old friends, among whom were: The Christine of the Memoirs.

  22. I said that I desired to obtain my pardon more than ever after reading his letter, which made me long to go to Venice, and make the acquaintance of such a worthy nobleman.

  23. I also made the acquaintance of Canon Pignatelli, a man of Italian origin.

  24. Irene Rinaldi, whom he met again at Padua in 1777, with her daughter who "had become a charming girl; and our acquaintance was renewed in the tenderest manner.

  25. I told him he could easily make their acquaintance by himself, and that I would neither make nor mar with him.

  26. You had better make her acquaintance and go and see her.

  27. I associated chiefly with the two Saxons and a charming Abbe Guliani, with whom I afterwards made a more intimate acquaintance at Rome.

  28. A few days after he had gone, I made the acquaintance of the fair Viscioletta, and fell so ardently in love with her that I had to make up my mind to buy her with hard cash.

  29. I was delighted to make the acquaintance of Campomanes and Olavides, men of intellect and of a stamp very rare in Spain.

  30. Victorian Education Gazette=: “The language is graphic and simple, and there is much evidence of careful work and acquaintance with original documents, which give the reader confidence in the accuracy of the details.

  31. What a splendid match such a girl as she is might have made but for this unfortunate acquaintance with the son of a schoolmaster!

  32. I had great pleasure in making the acquaintance of that lady," said Henry; "she spoke of persons and places connected with my father's early days which greatly interested me.

  33. There was nothing of romance in the commencement of the acquaintance which had arisen between young Halford and his daughter.

  34. Had these young people met at Oxford and formed an acquaintance fraught with disappointment to Mary and pain to herself in consequence of her husband's displeasure?

  35. The boy soon became very fond of playing with the little Fanny, then nine years younger than himself, and this childish acquaintance was kept up long after he had left school to be articled to a solicitor.

  36. For meeting with but few men in the world whose acquaintance I find much reason to covet, I make more than ordinary haste into the familiarity of a rational inquirer after and lover of truth, whenever I can light on any such.

  37. The acquaintance was made through David Thomas, an Oxford physician, and the occasion of it was Lord Ashley's coming to Oxford to drink the Astrop waters.

  38. The acquaintance between Locke and Newton, of whom Newton was the junior by more than ten years, most probably began before Locke's departure to Holland.

  39. But in justness of observation, incisiveness of language, and profound acquaintance with the workings of the human mind, there are many passages which will bear comparison with anything he has written.

  40. He seems to have been unobtrusively pursuing his studies, and gradually making the acquaintance of the great world and of public affairs through the facilities which his residence with Lord Ashley afforded him.

  41. The other friend, whose acquaintance had only been made during these later years, was Anthony Collins, who was not more than twenty-eight years of age when Locke died.

  42. Through Guenellon, whom he had met during his stay in Paris, he must have made the acquaintance of the principal literary and scientific men at that time residing in or near Amsterdam.

  43. And Nabin particularly wanted me to understand that he had no definite end in view when on diverse pretexts he sought and made the acquaintance of the widow's brother.

  44. From Zuerich, Bakunin returned a second time to Paris, and made the acquaintance of Proudhon.

  45. Alexander enjoyed personal acquaintance with President Polk, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Calhoun, and their fellow-statesmen in the United States.

  46. The following extracts from this interesting book tell much of Pinetti's life in Russia and of his professional history as tradition and actual acquaintance had presented it to M.

  47. They are all clever, lively, and active, much attached to the society of birds of their own species, though they do not often cultivate acquaintance with those belonging to a different family.

  48. The shyness it at first exhibited has quite disappeared, and it now greets its acquaintance with a cry of recognition.

  49. Yes, pray; we shall have had time to make acquaintance then.

  50. I think you had not made his acquaintance in town.

  51. Deronda felt that he was making acquaintance with something quite new to him in the form of womanhood.

  52. Her acquaintance with Grandcourt was such that no accomplishment suddenly revealed in him would have surprised her.

  53. Having just made the acquaintance of this personage, as an intimate and constant companion of Mr. Grandcourt's, Mrs. Davilow imagined it altogether desirable that her daughter also should make the acquaintance.

  54. You will not object to beginning our acquaintance by singing to me," he added, aware that they would all be relieved by getting rid of preliminaries.

  55. For that gratitude which would not let her pass by any notice of their acquaintance without insisting on the depth of her debt to him, took half its fervor from the keen comparison with what others had thought enough to render to her.

  56. The beginning of an acquaintance whether with persons or things is to get a definite outline for our ignorance.

  57. But Gwendolen did not make Deronda's acquaintance on this occasion.

  58. We shall understand the problem better if we can make some acquaintance with the daily life and environment of these converts of the better classes.

  59. Sidenote: Clement and the mysteries] At some time of his life Clement acquired a close acquaintance with pagan mythology and its cults.

  60. That this confession is a true one is shown by the scanty use he makes of Roman books in his biographies, by his want of acquaintance with Latin literature, poetry and philosophy, and by blunders in detail noted by his critics.

