Soemmering writes on the 10th of November: "I have the honor to remit to you herewith a memoir which, conjointly with the trifles that you have had the goodness to charge yourself with, will explain my meaning clearly and briefly.
Has my succinct memoir on the telegraph, sent from here on the 12th of November, reached you, sir, and have you had the goodness to communicate it to the Institute?
Polli, whose labours on this subject are so well known, published in 1872 a very interesting memoir upon cremation.
A memoir written by Legrand d'Aussy,[146] in the year V.
In September 23 a summary of this third memoir was received by Encke at Berlin, accompanied by the request that he would cooperate instrumentally in the search for it.
Airy on receiving a copy of Le Verrier's memoir seems so far, at last, to have been roused that he took the trouble to compare Le Verrier's conclusions with those of Adams so long in his possession neglected.
In August 1846, Le Verrier published a third memoirintended to develope information respecting the probable position of the planet in the heavens.
In a second memoir Herschel followed up this inquiry with an acuteness worthy of his genius.
Innes's Memoir of Dalzel in Dalzel's History of University of Edinburgh, i.
A volume of photographs from his water-colours and sketches, with a memoir by J.
In the book, however, the first place is occupied by a contribution whose value will be disputed by none, namely, the Memoir of the author, the greatest historian of the Jews.
In 1817 he published an edition of Cowper, with an elegant memoir of the poet's life.
A memoir of this estimable individual, chiefly from materials found in his Diary, has been published by the London Tract Society.
The "Posthumous Poetical Works" of James Affleck, tailor in Biggar, with a memoir of his life by his son, were published at Edinburgh in 1836.
His "Poetical Remains," with a memoir from the pen of the poet Vedder, were published a few months after his decease.
The present memoir is condensed from a well written biographical sketch of Webster, obligingly prepared for our use by Mr Charles Fleming, of Paisley.
His poetical works, with a memoir by Mr Leitch Ritchie, have been published by Mr Moxon for the benefit of his widow.
Immediately on the death of Sir Walter Scott, Vedder published a memoir of that illustrious person, which commanded a ready and wide circulation.
An excellent edition of his poetical works, with a memoirby Dr M'Conechy, was published after his death by Mr David Robertson of Glasgow.
In 1823 he composed a memoir of Goldsmith for an edition of the "Vicar of Wakefield," which was published in Edinburgh.
Of his ancestry, some account has been given in the memoir of his elder brother Thomas.
I must desire you not to let the perusal of the following memoir make you forget the postscript of the above letter, for in the sequel you will find it of some importance.
We then talked of his memoir and the Spanish negotiation.
Rayneval's Memoir respecting the Right of the United States to the Navigation of the Mississippi.
As both the letter and memoir were ostensibly written by him in a private character, it did not appear to me expedient or necessary to enter into any formal discussions with him on those subjects.
My ideas correspond exactly with yours respecting the propriety of presenting such a memoiras you propose.
The plan met no encouragement, and nothing was published but a single folio volume of letters to and from Kepler, which seem to have furnished the principal materials for the memoir prefixed to them.
Another original memoir by Niccolo Gherardini, was published by Tozzetti.
An approved Latin memoir by Brenna is in the first volume of Fabroni's Vitae Italorum Illustrium; he has however fallen into several errors: this same work contains the lives of several of his principal followers.
Such a memoir would have formed a curious contrast with that of the late M.
The former died in 1770, leaving the subject of this memoir the wealthiest commoner in England.
George Owen Cambridge, second son of Richard Owen Cambridge, whose works he edited, and whose memoir he wrote.
Illustrated edition, with Memoir of the Author, and additional Notes, principally referring to Christianity.
Gold cannot buy anymemoir of his life in the Tyrol.
I think you might write a memoir on fresh-water productions.
I am bringing out a heavy memoir on elephants--an omnium gatherum affair, with observations on the fossil and recent species.
Last year he sent to me a memoir on this subject, with a request that I would forward it to Sir Charles Lyell, who sent it to the Linnean Society, and it is published in the third volume of the Journal of that Society.
When shall I see a memoir on Insular floras, and on the Pacific?
There is wonderful ill logic in his famous and admirable memoir on distribution, as it appears to me, now that I have got it up so as to give the heads in a page.
An introductory lecture delivered in March 1848 at the first meeting of a Society "for giving instructions to the working classes in Ipswich in various branches of science, and more especially in natural history" ("Memoir of the Rev.
The memoir of the last-named, published in the Journal de l'Ecole royale polytechnique for 1847 (xviii.
The only remaining volume was to have contained a memoir of Stewart, but this he did not live to write.
With Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir by Wm.
With Notes Critical and Explanatory and a Biographical Memoir by William Gifford.
It was also probably Chalmers that drew the attention of the writer of the Memoir of Barclay in the Lives of the Scottish Poets (1822), to the possibility of there being also in the Dialogue notice of that poet.
Life, by Woodberry; by Cabot (Memoir of Emerson, 2 vols.
Mr. Frothingham in his excellentmemoir speaks of Wasson as a self-consuming nature.
He received better justice from Mr. Frothingham, who has published an excellent memoir of his life and work together with a number of his essays,--a handsome volume well bound and printed.
Memoir and Letters of Charles Sumner, with Portraits, 2 vols.
Ilmenau, 1827) is founded on a memoir (Der Oberst C.
An account of Mas'udi's works is to be found in de Sacy's memoir and in Goeje's preface to his edition of the Tanbih, and of the works extant in C.
See memoir by Thomas Martyn in Memoirs of John Martyn and Thomas Martyn, by G.