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Example sentences for "publicity"

Lexicographically close words:
publice; publici; publicis; publicist; publicists; publicize; publicized; publick; publicke; publickly
  1. The clergyman very properly laid the matter before the Lord Mayor, who, with equal propriety, stamped the attempt as the device of a swindler, against which publicity in the newspapers was the best precaution.

  2. I was struck the other day by an account of an application made to the Lord Mayor of London by a country clergyman, to give, as a warning to others, publicity to a letter he had just received from the East.

  3. This document, and the prompt personal visit of the two men, and above all, the known identity of the Franciscan, satisfied Heathcote as fully as anything short of complete publicity could have done.

  4. She never addressed her husband in the publicity of domestic life without this prefix; to her children she spoke of him as "your pa"; to all others as "the Colonel.

  5. And you think you can enter into such publicity without protection?

  6. Thus, as has just been shown, the gradual breaking of the restrictions on footage has resulted in proper screen-publicity being given to the cast.

  7. He has therefore--since he desired mainly to give publicity to the unfamiliar--left Milton and Herrick out altogether and excluded some of the best-known poems of their nearest rivals.

  8. For many months the street-walls of Paris had been employed by both sides in the great controversies of the day, for the purpose of giving publicity to their views.

  9. In fact, the whole question of publicity is settled to the fullest extent; at least every man must be silent who acquiesces in the concert, the drama, or the opera.

  10. I was often told by fashionable women that one great objection to the woman's rights movement was the publicity of the conventions; the immodesty of speaking from a platform; and the trial of seeing one's name in the papers.

  11. Perhaps we owe an apology for having given publicity to the mass of corruption, heresies, ridiculous nonsense, and reeking vulgarities which these bad women have vomited forth for the past three days.

  12. He well knew that a press scandal is a nine-day fever, but a menaced publicity is a chronic malady that may go on for years.

  13. And certainly he smiled as he thought of these, and rather maliciously bethought him of the truculent importunity that menaced him with some form of publicity in the more insolent appeal to some Minister at home.

  14. The Banner copies the paragraph, and adds, "We give all the publicity in our power to a statement which, from our personal knowledge, we can declare to be true.

  15. They are the very stuff that, in your country of publicity and free discussion, would make or mar the very best reputations amongst you.

  16. But how face the publicity of restoring it now, after this elaborate and painful search, in which even the son of her hostess had taken part?

  17. Amazed, not as others were, at the assertion itself, but at the manner and publicity of the utterance, I contemplated this surprising girl in ever-increasing wonder.

  18. Having given publicity to the two preceding valuable receipts, we must be pardoned for adding our own views upon this point, as a caution to those who may not feel sufficient faith in the remedies above mentioned.

  19. She promised everything, even to giving up her gambling games, if he would but refrain from the publicity of the cause of Billie's death and the subsequent separation.

  20. I've always heard that discreet publicity is the finest kind of advertising," Eleanor declared.

  21. Madam Wellington's school prospered splendidly from the publicity given it in the papers directly after the fire.

  22. But if they had been done on other fields they would have won wide publicity and many decorations.

  23. All through these official reports from the Mounted Police officers and men, we find statements and suggestions that might have influenced the progress of the country greatly had they been given wider publicity throughout the years.

  24. What was it then that with such deliberation and such publicity He meant to proclaim?

  25. What publicity are you in dread of, please?

  26. Private as they were, however, sufficient publicity was given to them to create an alarm among a class of people possessing all the primitive qualities, as well as virtues, of their great founder.

  27. What kind of publicity stunt is this, anyway?

  28. I'm always in favor of all the publicity that can be had in cases of rascality, and this looks to me like something more than a mere hazing.

  29. A cynic might suggest that older persons feel the wisdom of preventing the possibility of too much reflection, or that they give all publicity to the engagement as a means of lessening the chances of any failure of contract.

  30. In view of the publicity given to his decision it would have been futile to have attempted to dissuade him from his purpose.

  31. The time has come when a frank account of our differences can be given publicity without a charge being made of disloyalty to the Administration in power.

  32. Publication of treaties in Lansing's plan in Treaty Publicity as basis of Lansing's plan See also Secret diplomacy.

  33. Letters of which Pope had the originals, and Swift no copies, must plainly have owed their publicity to Pope.

  34. One remarkable characteristic of Gordon was the persistent way in which he avoided publicity of any sort, evading every effort to bring him forward.

  35. It would be difficult to enumerate all the instances of this to which publicity has been given, but a few cases may suffice.

  36. Gordon, has given publicity to this latter as the reason, but as a matter of fact it is not the correct one, and there is no use handing down false reports to posterity.

  37. One method of securing this publicity is by naming the device or method after its inventor.

  38. The incentive in all three cases is not only more pay and a chance for promotion, but also the opportunity to win appreciation and publicity for successful performance.

  39. What would it be if the whole thing came to publicity in the courts, and he was made the butt of unjust insinuations by some unscrupulous barrister, or the object of the lofty, moral indignation of the bench!

  40. Would that, like the Muezzins of Islam, they might climb the minarets of publicity and fame, only to call the world to praise and prayer!

  41. I assure you that I will, but even when I do, you see what a position the least publicity places me in?

  42. Screaming children swarmed naked and entirely unconcerned upon every landing, and out on the verandas that gave publicity to the way of life in the native quarter.

  43. Miss Grant seems to dread publicity of any kind.

  44. There was bound to be publicity now, for the newspapers' help would have to be enlisted in the search for the missing orphan.

  45. The House, by the time Paulina came to live in it, had already acquired the publicity of a place of worship; not the perfumed chapel of a romantic idolatry but the cold clean empty meeting-house of ethical enthusiasms.

  46. THE ANGEL AT THE GRAVE The House stood a few yards back from the elm-shaded village street, in that semi-publicity sometimes cited as a democratic protest against old-world standards of domestic exclusiveness.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "publicity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acclaim; account; acquaintance; advertisement; announcement; attention; ballyhoo; briefing; bulletin; celebrity; character; communication; communique; cry; currency; data; datum; daylight; directory; dispatch; dope; eclat; enlightenment; evidence; exposure; facts; fame; figure; glare; glory; goods; guidebook; info; instruction; intelligence; know; knowledge; kudos; light; limelight; literature; mention; message; name; notice; notification; notoriety; plug; popularity; presentation; promotion; proof; publication; publicity; puff; recognition; release; renown; report; reputation; scoop; sidelight; spotlight; statement; transmission; vogue; word