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Example sentences for "ballyhoo"

Lexicographically close words:
ballotings; ballots; ballroom; balls; bally; balm; balms; balmy; balneum; bals
  1. Tug Cardiff, the behemoth shot-putter, through a huge megaphone imitated a Ballyhoo Bill, and roared his absurd announcement to the hilarious crowd of collegians in the stand.

  2. This time, however, it was not big Tug Cardiff, imitating a Ballyhoo Bill, and inciting the Bannister youths to hilarity at the expense of the sunny-souled T.

  3. If she would do the ballyhoo for a Kid Show, she would pack 'em in to bust down the sidewalls.

  4. It happened to be the one which you just saw working on the ballyhoo over there, which you noticed was the ordinary slate color.

  5. The snake man instead of getting back on the ballyhoo where he belonged, stood around the snake cage, watching the new rattlers, and along came a couple of gazabos who commenced talking about them.

  6. With a bait like a ballyhoo or a shiner I could get ten bites to one with mullet.

  7. The ballyhoo is the main feed of these fishes, and it is indeed a queer little fish.

  8. I was using a ballyhoo bait hooked by a small hook through the lips, with a second and larger hook buried in the body.

  9. While employed in this duty, Ballyhoo cast frequent looks in the direction of Captain Shirril's home.

  10. It looked as if Ballyhoo and Avon must be trampled to death, for they were directly in front of the rushing herd, but they swung their arms, holding each his rifle aloft, and shouted loud enough to be heard miles distant.

  11. Ballyhoo Gleeson was the only cowboy that had remained behind with Captain Shirril.

  12. Ballyhoo had removed the saddle and bridle, which lay in the corner where Avon's had awaited him.

  13. Even the warrior who had run him so hard, only to succumb to the rifle of Ballyhoo Gleeson, would not be forgotten by his former comrades.

  14. But now Captain Shirril and Ballyhoo Gleeson sat before the fire, that was burning brightly, smoking their pipes, and talking as though the occurrence was of the most ordinary nature.

  15. There was little prospect of success, until Ballyhoo and Avon added their efforts, when matters assumed a better shape.

  16. It was arranged that he should assume his place in helping to watch the herd, Ballyhoo Gleeson being one of those sharing the duty with him.

  17. It struck the youth as strange that Ballyhoo should stop after starting for the dwelling.

  18. Madstone explained that they were the ones that took fright earlier in the evening, and were on a dead run, when Ballyhoo shot down the Comanche that was pursuing Avon Burnet.

  19. Well, you fall for the ballyhoo and come over to have your fling--and then you find that Paris is largely bunk.

  20. Unc' Fletch didn't dare leave ther tree alone, so he tied a note ter Ballyhoo an' sent him back ter ther village fer a carpenter.

  21. Pretty soon Ballyhoo scents another coon, an', by jing, it leads them ter ther same sycamore.

  22. Unc' Fletch trails along, an' Ballyhoo stops at a big sycamore tree.

  23. While this is goin' on Ballyhoo is makin' a terrible fuss, an' jest tryin' ter tear ther tree down with his claws.

  24. I was just ready to ballyhoo the last performance of the 'girlie' show when Nita come slouching up to me, pulling a long face and a song-and-dance about being knocked out with the heat.

  25. Monday, with its bustle and confusion and ballyhoo and inevitable performances, lay ahead.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ballyhoo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.