  61. A sense of indebtedness to the race that has given us Homer, Euripides and Plato leads us to treat all Greeks kindly--with more kindness than those critics show them whose acquaintance with them has been less in literature and more in life.

  62. Truly, it was more consoling to regard Beau Ripple, that inexplicable phenomenon, than try to gain the acquaintance of Mr. William Belladine who had once played an important part in his uncle's life.

  63. Chalkley, whose acquaintance with the literature of the day was remarkably small.

  64. Mr. Lovely having made the acquaintance of the Honourable George Harthe-Brusshe, by whom he had seated himself at the particular request of Mr. Ripple, discussed with animation the food on his plate and the last foppery of the town.

  65. His name was Walmas; he had been an Armenian merchant, and was an old acquaintance of Mohammed Ali and of Boghos, before they had either of them risen to their present importance.

  66. I was received with cheerful hospitality, and soon made the acquaintance of four monks, who amongst them spoke English, French, Italian, and German.

  67. It was lighted by a single lamp, of which the light fell so pale and dim upon the grey and gloomy walls, that it seemed as if the intention had been to give those who entered only a gradual acquaintance with the horrors of the place.

  68. That one," replied a voice, and the Zambo called Cassio Isidro stepped forward, and pointed to the old Indian whose acquaintance we have already made under the name of Tatli Ixtla.

  69. It is absurd to base an argument as to acquaintance with 1 Thessalonians on so common a word.

  70. And by knowledge is meant acquaintance with the nature and history of man, and with the nature and history of the universe.

  71. All that one can safely say is that the evidence for his acquaintance with the book does not approach to proof.

  72. It is often our own personal acquaintance with iniquity that makes us suppose that others must be like ourselves.

  73. Possibly, he desired, should they ever meet, that their acquaintance might commence afresh.

  74. We have already seen that the captain was desirous of social recognition, which he had not yet obtained beyond the superficial acquaintance acquired by association with men about town.

  75. The dust lay thick upon the window sills, and the water-cooler, from which he essayed to get a drink, was filled with stale water which had made no recent acquaintance with ice.

  76. My acquaintance with the red man is mostly of rather a vicarious character, somewhat similar to Mark Twain's pedestrian excursions.

  77. The writer has an intimate acquaintance with several horses who will start into action at hearing "Come on now," in a well-known voice.

  78. I have already scraped acquaintance with the cook, and he says we are to come at once.

  79. It is a question which the acquaintance brought her most, pain or pleasure.

  80. As he grasped the other's meaning, his face cleared and his hearty laugh carried to the house where Helen was making the acquaintance of the smaller Flynns.

  81. It was while in Riga that he made his first acquaintance with the story.

  82. But Wagner further says that he had made the acquaintance of Tannhaeuser in Tieck's narrative, which he now reread.

  83. The 'Flying Dutchman,' whose acquaintance I had made upon the ocean, had never ceased to fascinate my phantasy; I had also made the acquaintance of H.

  84. We then find that Wagner wrote in 1837 to his Leipsic friend Lewald, who had some acquaintance in Paris, telling him that he had in his mind the book of "Rienzi.

  85. It was of vital importance to Wagner to make the acquaintance of this great personage, and he did not think that the expense of a month's stay was too much to pay for the advantage.

  86. It was at this time that Wagner's acquaintance with the afterward famous pianist and conductor, Hans von Buelow, began.

  87. France, the nobility of Germany were brought into habitual acquaintance with the nobility of France, who at that time were cultivating Provencal poetry and song in the "gay science" of the Troubadour.

  88. On the homeward journey he tarried a while in Prague, where he made the acquaintance of Dionys Weber, director of the Conservatory.

  89. With this second subject he had already made some acquaintance in a tale of Hoffmann, and he now decided to read the mediaeval epic, "The Saengerkrieg.

  90. He had a considerable acquaintance with languages, and spoke French so well that when the French army under Napoleon occupied the city, he was appointed by Marshal Davoust to organise the police.

  91. The present writer does not believe that the dramatic influence of Wagner's music upon the auditor is dependent on the latter's full acquaintance with the terminology of the significant themes.

  92. This is often felt by schoolfellows, who, when they meet, after having been long separated, have a peculiar frankness and warmth of feeling towards each other, which is seldom produced by an acquaintance contracted in maturer years.

  93. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "acquaintance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    account; acquaintance; advocate; amigo; announcement; associate; backer; briefing; brother; bulletin; circle; communication; communique; confidant; connection; contact; data; datum; directory; dispatch; dope; enlightenment; evidence; experience; expertise; exposure; facts; familiar; familiarity; fellow; fellowman; friend; goods; guidebook; info; information; instruction; intelligence; intimacy; intimate; introduction; ken; know; knowledge; light; lover; mate; mention; message; neighbor; notice; notification; partisan; pickup; presentation; proof; publication; publicity; release; report; repository; scoop; sidelight; statement; supporter; sympathizer; technics; technique; transmission; word