The acclaim with which the Southern literature has been received is partly due to its novelty, the new life it exhibited, but more to the recognition in it of a fresh flavor, a literary quality distinctly original and of permanent importance.
In the ante-chapel, where she graciously received petitions, there was an acclaim of "Long live Queen Elizabeth!
The novelty of his style, together with the lateness of his acclaim (of which it was the probable cause), have marked him as more modern than others who were born long after him.
A] They roused the first acclaim when presented in the more popular form of the music-drama.
As the lowest is reached, there comes a spring of freedom in the pulsing figures, like the winging of a spirit, and a final acclaim in a brief line of the legend.
In gentle ascent we are wafted to the acclaim of heavenly (treble) voices in the Magnificat.
All Rome rushed to the Capitol and burst into ecstaticacclaim as the Italian tri-color was flung out to the breezes from the palace.
Cavour might have consented to the popular acclaim for Garibaldi, or have compelled the appointment of one of his own party.
Before the Carthaginian Senate hears the Romans, Saguntum will be ours, and the Carthaginians will acclaim our triumph.
If some day I enter as a conqueror that city where my thought continually dwells, the populace shall acclaim me, seeing me climb to the Capitol to offer thanks to their gods.
After a brief stay at Milan and Turin, where he was received as the liberator of Italy, the First Consul crossed the Alps by the Mont Cenis pass and was received with rapturous acclaim at Lyons and Paris.
On entering Milan he was greeted with wild acclaim by the partisans of France (June 2nd); they extolled the energy and foresight that brought two armies, as it were down from the clouds, to confound their oppressors.
But the fate of Venice was almost forgotten amidst the jubilant acclaim which greeted the conqueror of Italy on his arrival at Paris.
At any rate, without occasionally withholding open criticism or acclaim Lowell waited among his books for the wounds of the war to heal themselves, and the nation to begin her healthfuller and nobler life.
And the wolf and the fox and the owl, and the great beasts and the small, lift up their voices to acclaim Wohoon.
The Romans were as quick to appreciate form in fighting as we moderns are to applaud our best bail players; they recognized pre-eminence in the swordman's art, as we acclaim the skill of a crack baseball pitcher or cricket bowler.
From house-door to house-door the streets were packed with crowds eager to see her pass and loud to acclaim her.
Louder, if possible did they acclaimhis calm and adequate strategy against his eighth antagonist.
Of all the volumes that have been written on the Restoration no light has ever been shed so clearly on the character of the times as the fact that Protestant England could hail with acclaim a king's mistress as its champion.
Thus perished good King Oswald, King and Saint; Saint by acclaim of nations canonised Ere yet the Church had spoken.
It rises in anacclaim the like of which has never been heard before.
Then in the front the saint was placed, The King came next in joyous haste, And with him entered his abode, 'Mid glad acclaim as on they rode.
After a scene of bitter recrimination he kills her, while the shouts of the people inside the arena acclaim the triumph of Escamillo.
Tamdóka first reaches the post, and his are the knife and the blanket, By the mighty acclaim of the host and award of the chief and the judges.
I would rejoice to acclaim the era of the Golden Rule and crown it with the autocracy of service.
I would like to acclaim an era of good feeling amid dependable prosperity and all the blessings which attend.
In this mood, the first acclaim of the rapid growth of the pioneer towns of the far Northwest reached him.
This preoccupation with the main issue, in getting beneficial results was one thing that made him glad to acclaim and use the gifts of other men.
It would be grossly unfair not to accord full measure of acclaim to Governor Taft for the way he worked out the problem of the Friar Lands.
Mankind will always yield due acclaim to men who, in great emergencies, see the essentials of a given situation, and at once proceed to get the thing done that ought to be done.
This was scant said but all cried with one acclaim nay, by our Virgin Mother, the wife should live and the babe to die.
All desire to see you bring forth the work you meditate, to acclaim you Stephaneforos.
Meanwhile most European critics (who acclaim such unequal writers as Cooper and Poe, Whitman and Mark Twain) either leave Hawthorne unread or else wonder what Americans find in him to stir their enthusiasm.
So it happens that in a desperately fought game on the diamond, or the football field, the mass of spectators will swing from loud acclaim to utter silence as if by magic.
Those shouts of acclaim had acted like magic to arouse them.
To-day we acclaim him as the heroic and devoted priest of a new and yet old altar to Art, the flame of which has been kept burning since his time by Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelites, and Mr. G.
And for which, we may add, posterity also has good reason to laud and acclaim Mr. Butts.
Amesville burst into joyful acclaim and on the bench Mr. George, with a pleased smile and a satisfied sigh, leaned back again.
The ball struck in front of the baseman and bounded away from him, and amidst wild acclaim Amesville scored her first run.
For the central panel Puvis de Chavannes chose a theme already treated twice by him: The inspiring Muses acclaim Genius, Messenger of Light.